The tv writers aren't even trying anymore

the tv writers aren't even trying anymore

>i bet the audience will never see this BETRAYAL coming
>just when u thought everything was going well BETRAYAL
>this story is getting boring lets mix up with some BETRAYEL
>character actually starts getting some traction then WHAM BETRAYAL
>character is introduced and 30 second of dialogue later BETRREAAYYELEL

apparently oaths and allegiances are like fucken pokemon cards in westeros

this guy humps

what does that even mean?

that truly is a game of throne

>apparently oaths and allegiances are like fucken pokemon cards in westeros
that was always true though...even in the books. at least they used to walk people through the garden of BETRAYAL before they BETRAYED someone

at least in the books it felt like there was some thought process behind a characters actions though

The books have proper setups and payoffs.

The Brotherhood Without Banners is setup in middle of book three, and by the end of book three you have lady stoneheart.

There's clearly alot of effort put into having things unfold in a natural and believable way. The Red Wedding makes complete sense, if you were paying attention, Ned getting killed makes complete sense, if you were paying attention.

The show "surprises" are just that, complete surprises done for shock value alone.


>targs are incestuous for centuries
>suddenly it's a big thing when the lannisters do it

Roose getting goosed was the moment the show jumped the shark

not really

The whole last season was shark jumping.
This season they've moved up to blue whales

The books are done. Martin will never finish the series and his books will forever be overshadowed by the superior tv show.

Yeah, it's like they think people only wash this show for the gimmicky shock deaths

Not Doran? Roose's death was complete nonsense but Doran's was even fucking stupider

2 episodes in and we've already had Roose, Doran, Trystane and Balon. They're averaging 2 betrayals per episode

At least Balon's was in the books and made sense, even if the dialogue was fucking horrible


are you retarded?

In what way?

fuckin A.

cant even give a nigga an eye patch. worst character intro by far.

The rumour is he will get one when yara blinds him


That's because you are privy to their internal thoughts. It was shortsighted to adapt this story with no clear end in sight. If they wanted to do a fantasy TV series loosely based on the War of Roses, they should have adapted Final Fantasy Tactics.

I can guarantee you the rights to game thrones would've been far cheaper than the rights to final fantasy

>L I T T L E M O N E Y

I don't think D&D could handle this level of dialogue