Character goes to bed

>character goes to bed
>Doesn't struggle throughout the night with an inchy anus

Other urls found in this thread:

>character goes to bed
>doesn't have night terrors
>no night light
>doesn't have change of underwear nearby

Dumb frogposters.

>character goes to bed
>doesnt turn on the TV in the living room because its way too silent

>character goes to bed
>isn't terrorised by demonic entities

Am I supposed to believe this shit?


>character goes to bed
>Is wearing clothes
>doesn't have a plastic sheet over the bed

What the fuck is this shit

> character wakes up
> he doesn't have a painful erection that he needs to immediately beat off

>we see character from sun up to sundown
>they don't masturbate once, like not at all
>they don't even think about it or try to, it's just not something they do
>they eventually get laid without even trying

>girl wakes up
>perfect makeup

>never see character empty his piss bottles

>character doesnt have a crust cumstained old pair of underwear that hes used since he was 15 hidden in his closet behind his videogames

>character never begs God to end his suffering while lying in bed, crying too hard to fall asleep

literally me

The pain...

>character doesn't sweep the sand off his sheets before going to sleep

Am I supposed to believe he just ignores it?

>character goes to bed
>doesnt wake up dick in hand with an irresistible urge to masturbate

>character doesn't spend hours on the internet in the middle of the night before going to sleep to numb his brain and avoid thinking about his love interest

>character goes to bed
>he doesn't rearrange his pillow-filled jacket to cuddle with when sleeping

Remember when this frog was only posted as a reaction image when someone was sad about something? Those were good, simpler times.

I remember when it was just a crop from the original comic where he says "feels good man"

>love interest
Life isn't a movie. Get a job kid!

No, all I remember now is memes

What the hell has this fat fuck got to smile about?

>character goes to bed
>doesn't wrap his legs against his body pillow

>character goes to bed
>he doesn't have a dream about a beautiful girl and then wake up in longing and contemplate life and where everything went so wrong

What happened to that poor cat?

>character goes to bed
>sleeps flat on his back

Yeah right, and wake up to a succubus squatting on your chest? Get real.

Don't know, but all the posts using that image seem really informative and smart.

slippery wet dog poop


Someone needs to make a film where characters sleep and wake up realistically.

You might have pinworms. A few pills will take care of that itch, bro. It's very common.

this pepe scares me desu, please stop posting it


I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.

>Character doesn't stare at the ceiling, heart pounding, thinking about all the things he should have done that day and how he's squandering all his potential

>character has a job


You have hemorrhoids and need surgery.

>character doesnt get paranoid about society collapsing due to shit he reads on the internet and starts stocking up on canned food and bottle water and other essentials
>doesnt have a tinfoil stash to prepare for social collapse

>character's mom isn't actually his aunt

>character isn't shown having an awkward incestuous relationship with his aunt
how the fuck am I supposed to believe this shit

>socially awkward character
>goes outside

I know they're just movies and TV shows but could they at least try to seem believable?


>character isnt shown lying awake plotting revenge against the girl who just-friended him

Are you getting a boner too?

Oh how close she came.

How can I even relate to a character who doesn't have elaborate tire slashing fantasies?

A sad boner.

>character washes face and looks into the bathroom mirror
>doesn't roll their eyes into the back of their head, scream like a goat, and then walk out of the bathroom like a crab
Couldn't relate at all.

>Reality. It's a cold bitch sometimes.

>character has a shower
>doesn't do a handstand to clean out their anus

Why is his mom dressed in funeral attire?

Reality killed her inside.

>character doesnt hug his rolled up blanket so he doesnt feel like he is sleeping alone

>tire slashing
>not cutting her break cables right before you pretend to be ok with being frienzoned
step up to the major league user

>character goes to bed
>doesn't pray before tucking in

she's dragging him to a funeral

I'm not that technical. I'm barely not NEET.

That's the genius of it, user. The less you know about something, the easier it is to fantasize about. Sometimes I fantasize about knowing math.

>character wakes up without his hand immediately rocketing down to his boner and beating furiously crying and cumming in like a minute



>character gets partner pregnant
>they don't abort it even though it's obvious that the child will grow up in a bleak, horrible future

They don't even discuss it ffs!

>character goes to bed
>doesn't dream about owning a farm with best friend and having some sweet bunny wunny rabbits to tend



What kind of person does that unless they want to be Kurt Godel or David Berlinski?

>character goes to bed
>doesn't take off his shoes

I don't know who those people are. Are they good at math? Can they teach me

>this autist literally saves his file again everytime so people don't think its just one retard trying to push his meme.

Pathetic showing fella.

>character goes to bed
>falls asleep within 20 seconds
>doesn't lie away for 3 hours tossing and turning trying to find a comfortable position and cursing his thin hot pillow and then finally drifting off for tiny spurts of 10-minute sleep here and there throughout the night, waking up frequently with a stiff back and sweating into his sheets and eventually looking at the clock and it's 10am and he's still exhausted and finally passes out for a little while longer and when he finally gets up it's 2pm and then by the time he drags himself out of bed and cleans himself up and puts some clothes on it's like 5pm and the day is completely wasted so he just spends it on the internet until he stays up too late again and once more has trouble falling asleep

IT WAS dat boi

Fuck man, stay out of my life.

newfags, educate yourselves on the circular nature of meme history

where were u wen dat boi dere die
'o shit'



>character jumps in the bath with his gf
>doesn't spend the next 45 minutes getting his gf to time how long you can stay under the water or sing the Mission Impossible theme as you duck under the water to avoid the shower door
>doesn't go 'boop' and laugh hysterically at his penis breaching the surface of the water while his gf sits on the edge of the bath draped in a towel asking to leave
Hyperrealty, I tell ya.

>character goes to bed
>his mom doesn't get into bed with him and grind her thick ass against him until he cums

Kurt was one of the most important mathematicians of the 20th century and a madman. Berlinski is all about angering fedoras with his agnosticism but he writes good math texts too. Good public speaker.

Sounds like a great start to the day

>character goes to bed
>doesn't wake up 2 hours later because of an alcohol withdrawal induced nightmare


>sex scene
>she doesn't laugh hysterically at his small penis for 10 minutes

>she doesn't eventually stop laughing and say
>"alright go ahead and stick it in there"

>have a big dick
>invite a girl over I wanted to fuck since HS
>she can deepthroat
>lets me cum when I'm deep in her throat

>sex scene
>woman isn't a frigid bitch

>character goes to a prostitute
>he doesnt make her cum so hard she asks him to be a friend with benefits

>sex scene
>she doesn't lay there like a dead fish
>she doesn't go dry at the same time he goes soft because he notices she isn't into it
>there isn't 20 minutes of silence as they sit in the bed avoiding eye contact while she turns on shitty MTV reality shows

Does this happen? I'd rather be FWB with a girl who's not a literal whore

Then again I'm khv so I'll take what I can get

>not a literal whore
pick one fampai

>character solves the crime after 27 years
>doesn't realize he is the King in Yellow

well fuck

>character posts a cropped image on that Sup Forums website
>gives source to fellow anons because he is a decent man

The very nature of fwb is that you are both whores

It actually did happen to me, but I doubt anyone would believe me. She was a nympho and didnt do it for the money, so apparently she asked all the more young college students who couldnt afford her on the regular to just come for free. I know she had at least 6 more fwb like me


>image clearly has a Sup Forums filename
>thinks the owner cropped it
Dumb frogposter

>character wipes his ass better

>character takes a piss
>doesnt wipe his foreskin

dumb anime poster

your on Sup Forums faggot

>character gets a text message
>It's not his mom or a wrong number

suspension of disbelief broken