What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
>muh family
somebody stole his sick-ass ski mask
Why did he bother doing all that shit when he could have just emailed iron man the video?
Tony would calm down in his way to find Cap and Buck.
He was the Scream 2 villain.
Baron teemo
Him and the nigger were burdened with shouldering the actual acting in the movie and he was undercut by slightly worse dialogue.
He isn't passionately making out with me desu.
Why do Marvel villains look so boring?
>emailed the video
He wanted to fuck the qt french girl, but she turned out to be a jew.
That's...a lot to go through when all it takes is sneaking up on cap or iron man and shooting them in the head with a pistol.
why not make a logo for every superhero too?
I get it's cool to write a sneaky shadowy villain pulling strings and shit for some big elaborate plan but jesus, writers really need to stop using it as such a crutch to their stories.
>shooting Tony's head when he has his fucking bleeding edge armor.
>shooting Cap's head when he has enhanced reflexes.
Thor crashed his Ferrari
>shooting Cap's head when he has enhanced reflexes.
I don't know if you've ever watch a captain america or avengers movie, but cap can't dodge fucking bullets.
And Tony you know, doesn't always wear the fucking suit.
His suggestions stupid but your greentexts are just as dumb.
That guy is the Eric Roberts of German actors
>give me some random German to play a Nazi
>I got you
they took his bird
check out Dr Doom over there.
Emails shouldn't even be in movies.
i want to pinch his cheeks and tuck him into bed and make him hot cocoa i don´t care if it´s gay
ITT: We trivialize character motivations with muh
>muh mission report
I thought December 16th 1991 was just some real cool day he wanted desperately to remember
First marvel villain to actually win
fucking kek
Tired of his career playing Bucky in snuff films, He wanted Tony and Steve to hatefuck so he could sell the sextape
He won? I don't remember anyone dying
>but dey not on good terms now
Okay, too bad we all know they come together for Infinity Wars
>status quo of the comic book movie series will return soon
Geez stop the fucking presses. How retarded can you be?
>Okay, too bad we all know they come together for Infinity Wars
Thanos will rekt them before.
>I'm retarded because I recognize a villain didn't win at all.
t. Someone with zero attention span who didn't listen to anything Zemo said
t. moron defends another cinematic 'le elaborate villain scheme' where so much shit has to go perfectly right it becomes ridiculous and comical
Nothing really had to go exactly as planned except for the EMP thing going off at the right time.
Nice copycat villain Marvelfags
>where so much shit has to go perfectly right it becomes ridiculous and comical
Well his suicide attempt didn't.
t. A guy who can't t. properly
Go back to Sup Forums
Then kill yourself.
What was this guy's motivation again?
But Zemo isn't trying to copy the Joker at all.
There was a copycat of Lex in Civil War. It was that dude who was with Tony after his speech trying to sell the self heating hot dog.
>use truck as battering ram
>perfect clear space afterwards for their trucks to drive through
There was simply too much reliance on luck! REEEEEEEEEEEE
He's the hero If his plan succeeded there would have been no more Avengers movies
t. Buttblasted DCuck
>Thanks for saving us repeatedly from impossible threats with minimal collateral damage, Avengers!
>Now sign this controlling agreement because a couple people died
Being a terribly written character with not much motivation and development.
he isn't a villain retard lmao
that was the point of the entire fucking movie holy shit
kek me dek
>a couple
they really couldn't get over Sokovia.
To be fair though they fucking decimated it.
Because dropping the Hulk in Johannesburg was surely necessary.
i mean ultron is entirely the avengers' (really tony's) fault so all the sokovia crap is on them (him)
>talking to your wifes voicemail as if you're having a conversation with her
He was just a sad, sad man.
Nobody but the Avengers actually know Tony made Ultron and it's never brought up.
I hope your wife dies.
Purple mask when?
very cool that a "normal" was able to fool the whole world and the avengers desu
Well I will be sure to plot some elaborate shit to get the killers to fight each other when she does.
Count on it.
that's not even long didn't he see the impossible?
But will you wear comfy sweaters and eat bacon while you do so?
>implying anyone here has a wife
we're all fa/tv/irgins, you imbecile
>ad for adult cosplay at bottom of page
i just realized i've never seen a child cosplayer. so isn't "adult cosplay" a redundancy?
Wait so everything was just so he could get to the tape to ply it for Stark?
>i just realized i've never seen a child cosplayer.
Haven't you heard of Halloween
Basically the same motivation as every other incarnation of Luthor: Inferiority complex.
Leave the Dean alone
He wanted to turn half of the Avengers into fugitives first.
But Zemo actually succeeded
What motivation should he have had?
Well like the Dark Knight's Joker and BvS' Lex, he should have just been evil and quirky because reasons that are unfathomable.
Zemo couldn't have succeeded without Steve, Tony, the UN, T'chakalakaboom and literally everybody else dropping the ball and acting like retards about every single little thing.
And how does the government hope to contain Thor or Scarlet Witch anyway? Thor is a fucking god from another world and that government guy talked about him as if he was a weapon. The fuck dude.
When were they acting like retards?
segue, but how did zemo know stark would show up at the bunker?
Tony literally did nothing wrong
shut up i just know i'm smart like that pic related literally me
what was their motivation for fighting each other
Zemo went to the bunker to kill the winter soldiers. If Ironman didn't show up he'd have done his little reveal after, simple.
Because he called the hotel, that way that woman would find the body, then Tony would find out who Zemo was and realize something was fishy, and then he would go ask Falcon where Steve is.
A lot of assumptions were made
All the time. The government(s) were acting like retards when they thought they could just get Avengers, most of whom can only really be taken on by their fellow peers, to some sort of agreement because they didn't like the exact way they kept saving the world.
Tony was retarded when he once again let his feelings and MUH MOM get the better of him and get all angry despite knowing full well Barnes was not at fault for anything that happened.
Avengers at large were exposed as fools when they were all fooled by one fucking photo of a guy in a prosthetics mask.
Cap's stupidity moment was when he put down that pen.
And what was the UN's plan anyway? Have a psychologist talk to a wanted terrorist? One-on-one? What the fuck?
so he was in cahoots with falcon the entire time?
did he actually kill the winter soldiers? was it ever specified that it was part of his plan? was it ever specified that he could control them?
these answers raise more questions
>The government(s) were acting like retards when they thought they could just get Avengers, most of whom can only really be taken on by their fellow peers, to some sort of agreement because they didn't like the exact way they kept saving the world.
But half the Avengers did agree to it.
>did he actually kill the winter soldiers?
Well they all had bullet wounds in their foreheads.
Yes, he specifically said that he killed them because he didn't want more people like them in the world.
>not much motivation
Are you serious? His whole character was motivation. He was paper-thin and devoid of development, he basically only existed to have his villainous motivations tie into the overarching theme.
It's a bit silly, had the government just killed the winter soldier it would've all fallen apart, however, this could also be seen as his plan succeeding because then Captain America would go ballistic.
Overall all that matters is that he can get them to come to the base, he doesn't even have to show the tape as they would probably just gather all the info they find and Stark's the guy that does it as well.
and that half said that they were fine with it because they knew they could control the governments muh one hand on the wheel
Baron Zemo did it in a Hydra base
How long until he runs all of Hydra from his prison cell like Al Capone?
And they put him into the same cage thing as they did Winter Soldier because...? He's just a normal guy. Fuck is he gonna do? Some sort of poetic justice? Lazy screenwriting?
Fuck man, these comic book movies are all shit. You're all shit for paying to see them and I'm shit for falling for the meme.
missed that part or forgot about it, care to answer my other questions?
His family are fucking dead haha what a loser
Obnoxious cunt
because movie
Zemo did nothing wrong.
Stark and Banner should have served scores of manslaughter charges against the deaths caused by Ultron.
The fact they left the city Ultron eviscerated without facing justice or owning up to what they did makes them no better than the criminals they fight.
then how come he didn't do everything exactly the same except for that when captain and tony were coming to the lair to find him THEN he just emails him the video.
that way he doesn't have to be in the hydra hut when they come for him and he actually gets to live
Zemo did admit that he knew he could not take on the Avengers himself when other powerful baddies have failed
Look at all these boring-looking villains
>guys save the world
Each and every one of them could be improved by adding a "DAMAGED" tattoo on their foreheads.
You mean the self deaning hot dean
I need more Red Skull. I refuse to believe that nigga is dead.
they created the AI that killed hundreds of people.
They eventually killed him, however they should have owned up and have been taken to account over that.