I got a Game of Thrones tattoo during season 3
I didn't think it would go so downhill...
I got a Game of Thrones tattoo during season 3
I didn't think it would go so downhill...
I bet there are shitloads of people with GoT tattoos bro, don't let it get you down.
I watch nothing new, same shit over and over. And nothing good.
I think oldboy is shit
Just tell people you got it ironically, dumbass.
you got a got tatoo? can you show your feet?
I'm the only person here who has ever criticised TFA for having the Millenium Falcon just sitting there waiting to be stolen. I'm not talking about how Mary Sue was able to pilot it so easily, I'm talking about the writers being so lazy that they just had one of the most iconic vehicles in all of fiction just hanging out there with no to-do. Yes, it is autistic.
they literally explained why it was there
I know. Still lazy.
because it is, only 2edgy4me pre teens and fratboys think is some form of a masterpiece
Fucking normie REEEEEEEEE
Dubs dont lie, but yet I'm not from reddit.
I enjoy the Boondock Saints movies
I found Escape From New York and Big Trouble In Little China underwhelming.
The worldbuilding was great, characters were pretty neat, but something felt really strangely off. Like those were the prequels to something much bigger that doesn't exist.
Nigger, how the fuck do you not think this through?
>hurr this shit's going to be with me forever
>oh well #YOLO durr
Seriously, how do you not AUTOMATICALLY think it through first and realize it's not worth fucking marking your body over a shitty fad?
Is this sort of impulsive behavior considered normal?
Jesus fuck.
I won't fault this as long as you acknowledge The Thing as the best Carpenter/Russell film
I grow hairs on the shaft of my cock and have to shave them sometimes
Me too man, on the top and bottom.
i got Sasquatch dick
underrated post
That's not shameful, those are awful movies propped up by the so bad it's good lmao crowd
I have one really long hair that grows just inside my urethra, and I have to yank it out whenever I see it. Shit hurts yo.
I have tried, and tried desperately, to enjoy the original Halloween, but the more I watch it the more I hate it. I think other than the music it's a total amateur film. It's got no tension or suspense because it constantly shows exactly what's happening with the killer peeping and things like that. We could be wondering what's going to happen next but instead we are shown exactly what's going on time and again. It also features no good acting or memorable characters. Not to mention the laughable dialogue and plot in general. Why does Donald Pleasance just stand in front of the house for hours? The ending is also more absurd than all of the supernatural elements in Friday the 13th series combined (I don't like those either btw except 6). I just literally cannot even begin to comprehend why it such a well loved classic, let alone how it could be considered so terrifying, even by audiences of its day.
I tried to kill myself and failed
I use reddit regularly
The editing of The Godfather Parts I and II is atrocious
I haven't seen that one.
It was my ex's idea, we got matching tattoos
I found Big Lewosky and Fargo boring as fuck.
I have never watched an episode of Seinfeld and I am in my 30s
At least you didn't get a tattoo of her name like some retards
I really don't get the appeal with feet and just post in those threads to fit in
Pretty cool OP, I'm thinking of getting one of the Sand Snakes with a banner that reads "Bad Pussy" or maybe a Euron tattoo with an "I AM THE DROWNED GOD" speech bubble
Do you like films where the plot is a group of men with literally no way back to the world that have to fight a monster on their own in extreme conditions?
It's a great movie watch it
Big Lebowski is boring to you? How? What don't you like?
I pretend I'm happy
I've watched maybe a dozen movies made in the last 10 years, and haven't watched a TV show since the 90's. I literally only watch sports and come here to shitpost.
I fapped to the rape scene in Alien 3
[Spoiler]twice [/spoiler]
maybe it was for the better
Do you watch American Football? If so, who do you like for The Owl?
I mean I really enjoyed Hateful Eight and I like snowy settings in enclosed spaces.
I'll watch it.
Yeah. In the NFC either the Packers or Panthers again, AFC either the Patriots or Steelers.
you're missing out dude.
I think the Panthers will make another good run, but I'm hoping for the Cardinals not to be the Retardinals so Fitz can get his ring. Aaron Rodgers throws like a complete madman though, really looking forward to our next game against them.
>tattoo of a bad show
>matching tattoos that were his ex's idea
All we need now is an anecdote about your wife's son.
So your just a regular Sup Forums poster.
I feel completely fucking worthless and this board is the only place I get any social approval. I also want to be a pro wrestler.
Cardinals are good and Fitz is the man. They have a good shot as long as Palmer stays sharp.
i haven't watched a movie in 2 months
Exactly. I like Palmer but he's an old man and we've gotta replace him in a few years. Hopefully with someone a little more mobile.
Do you even lift?
Everyday mate.
Is that the reason why she's ex?
I hate wall street movies & court movies.
I don't watch them.
please please please post it please
different guy but how did you feel about palmer's performance in the playoffs? I thought you guys had a decent chance to beat the panthers but palmer had a pretty bad game.
this is great
Cowboys are going beast mode next year
>thinking Carson Palmer can do anything in the playoffs
Do you even into sports?
get fukt nerd
but really i'm just another autist who happens to like football
His heart didnt seem in it BUT the Panthers were all over him. If Badger hadnt torn his ACL (again) it might have been a different game but, then again, we still had David Johnson, Fitz, and John Brown. If we can just stay healthy I think we can do it. Bruce has to live up to his swag.
It is, and that fight scene is awful.
Mike McCarthy will absolutely prevent the packers from making to the superb owl. A HI WOOWEE tier retard would be a better game manager than him
Look m80 you're gonna have to accept that Carson Palmer is physically incapable of taking a team to the promised land
I cant understand why everyone hates bvs. it feels like a joke im not in on. the only bad part was gadot
Forgot to add that that playoff game against the Packers was the most insane thing I've seen, and I've seen that episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series where they meet The Devil.
Doomsday was awful
Yeah that panthers defense was pretty damn good this season, but i feel like the cards have a good chance this season. honey badger comes back, nkemdiche will probably get snaps, david johnson is still there, arians is a damn good coach, just need to put it all together
I've seen Super at least 40 times now
I think I'm pretty eyes open to his faults. He was God Tier in the early season at least and can pull off stuff in the clutch.
ITT: fucking normie sportsfags
I didn't find any of the jokes funny and felt like it was too slow, I'm 2pleb4coens
not him but even if palmer is a choker they have a good enough team to try the ol' peyton method of carrying the quarterback to the owl and covering his faults
It had literally been going downhill since S1E9
The movie just isn't for you.
It's not filled with quips. The humor comes from the absurdity of the storyline, characters and how it all blends together.
The elements are all there for us, its just a matter of putting them together right and not getting memed by the Panthers again. How the Falcons beat them I'll never know. How the Broncos beat them everyone knows :)
They do. Singles is truth
People hate it because it doesn't follow their precious comics and it's become cool to hate dc movies
So you're an uncultured retard straight from the south.
Fucking america needs to nuke itself already.
Just enjoy the absurdity, it's very subtle.
If he stays healthy, that offense is fucking based. I'm not even a cowshits fan
I used to dislike Man of Steel.
>mfw that coin flip
I'm a simple man, I don't know how to laugh at "absurdity".
I found the scene where they destroy the car was fun though
yeah i don't think the panthers will be as good this season, hopefully you guys can do some major damage. ive always liked the cards, would be cool to see them win the owl
i was dying
Hence why it isn't for you.
Not every movie is made for everyone. I don't understand half the movies Sup Forums think are fun/funny while some I do. It's just personal preference and nothing to be ashamed about.
God help us all.
pics or it didn't happen
>tfw I might have been born in time to see Badger vs. Cam
Fingers crossed. I have this gut feeling that us going to the Owl just has to happen as a matter of a great coach aligning with a great team, but I know its not a sure thing at all.