Why did Windu bring some weakass no name pathetic jedi to arrest the sith lord that can restrict the entire jedi...

Why did Windu bring some weakass no name pathetic jedi to arrest the sith lord that can restrict the entire jedi order's ability to use the force?

How stupid is Windu?

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Perhaps because the big chunk of the Jedi Order was spread about the Galaxy mopping up the final campaigns of a galactic war?

Ladies and gentlemen, come on down to OP's dick sucking emporium. Big dicks, small dicks, he'll suck em all. A million dicks isn't enough to satisfy his lust for dick. Black dicks, white dicks. He doesn't discriminate, so don't be late. If you've got a dick, he'll give it a lick. Get yours sucked today!

He's a nigger

Sheev is supposed to be like 100 times stronger than of all them combined

He's basically a black hole sucking up all the power of the force for himself

The only one who could actually defeat him was Anakin before his injuries

>Kit Fisto
>Weakass no name

Kit Fiso was weak even Qui-Gon can kick his ass

nigga, thats god damn kid fister standing to the right of him


>who could actually defeat him was Anakin before his injuries
>Annie couldn't even beat Obi-Wan, the supreme never defeated light saber duelist

Kenobi was defeated twice by Dooku in the movies.

>Talking shit about based kit fisto

and anakin after his injury, hence throwing him down a shaft

>OP is a faggot

Is it still 2008? Are we on Sup Forums?

How about you fuck off back there you cancerous cunt

Because he was incredibly arrogant. This is a huge theme in the prequels. The Jedi are so entrenched in custom and blinded by arrogance that they alienate the chosen one and fail to realize Sidious' machinations until it's far too late.

>no name
suck a dick

Ladies and gentlemen, come on down to this guy's dick sucking emporium. Big dicks, small dicks, he'll suck em all. A million dicks isn't enough to satisfy his lust for dick. Black dicks, white dicks. He doesn't discriminate, so don't be late. If you've got a dick, he'll give it a lick. Get yours sucked today!

Sup Forums is SFW Sup Forums. You should know that by the quality of posts here.

>Sup Forums is SFW Sup Forums
That's Sup Forums

No, that's Sup Forums.

He didn't anticipate spinning

that was the joke


Are you fucking retarded? Did you even watch the scene? Dindu takes palestine out, only to be fucked up by Anaheim.