Hulu Orders Neanderthal Drama Pilot Breaking News_2016-05-05 13:30:00_lgoldberg&utm_term=hollywoodreporter_breakingnews
MAY 05, 2016

Hulu Orders Neanderthal Drama Pilot From 'Without a Trace' Creator

Hank Steinberg and 'Black Hawk Down's' Ken Nolan will oversee 'Dawn,' from MGM TV.

Hulu is ready to turn its lens on prehistoric times.

The streaming service has handed out a pilot order to Dawn, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

The project, from Without a Trace creator Hank Steinberg and Black Hawk Down's Ken Nolan, is described as an epic drama set in prehistoric times. It follows a tribe of Neanderthals as they struggle to survive and hold on to their own way of life after coming into contact with a family of Homo Sapiens. At the intersection of evolution and genocide, Dawn asks the fundamental question: What does it mean to be human?

A co-production between MGM and Hulu, Steinberg and Nolan created the drama and will executive produce. Robert Stromberg (Maleficent, Avatar, Alice in Wonderland) will direct the pilot. Production is scheduled to begin Monday in Ireland. The potential series will be made up of an international cast, withFola Evans Akingbola, Temuera Morrison, Carl Shaaban and Matthew Hopkinsonin final negotiations to star.

Looks like they’re going to cast Black people (and Boba Fett, a Maori) as the Neanderthals, when Africans are the only race that does not carry Neanderthal DNA.

Can’t find a pic for Matthew Hopkinson (too many hits) but I’m guessing he’ll be the evil White Homo Sapien who oppresses them…


There's already a Neanderthal Drama, it's called the presidential elections.
(laugh track)

Have some goddamn respect for our cherished democratic institutions you pinko.

hahaHA Drumpf amirite XD


what a hearty chuckle good sir!

>Black Neanderthals
Wait a minute....

This could actually be very compelling. I hope they're brave enough to not have english dialogue though. Probably should be almost no dialogue and no subtitles.




>make a show literally about white people's weird short ancestors
>cast lanky black people
Do they just hear it's set in the past and think "NIGGERS"


Will the series conclude with african homo sapiens invading neanderthal lands and participating in genocide, then cut to modern day europe?

>Hank Steinberg

Light skin in Europeans is a recent evolution, much later than Neanderthal admixture

Anyone have the /new/ comic of this?

Neanderthals were hunted and killed off by light-skinned European homo-sapiens.
White people "evolved" from blacks and whites by interbreeding with neanderthals also.
Hence the various hair and eye colors that we see today.
Whites are the only race that actually has more than one hair and eye color.

Pretty sure he was concerned about them casting the Neanderthals as black.

Hey nigger maybe the neanderthals' light skin just wasn't inherited by their quadroon babies.

>mfw firefox doesn't recognize quadroon as a real word

so progressive

>Whites are the only race that actually has more than one hair and eye color.

Exception that proves the rules fagget. There were some isolated mestizo tribes that also had fair colored hair in the peruvian mountains. Mostly they all had black hair though.

Hey nigger maybe you should post some evidence to back up your claim instead of going WE WUZ NEANDERTHALS N SHIEEET

who here /neanderthal/


They were redskinned, PROTO CAUCASIANS are youger than white phenotypes.

But yeah, neither cros nor neands were black looking, the only black migration into europe was in spain and french costal regions and failed really hard and got destroyed by the neans

But we wuz. Are you denying that we wuz neanderthals and shiyet now?

Did you even read this thread? The actors cast are all mixed race brown people.

>Exception that proves the rules fagget
Do you even understand what that phrase means?

>guy says only whites have a variety of hair phenotypes
>you immediately pull out an australnesian babby

Yeah I think I do.

>killed off by light-skinned European homo-sapiens.
Yeah, the small group of Africans who migrated to Europe instantly got their skin bleached

Isn't this from like one tribe of melanesians with extremely rare recessive genes for hair and eye color? Europeans have a much higher level of variation in those.

>and no subtitles.
Why no subtitles? Neanderthals most likely had language.

they'll have language and talk in vaguely english accents for no reason. also they won't be naked.

So basically The Wire?

Guess what, red and brown straight hair is also found in Melanesians and abos

It's found in Melanesians, Papuans and abos


remember goys whites are bad and blacks had space ships before the evil whites stole the technology

And they have denisovan ancestry. Checkmate atheist

Not really. Ten bucks say you'll see gay couples, strong independet women who lead tribes, and memes

Were Denisovans the original Aryans?

>Yeah, the small group of Africans who migrated to Europe instantly got their skin bleached

>from africa

Are you retarded? the african waves failed and got desteroyed, it was the proto-capoid migration into asia that eventually diverged into proto mongoloid and proto caucasoid the ones that FROM ASIAN invaded Europe, They were not white yet, but they were not BLACK skinned.

If you need to know the migration wave that crated the proto-australoid was an early migration, that mixed with the denisovans and the homo homo floresiensis

>tfw there would never be a good adaptation of Clan of the Cave Bear

Let me guess. Reddit, tumblr and SJWs will find a reason to call this "racist" or "problematic" aka mental illness buzzword of the month.

>that FROM ASIAN invaded Europe,
Wait, were you thinking that I thought Africans got on boats and crossed the Mediterranean? Of course they came to Europe through Asia, how else is it possible?

>but they were not BLACK skinned.
Who's saying they were?

>White people "evolved" from blacks and whites by interbreeding with neanderthals also.
>Hence the various hair and eye colors that we see today.
>Whites are the only race that actually has more than one hair and eye color.

You are so fucking dumb, white isnt a race, caucasian is.
>It's found in Melanesians, Papuans and abos

All Australoids. And they have a different mutation

Is Chris Hemsworrh a Neanderthal?

>All Australoids. And they have a different mutation

>Wait, were you thinking that I thought Africans got on boats and crossed the Mediterranean?

The first migration wave was like that in spain. They all die

They were in ASIA for over 10,000 years before going to europe.

Andn they were not BLACK or congoids, they were frican CAPOIDS

I'm sure they had their own language but their mental capacities would probably be pretty limited. How much would they really have to say other than "give" "want" "danger"?

>I'm sure they had their own language but their mental capacities would probably be pretty limited.

They were not dumber than your average abbo or african, more likely smarter due the harsh conditions. They lenguage would had been ugly, high pitched and really gutural

>I'm sure they had their own language but their mental capacities would probably be pretty limited. How much would they really have to say other than "give" "want" "danger"?
Are you fucking serious? Are people really this ignorant about the history of their own species?

Neans were a different species, but yeah, americans think anthropology means liking cuck movies or dancing naked under the moon

>>They were in ASIA for over 10,000 years before going to europe.
Tell me, do you seriously think Cro-Magnons fucked around in Mongolia for 10,000 years before deciding to go west? Or more logically, it was a gradual movement coming out of the Levant and going through Anatolia and the Caucasus into Europe.

>Andn they were not BLACK or congoids, they were frican CAPOIDS
Again, who's saying they were?

Red hair does not come from Neanderthal genetics.

>Tell me, do you seriously think Cro-Magnons fucked around in Mongolia for 10,000 years before deciding to go west?



You keep saying ASIA
ASIA is everything from Syria to Japan
Well of fucking course they came from ASIA after they left Africa, you mongoloid

And the migration wave was into ALL of asia. There was no reason to go north to europe when you can keep going east

>There was no reason to go north to europe when you can keep going east
I'm sorry but mtDNA suggests otherwise
Cute chink theory though

>mfw people are actually letting this jew float the "whiteness evolved in the last 2000 years' theory


>2016 people still believing the 'out of africa' meme

It is leftist sociologist propaganda to hide the scientific fact that some racial groups are superior to others.

The truth is multi-regional evolution with gene flow between regional/racial groupings.

Africans are the most primitive due to interbreeding the most archaic forms of hominids. While euro/asian interbreed with more modern hominids that evolved in parallel such as the Neanderthal.

>t. Wang
Go cook a dog

>modern australians

lmao it should have more than a dotted line connecting it to modern europeans

>Whites are the only race that actually has more than one hair and eye color.

Complete bullshit.

>mitochondrial DNA

Nuclear DNA proves that asians and europeans have identical amounts of Neanderthual DNA, meaning the gene flow was Asia to Europe.

>show about neanderthals
>black actors

how retarded are these people?

>identical amounts of Neanderthual DNA, meaning the gene flow was Asia to Europe.
Wouldn't that mean the flow was from Europe to Asia?

Well he's wrong, its actually that there is a greater percentage of neanderthal DNA in the average asian, but a higher proportion of the entire genome of neanderthals is in circulation in Europe.

>Euros once again racemixing more than Asians
We were always cucks

No, that would mean higher percentage in European populations.

We are now discovering Neanderthal home range extended much further to the east than previously thought. In fact the European Neanderthal population was more a frontier group.

where does it come from?


but doesn't the out of africa theory already imply the people who stayed in africa didn't evolve as much?

Its a genetic mutation developed after the Neanderthals.

Lately Hollywood has been casting every redheaded character from comics/books as black people.

If the Neanderthals are portrayed as black people in this, that would pretty much be the same thing.

Why is Hollywood determined on hiding the existence of gingers? Is it because oppressed white people (Irish) is against their agenda?

No, in fact it has nothing to do with that. Only retards think that the out of africa theory means that every race are equals

bruh there is lower neanderthal genetic diversity in Asia, they have a founder effect going on.

In asain population the Neanderthal dna is more fragmented, in European is there are more whole sequences. The reason is, every generation the Neanderthal genome gets shuffled/fragmented. Asian population has been shuffled/fragmented more times because they are the older progenitors.

So you're saying the neanderthals survived as a breeding population and more recently contributed to our genome than they did in Asians?

no, whites originated from the Caucasus

you're thinking of jews

Beyond all the racial bullshit I bet they'll have a female who hunts and does everything the men can do.

>implying women didn't hunt in paleolithic times

The interbreeding with Neanderthal happened in asia and then these sapiens migrated to Europe.

Asian/Neanderthal interbreeding pre-dates European.

>For example, they found that a specific bit of Neanderthal DNA significantly increases risk for nicotine addiction. They also found a number of variants that influence the risk for depression
Guys, I don't think you should be so proud about your neanderthal genes.

Sorry did I imply that? I'll just outright say it. Women didn't hunt. Humans were hunter gatherer societies and in such societies men hunted and the women gathered.

>In Asia
Where in Asia?

why? Sup Forums already beat them to it

>says that the asian populations neanderthal genetics are more fragmentary because they have been breeding in isolation with no new admixture for longer than europeans
>b-but the Europeans never even bred with neanderthals, its actually the oldest members of this population which is now fragmentary carrying the genes into Europe, and for some reason they suffered no genetic drift (unlike their cohort)

gtfo idiot

Middle East and Central Asia.

We don't really know that.

We've had and still have hunter gatherer societies that have survived into modern times and that's how they work. We have no reason at all to believe they ever worked any different.

No dummy, I said the interbreeding happen further in the past not in isolation.
Europeans did interbreed with Neanderthal but prior to reaching Europe.

people just want a reason to feel special so of course they're going to go full WEWUZ at any opportunity

>hunted and killed

More outbred and mixed, the homos simply fucked them out of existence.

Also sorry for going full Sup Forums, but:

I know what kind of show this is gonna be

>Europeans interbred with neanderthals
>before they were European
6/10 i was pretty irritated.

Except women do hunt is many of these societies.

t. jamal jackson

You are stupid. The humans that migrated to Europe already received their dna admixture from Neanderthals.

you're talking in circles

Guys, you know it's only 1-4% of our DNA? It's obvious that the interbreeding wasn't very common.

You're an idiot. I have had a straightforward and consistent message. You greentext and meme respond like a stupid child.

>Is it because oppressed white people (Irish) is against their agenda?
Is there really any doubt? No one really wants to acknowledge the history of slavery as a part of society in general or that slavery is still booming today. The """"""Democrats"""""" freed the slaves after all.