What should I go with Sup Forums? I know that Apple is supposed to be sleeker, easy to use, etc...

What should I go with Sup Forums? I know that Apple is supposed to be sleeker, easy to use, etc. But I'm more concerned with gaming and I heard Apple isn't compatible with a lot of stuff.

>inb4 linux

I uave no idea how to use linux and I don't really have time to learn.

Get Windows 7, 8, or 8.1. 10 is a piece of shit and will still be a peice of shit for life.

Apple is a version of nix

It's also retarded how little control you actually have. However, most cucks, like OP, like 17" pieces of plastic with popular logos on it up the ass for 2x the price.

Op here, just curious on what I should get. By no means have I decided.

Virtualize. Then decide.

OP is a huge fag.

apple computers are hella nice, i love them. they're aesthetic as fuck (which is important to me, maybe not you) and the OS is nice and sleek.

they're also overpriced to shit, and apple is a cunt with compatibility over multiple platforms. they really make your life a living hell if you need it to any other device or services which aren't also apple. that's why i personally hate apple, i got fed up with their bullshit long ago. that along with the fact that i kept running into applications i wanted/needed which weren't OSX compatible and that got tiring as well.

if none of those things bother you, by all means go with apple. theyre great computers if you get what you need out of them

>Implying that Linux is difficult to use
>Paying for pleb software

Apple is generally useless.

Ex cuck detected

What do you need out of an apple that you can't get out of pc besides apple services?

Apple products are nice but come with a premium. OSX, like other Apple software requires that you use Apple as a middle man for pretty much everything.

If you get a good deal on a mac, go for it but then install Windows for much greater mainstream software compatibility. If you already bought a mac, install Windows on it.

Windows 10 isn't turrable btw, just requires some tweaking to secure it in it's default state. Go with Win7 if you're worried about driver support and general compatibility. It's been out much longer than Win10 and is thus more stable and thoroughly tested/supported.. just keep in mind that Microsoft is going to leave it in the dust rather quickly here.

nothing, that's my point.

but if you can get everything you need from a mac just fine, i would recommend it over a pc. i think they're just nicer computers, at the cost of not being able to do some things. but a lot of people don't need those things, like people who just use laptops as facebook/email/netflix/homework machines

apple for long term and other things like work, windows for gaming

How bout having everything in it built with no hope of replacing any parts?

At least on a normal laptop I can up the ram, change the hdd, change the Wi-Fi card..

Once fucked an Apple. Turned out to be Jobs' head. Still had to pay triple. Unix life, fuck everything else. You are all hipsters, suckling the teat of modern consumerism.


And did this fuck just say a laptop? A bloody laptop, for gaming. Man I knew I should have aborted you.

Only problem about Linux is u need to know what you're doing.

Nothing is simple there.

Windows is full of exploits but semi usable.

Apple is useless unless you use office. But then I may as well use an blackberry.

>implying 8.1 is better than 10

Can be done but expensive and won't last long

right, so if you want to do that then get a pc. i never said i liked apple, i think they're moneyguzzling cunts who take advantage of their users. but their products are nice. so if you don't mind getting fucked in the ass a little here and there but your needs out of a computer aren't that big, get a mac

Dos 6.22 ftw brah

Since u mentioned gaming then windows without a doubt. Mac has far smaller library and the games tend to not be as well optimised as windows

Obviously you don't know what a laptop is.

Look at tough books.

Laptops shouldn't be tablets. Ironically it was Microsoft that tries to turn all PC's into tablets.