So Sup Forums

So Sup Forums.
Let's say i make around 350 euros a month.
The money i need to pay for the apartment is around 150.
How do i save as much as possible from the rest of 200?

About tree fiddy

Ya don't

Plan out food and shopping accordingly
Make sure your manage your electricity usage, making sure to shut off/unplug anything you don't need at the end of the day (I use a power surge protector for everything, and just flick it off at the end of the day)
Learn to cook more for yourself and not eat out if you haven't done so already
And honestly, just put some away every now and again for a rainy day, as they say. But don't be afraid to splurge every once in a while.

you pay 150 euros a month for an apartment??

It's like minimum £300-400 rent a month where I live for a real small space and I live in a shit hole.

easy not spend it..

At 150/mo. for housing you must already have roommates (or live in your Mom's basement).
Other than that, the only thing you can do is
don't eat.

shit tier country, minimum wage is around 350 so the shitty one room apartments don't really go lower.
unplug? not just turn off?

Get a better job tbh, 350 is dogshit.
How can rent be 150 euros? Is it a room in a crack den?
I'm putting out £1700/m not including utilities and tax.

My only piece of advice would be save a little so you can afford to not work for a little while of need be to look for a better job. And if you are one of those people who only work like 16 hrs a week and do fuck and ll he rest of the week you need to reprioritise your life.

Well, turn off, but if it can;t be turned off manually, THEN unplug if need be.
I've had a few devices like chargers overnight that drain some electricity.
And over weeks and months, that little save can add up.

buy porridge oats
go buy a bag of rice/bag of potato
go buy some frozen cheap meat, tinned tuna
go buy frozen veg
this is now your diet for a good while, hope you dont hate life to omuch.

eat nothing else unless its free drink water instead of soda.

in terms of energy saving, turn off everything not being used. do not use heaters, wear more clothes or less clothes accordingly.

pay rent and save 150 a month, the other 50 is to do your eating and energy and you fucking up this very simple guide (because you will)


Which country ??
I want to move there with my 35,000/yr. (USD) pension.


It's pretty nice out here despite what other lithuanians might say(well it is shit money wise), i'd recommend a visit, there's quite a few historical places here.

Make saving a habit.

Every month save 10 Euro, no matter what don´t touch that money.

Saving is about putting money away to let it grow. Once you have over 100 Euro start making small bussiness with 50, it can be anything that guarantee money back like selling phones or electronics. Don´t buy more than you are sure you can sell tho.

how do you even get into to a buisiness like that?
got any experience?

>work only lik 16 hrs a week and do fuck rest of the week
>you need to reprioritise your life
>how can rent be 150 euros?
>i'm putting 1700 GBP


good goy

So, how would I fare with my $35000/yr. (US) of guaranteed income??
(I'm also looking into India..., the cost of living is dirt cheap there.)

If you are a poor fuck like the rest of the mortals you gotta start small.

I used to sell USB memories, got lots of 25 and a net profit of 1.25 USD that went directly straight back to my savings.

Why start little and slow? Because I don´t want to risk being homeless so I won´t quit my job.

If you would like to go riskier you could make a great saving and put everything on the ´Red´. I have seen some people succed like that, and others going down in flames because of the huge debt they get in.

Just make it a habit. Sure, everyone would like saving 100 every month, but not everyone can.

Also, remember to register yourself at your country bussiness bureau to declare taxes, otherwise there is reason for them to jail you if they give enough of a fuck about you.

What's wrong with not being a waste of space? My point with the 16hrs was some people complain about not having money but they don't bother their ass to get better than a minimum wage, minimum effort, minimum progression job.

Fyi I'm self employed and work 30-40hrs a week but put in the hours in the beginning with 70+hrs a week in the beginning.

why do you even want to move out to some shitty country?
Last time i checked 1 usd =0.9 euro or so.
So 30k euros a year=2.5k a month.
You can have a nice spacy one room apartment(not sure about more than 1 room, never looked into them cus i can't afford them) and still have around 2k left.
You could literally eat breakfast/lunch/dinner every day at a nice restaurant and still have money left over depeding on the amount you eat from 500 to 1500.

>Not getting sarcasm

Goddammit, how long ´till summer ends?

This asshole gets it.

Don´t move to 3rd world shitholes just because. Even less to the "Poo in loo" fucktwits.

Any Swedefags here?
How's the average cost of living there?

I'm the OP and i'm not saying it's bad i'm just wondering why he wants to do it.

not a swedefag but i work there quite often.

its hella expensive. like stupid expensive .no need to be so bad honestly. but wages are high enough to cover cost of living.

Well..., because in the US it is getting to the point that I can only support a "tolerable"
lifestyle on that annual income..., and it's only going to get worse.

In India, for example, I can live like a Sultan, on the beach, with a staff of servants for the same money.

And "shitty country" is a matter of unsophisticated perspective.
Just sayin'.

it might not be shitty when you have money i agree, but for the poor plebs like us, it's hell because the minimum wage can barely let you save anything.

What you don´t get is that India is literally The Shit Country. Smells like shit, food has shit, people are shitty, the money and the government are full of shit.

Man I tell you, once you get outta the plane you will want a ticket back.

Also, I wouldn´t swim in any water in or near that shithole country.

yea most of that stuff sounds about right.

Actually..., I spent a year there in the late 1990's.
Ever been to Goa?? To Kashmir??
You have the same, very narrow worldview that is so typical of my fellow Amerifags.

And you actually think everything has improved there? Do you think you won´t be targeted by any extremist group just because you look white enough?

>The grass always look greener on the other side