Beautiful movie

Beautiful movie.

Why does it get so much flack?

Is it the incest and 14 yr old comment?

Other urls found in this thread:

People can't into Freud or Old Testament wrathful God

People wanted Drive 2.
They got Refn's masterpiece instead.

Also, you have to pay attention and understand that maybe Chang only has the katana in certain scenes for a reason.

If you liked this, watch Lost River by Ryan Gosling, it's like a Refn/Lynch lovechild. It's not perfect, but well worth a watch, if only for the underwater parts.

People base their first viewing on the reviews they read before watching the film.
>bad reviews posted by critics
"Can't wait to see how fucking bad this is gonna be"

>They got Refn's masterpiece instead.

Refn's masterpiece is Bronson.

OGF is masturbation.

Probably the pacing.

Lost River was incredible

I liked lost river way more than fucking OGF tbqh

I didn't mean Lost River was bad, I actually like it a lot, I just don't think it's a masterpiece.

I think I'm going to watch Lost River again right now actually.

I really like the visuals and slow, dark vibe of it but feel like there's an element that I don't "get".
Still think it's better than Drive and Valhalla, don't really understand the hate it gets either.

If Goose isn't in Neon Demon I will literally kill myself.

Refn movies are meant to be watched on cannibus.

That scene where he was circling Chang was equivalent to the rising feeling of hearing the click-clack of a rollercoaster ride up to the peak.

It's pleb filter.

The fucking critics hated it because it doesn't have any meme elements in it, it goes against what they want in their shitty flicks.

I liked Drive and Bronson. Will I like this?

Just watch it. I liked both and this is my favorite movie, but it's very different.

Best get started now

Glad to see some conversation stirring.

Definitely feel like this is his best shot movie.

I was interested to find that he works with the cinematographer from Eyes Wide Shut.

And the use of red for evil and light/blue for good was least that's how I saw it.

Do you know what 'literally' means?

I didn't read any reviews I just watched the movie and I thought it was awful.

No likable characters, no meaningful symbolism, no discernable plot.

Just Ryan Gosling with his penis hands fist fucking his mothers corpse, and lots of red and pink.

Oh and lmao after violent scenes they always cut to a dude singing karoake poorly what cRaZY filmmaking!! THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN.

Shit film for pretentious cunts.

Yeah, also it has been mentioned but check out Lost River as well, with the rest of Refn's backcatalog.

Is this the movie Refn was angry about in the documentary? If so it must be shit.

Either way, I don't watch his movies anymore, he's a hardcore SJW numale betacuck.

Yeah, I was super impressed with that deep symbolism.

I watched it fresh off of Drive and I loved it, I don't get the hate either

Also why is Gosling not in Neon Demon? Did they have a falling out?

there were some themes of repressed sexuality and violence, the opedius complex, and god punishing as he sees fit

i think it was a bit too ambitious to tackle so many themes but i love the movie, its a horror film that isnt in the horror genre

ogf is kino. sounds like i should give lost river a watch.

TPBTP is best goose though to be quite honest family

It wasn't deep compared to other movies, I just thought it was interesting.

This was right after he had a child. He said one of the reasons he made this movie was because he was feeling a stress from bringing someone into this world.

In the end, I probably liked Drive more. But every scene in this movie could be made into a poster. That's why I love rewatching it.

>I will never meet Gosling to tell him I loved Lost River

>horror movie

I agree. The scene where Ryan walks down the hall and gets his hands cut off comes to mind. The tension from him staring into the black room is perfect...that's why I'm excited for Neon Demon.

Everyone knows what it means, you pretentious dick, everyone just uses it "post-ironically" like that reasoning is any better.

Chang is God. More specifically, he is Old Testament God. Have you ever been to a church? Most churches during a portion of service sing hymns/shitty piano rock songs worshipping God, which is what the karoake scenes were a parallel to.

It's real obvious that it's about Goose's drive for forgiveness. He just drifts on through life, he can't even have a relationship with a woman due to how his mother fucked him up. It's about Goose feeling guilt over murdering his father, hs mom even said he did multiple times, and how he fights against God and eventually finds solace with God's justice. It's not even a super deep film, it's just a very beautifully shot one that tells through visuals rather than dialogue.

i feel like it would have been better with a different actor

no hate on the goose, it's just his neutral face throughout the film makes him indifferent/nothing really going on in there.

Sounds like a typical Scandinavian. They have adult coloring books over there

I could not get through Lost River the one time I tried and I like everything Refn has done. It just seemed like characters were talking on and on about shit that wasn't even relevant to the plot or characters. Should I give it another try?

I kind of agree. He was perfectly cast for the driver but this character should have been a little edgier I guess.

He was supposed to be neutral, like nothing was going on with him because he was just drifting through life, unable to get past killing his father. He feels empty.

that's true but i still would have liked for him to show a little emotion behind closed doors.

all i remember from him that resembled an emotion is him screaming at the hooker to take off the dress.

Refn's just autistic, o can't take anything he says seriously, he wears a magic towel on set.

There's always one of you.

He seriously is. Like I'm not even joking. I can spot a fellow autist from a mile away. Lynch is 100% an autist too.

Wanna fight?


There's different shades of neutral tho. And Gosling's neutral didn't really work that well for this film. I think they needed an actor who slightly more threatening/hardened looking

He's not supposed to be hardened or threatening, he's supposed to seem like a lost child. Yes, he lashes out angrily and violently, but he is the same weak-willed child who's mother convinced him to kill his own father and still obeys her every word until the end.

a younger Mads Mikkelsen would have worked or The Big Guy

That's an interesting perspective. I've never thought of it like that. I'll have to rewatch the movie with that in mind.

A young Mads Mikkelsen would have been perfect. He has that vulnerability but also looks unpredictable

I'm the fag that's been defending Goose, but I have to agree that young Mads would also be great.

I'm not just saying this out of repressed homolust and Tom Hardy just looks like a little goblin to me

it's okay, user.

he's also one of a few men i'd go gay for

Goose, or Mads?
Both, and I feel nothing for my GF anymore, even physically. I think it's time I frequent /fit/ for a while

If you're gonna go gay, at least choose the superior husbando

>That thing over Goose/Mads

But he doesn't have that inner cuddly, approachable autism that Baby Goose has.

Cavill is the kind of guy who treats you really nice and would be amazing in bed but secretly thinks he's better than you and tells all his friends that you're his side bitch.

Mads would treat you better.

Goose is disgusting

>Goose is disgusting
>hello darkness my old friend starts playing

OGF is superior to Drive

Times you were The Driver

>at work function
>boss introduces me to new district manager
>"Hey user nice to meet you!"
>He puts out hand
>stare at it
>My hands are alittle dirty.
>"oh... well the bathroom is down the hall"
>Smirk and walk away

>implying the driver would ever smirk

immersion ruined