Will you be making the upgrade to 4K UHD Blu-rays, Sup Forums?
Will you be making the upgrade to 4K UHD Blu-rays, Sup Forums?
>falling for the 4K meme
You might as well let a nigger fuck your wife
1080p is literally the perfect resolution.
everything above it is overkill.
Are 4K Blurays ever going to be decoded or what
the human eye can't see more than 720p per second
>buying physical media
Why haven't you been filling hard drives with movies for the past 10 years?
>being this poor
I don't even have a 4K tv.
If I did I'd only be buying it for new releases, at a 4K resolution with older films all you're doing is bringing out more of the flaws than added clarity
>we'll now get 4K Bluray torrents
Please be a thing
Beyond a certain point you probably don't need to see everything in ultra high def.
It's alright for modern stuff made for it and has its place (nature documentaries are lovely in 4k no debate there) but honestly I've had some disappointing experiences watching older films in this definition.
Costumes suddenly look cheaper, It becomes easier to pick out real locations from sound stages and sets. Special effects can be ruined by it too.
>being blind and poor
no,who the hell actually buys blu rays anymore? I bought a player years ago and then like 1 year into it's life it stopped being able to play new blu rays because they changed the fucking keys or whatever because "muh piracy" checked sony's website and there was no software update for my model, so fuck 'em I'm pirating everything
Already have a 4k tv and 4k player.
The biggest difference isn't the resolution, it's the high dynamic range and color. You really have to see it to understand the difference.
Yeah I saw the techmoan video as well.
Enjoy your hard drives failing.
i'll be, in the next 3-8 years.
>not having backups
>being this shortsighted
read the text
i have seen both copies...world of difference as the tech catches up
wait for 4k
Stay moist cacate.
i can't afford it
also, i'm pretty sure most of the movies being released in "4k" are mastered in 2k
The only good movies were made prior to the digital film era.
Back then what you saw in a theater was generally a copy of a copy of a film master. Resolution tests have shown that ultimately 35mm seen in a typical theater had a 720p range quality picture.
So 1080p is fine for everything that matters in film.
If you want to see modern shit in 4k however knock yourself out.
Eventually, not right now though.
>who the hell actually buys blu rays anymore?
People who actually like visual quality. All your shit torrented reencodes and Netflix are upscaled DVD tier.
>also, i'm pretty sure most of the movies being released in "4k" are mastered in 2k
And it's not like we have resource sites that list the mastering and intermediary quality used in every major film.
Oh wait, there's plenty of those because studios list this shit as part of spec certification.
>Resolution tests have shown that ultimately 35mm seen in a typical theater had a 720p range quality picture.
Tests carried out by your colon, and published by your ass?
If there are torrents of them then yes
user. I know you graduated at the top of your class and enjoy a highly successful well paying job and life, but the facts are 35mm film release prints shown in theaters are sub 1080p visual quality and usually in the 720p quality range.
Digital cinema is a different thing entirely and is not subject to the the large shift in quality from generational loss that analog film has.
Imagine the YIFYfag denial when the release 2GB 4k.
>4k blu Ray
Why ? In theaters it is mostly 2k screenings
Ghostbusters was one of the first 4k releases, so I at least don't have to buy that one again.