We win

We win.


Tell that to BvS's snapped RT score.

BvS was bad but it least it didn't literally make me nauseous.

It's it's a modern classic. The trilogy is going to be hailed as cult masterpiece.

>A reading from the Acts of Man of Steel
>Scene 2:13: Selected passages

>3 And I heard a loud voice from the cinema saying, "Look! Snyder's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and Snyder himself will be with them and be their saviour.

>4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more repetitive or safe or cheap comedy or quips, for the old order of Marvel movies has passed away."

>13 And so they hated him, and persecuted him. The critics crucified him and threw rotten tomatoes at him.

>14 But he persevered and gained strength from the audience, and so we will persevere.

>15 And he stands by the right side of the spirit of Kino, and draws inspiration from it, and so will his followers.

>22 During the filming of the port battle at Batman v Superman, Snyder was found wandering along the port.

>23 In one of such instances he walked on water while carrying an IMAX camera on one hand, which greatly terrified his cast and crew at that time.

>24 Affleck, out of fear, shouted "Snyder, if it is you, tell me to come to the water!"

>25 "Come". Snyder said.

>26 Affleck stepped on the water and walked for a few feet but then sank. He cried out "Snyder, hast thou forsaken me? Save me, oh dear brother!"

>27 Immediately Snyder reached out his hand and caught him.

>28 Snyder exclaimed, "Bin Muhammad Afflecki, why did you doubt?"

>29 And so the heretic one vowed to spread the word.

You win Snyder, you win.

Sure thing champ.

as soon as cap 3 was revealed to be avengers 2.5 i knew it'd be shit, shame.

>Tony he was brainwashed

>I don't care

>Tony he was brainwashed

>I don't care


Just got back from the theatre, pretty good. You guys just hate everything.

I think I'm gonna follow Superman's and Obi Wan's examples and take the high ground. Humility becomes us all.

If only he told Stark his mother's name...

Not the things that other people hate.

I wonder if that one badass with the mask at the beginning is gunna stay dead?

I agree, user. And sadly even though the movie was still a hit at the box office, it would have been better had it gotten realistic and truthful reviews. Not saying people can't have opinions, but I will call bullshit when someone gives a movie a bad review because of some irrelevant and stupid reason.

fuck off, the only good marvel movie is ant-man

I meant cap would be shit not BvS

It was kind of sad. Cap was pretty much the least compelling, interesting thing in his own movie.

Everyone hated BvS for no reason.

>We win

so is this the new meme? if you're serious, you guys are pussies.

Why is Sup Forums always wrong?

Didn't make me nauseous, but some of the editing in the fight scenes was pure shit for no good reason. I mean bumping at Seagal-tier.

Just another fucking useless post from a fucking iphone poster.

Go slit your wrists, it's not even funny anymore.

Literally, how?

BvS is at 28% right now
CW is at 92%

If you take CW's score and switch the numbers, it would have 29%...which is still higher than BvS.

What trilogy?

If you half CW's score it is still nearly double that of BvS's

91% now.

so retarded, critics are such plebby cunts


Funny how critics are only "plebby cunts" when you disagree with them? I bet if everyone loved Batman V Superman, you'd hate it.

>w-we win

wew, nice assumptions kid.

I'm glad to see that remedial math course is working for you.

Give it a few hours, once all the blogs review it it'll go up.

It'll finish at 93%.

Not if they watched the same movie I did.


What, did you roll into BvS instead? Because the CW I saw was god-tier.

even if you think BvS was garbage, you can't justify thor movies and ultron being 70%+


Iron Man 3 is the only good Marvel film.

As a film student of film history and criticism, I've become very well versed in the trends of cinema since it's infancy in the early 1890s when they started off as X-rated peepshows in arcades. I don't like to generalize movie genres and say all "super hero" films are going to be bad but I am very tired of hearing someone ask me about a new one being released every weekend during the summer blockbuster months. I simply tell them, I am not interested at the time being. Perhaps in 20 years, I can review some of them and figure out which ones ended up really becoming an interesting moment in film history, whether that be records being broken, a storyline that wasn't conventional, or a proto style that set a new look that lasted several years. I don't fit the general movie audience though. I am not male between the ages of 18-34. I'm female between the ages 18-34 and I'm a giant film history buff who could probably make a list of her top 100 silent films (yes there are more than 100 silent films floating out there). Anyway, seems like everyone wants to be a dick to you in here, most likely the audience Hollywood aims to take money from. Don't let them make you feel like an odd duck for tiring of the super hero genre. These action films have existed since the silent film era. After all, Douglas Fairbanks first wore the face mask and did the "hero stance" in his silent films of the 1920s.

You don't usually keep your composure when you see your parents beaten to death.

Go to bed Zack


They are entertaining, mediocre, but entertaining.
BvS was a pile of hot shit.


they arent fucking entertaining, at all.

The masses have a different opinion.

fuck if i understand that then

the masses are the same people who think Frozen and TFA are amazing

>tfw your movie featuring the 2 most popular superheros bombs while we are in the middle of the capeshit craze

>you can't justify thor movies and ultron being 70%+
Age of ultrons end was disappointing. Horde of minions being slaughtered. How do they always mess up the ends? The only exception was Avangers. It had a nice ending.

Nice pasta.

On the off-chance it isn't get the hell out of here.

For your own sake, honey.

Because Sup Forums will never agree with the masses.
It's contrarian by default.

kill yourself faggot, why are you so afraid of hating a popular thing?

I've had some traumatic shit happen in my life. My single parent was actually murdered. If I were right next to the one who did it, and the person standing between us was a friend of mine, I wouldn't hesitate to brutally beat the shit out of them to kill the perpetrator. Especially if I had to relive their deaths right in front of me.


The prayer circle worked. We did it, bros.


you're just making people think ur more fucked

Wow BVS sucked so if Civil War sucks, WB somehow wins eh? Makes sense.

Stupid Frogposter.

BvS is like the Donald Trump of films, only without the Meme Magic behind it

All these mad DCucks your movie was shit get over it we won we will always win. Suicide Watch Squad will suffer the same fate as BVS not even reaching a billion dollars give it up your cinematic universe is dead bury it.

evansposter can we talk?
whats ur asl?

Don't oversell it. People will only leave more disappointed.



How about that wonderfully moving funeral scene for Peggy Carter? I shed more than one manly tear as her niece delivered that eulogy that applied directly to Steve's ideology and motivation.


Hold on a second. I'm changing locations.

____________B A T H R O O M____________
________________2 0 1 6_________________



are u ok

to all the haters...

Batman v Superman isn't THAT bad. It's better a second time.

by that logic if you watch it a thousand times it'll be the best movie ever made

You're right it gets even hilarious the second time you watch it


Yeah you guys won alright
Won all the 2017 Razzies.

what did they mean by this?

what does the bugle symbolize?

>Pretending to care about rotten tomatoe scores.

>DCucks now not only have to pretend BvS is deep and good, a borderline doublethink thought process
>DCucks now have to also pretend a brilliant movie like CW is bad
>mfw this might be the last straw to start driving them all insane

BvS was bad but at least it got the fucking frame rate right in its own movie.


Yeah, you win.
in Bizzaro world

A reading from the St. Cap's Letters to the Avengers

16 And so God loved the world that he sent capekino to the masses in the form of the one true Franchise

>17 As for all the masses have received the Cape kino from God, they suddenly talk in quip language now and lo! All of them became so joyful and laughing.

>18 And so at that day The Evan apostres was born, and all the non believer will be turned into DCuck and be damned to be thrown into the deep darkness.

>19 as the Dcucks became the heretic, there's only Doomsday await for them.

>20 the Doomsday will come in the form of a beast that wrecked all of their world, at that time not even their cry for their fake god "Snyder" or st. Martha could save them.


No, I win.

Snyder is so fucking gay. Fuck capeshit.

A DC one day ridiculed the non-iconicness and lower popularity of the Marvel, who replied, laughing: "Though you may have the goddamn Batman, I will beat you in a race." The DC, believing her assertion to be simply impossible, assented to the proposal; and they agreed that 20th Century Fox should choose the course and fix the goal. On the day appointed for the race the two started together. The Marvel never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course, making a movie each year except for 2009. The DC, lying down by the wayside and assured of his victory as he had Batman and Superman, fell fast asleep. At last waking up, and moving as fast as he could, he saw the Marvel had reached the goal, and was comfortably dozing on her prize money, newfound fame & popularity, and bitches.

>>Slow but steady wins the capekino

After seeing Civil War it made me hate BvS even more. That movie did nothing right.

So the Transformers movies are amazing as well, then.

Try watching them both again when you're over 25.

Both were good. Now let's get back to talking about being annoyed with blacks.

Preety sure the argument was about being "entertaining"

I am over 25.

Stupid can be stupid fun or stupid annoying.
Transformers was very definitely the latter.

It's better a second time because you know how shit the movie is by that point and you have no hope left.

I just turned 25 yesterday. And went tor ewatch both movies.

BvS is still shit. And Civil War is definitely capekino

A razzie, maybe.

>Civil War is definitely capekino
Not with that tv episode image, not with that non-existent music. Even the x-men series has better production. Marvel directors are lazy. Dr Strange looks promising though.