Will it be her first flop?
Will it be her first flop?
wghose demnark
> 8000th unnecessary Hamlet remake
What could go wrong
Only if it comes out before whatever other non-SW movie she's doing next.
i dont know what it is, maybe its her unflattering too much gum teeth smile, but i think she has absolutey 0 gag reflex
like she could literally swallow your cock, whatever size, down her throat, to your nutsack and you could cum and she wouldnt flinch or budge and inch and just take it
She'll have competition.
I think she dodged a bullet from not getting the Lara Croft role.
Fucking Xenomorphs man...
Well, at least it's not a role that requires any physical ability.
We all know how fucking clumsy and clunky she was in TFA.
Probably. Has there ever been a video game movie that wasn't a total disaster? Or at least not "so bad it's good"?
Don't talk about her like that.
I'd be her first flop, if you know what I mean ;)
A flat ass, no tits Swede took her job.
Even her SJW-approved video game reboot counterpart looks more the part.
The actress that portrays Lara in the new Tomb Raider is an actor and has more experience than the one who's rumored to be casted.
Why wouldn't they pick her?
Is Sup Forums right?
you have performance anxiety?
>at least it's not a role that requires any physical ability
but it requires acting skills, she is fucked.
Who will be the black actor?
Michael B Jordan
Idris Elba
>you will never urge Daisy to get thee to a nunnery
I'm sure it won't be a blockbuster but unless they're having Peter Jackson direct I can't imagine it's going to cost anything either.
>a lass, poor Yorick
Who names a girl Yorick? Shakesbeer was fucking dumb
>ywn have daisy come home from a hard day of film asking where the weed at and telling you the plans she has in store for the rest of the night....
keel meee
>danish people sound like pigs when they talk
>so does daisy
10/10 casting
She's picking very tame roles.