Drugged and raped a white woman

>Drugged and raped a white woman
Wew lad. Will a bunch of others ones come forward now, like Cosby?
Or is Sinead O'Connor full of shit? It seems odd that she's only saying shit about Arsenio now that Prince died.

Also if the mods can't see how this sort of scandal is directly relevant to his career, then you're crazy. His show will probably get cancelled before the end of the week.

Tbqph, I don't care who the victim or the offender is.

Rape is rape, and it is a fucking disgusting crime.

Incarcerate the fucker.

>Or is Sinead O'Connor full of shit?
it's this one

Don't talk shit about Danny Welbeck!

>Sinead O'Connor full of shit?

Of course she is. She was a histrionic tumblrina before tumblr even existed.

Arsenio is GAY AS FUCK

Did this happen at a wine and cheese party?

>tfw Snead O'Conner admitted being slapped by Prince

Fuck you Gregory Hines dindu nuffin

>be irish pop sensation
>hear great new tune 3rd hand on the live circuit
>make hit record
>make front page of reddit
>knock on door
>open door
>look down
>holy shit is that prince
>little fucker takes a boxing stance
>starts throwing combos at the air
>lol wtf
>suddenly turns and hits you
>360 noscope headshot
>referee appears out of nowhere and counts you out
>wake up in hospital with reporters by bedside
>nobody believes a word

>thinking it's okay for little black bitches to slap our white women

The guy didn't tell him how good the cheese was

Artist Formerly Known As Doctor Prince?

>I don't care who the victim or the offender is
So it doesn't matter if either gets incarcerated?

>steal song
>hear angry mob outside chanting
>"tafkap, boma ye, tafkap, boma ye"
>door is kicked in
>nobody there
>starts raining purple


Sinead O'Connor is the very definition of "full of shit".

Nice trips.

But no that's not what I meant. I meant to imply that everyone is equal under the law.

I couldn't give a shit if the offender was black or white. He deserves justice to be dealt to him, and if he is innocent, he walks free.

You get what I mean?

SINEAD: "If I take off that mask would you die?"

PRINCE: "It would be extremely painful"

SINEAD: "You're a Big Guy™."

PRINCE: "For you"


Sinead was always a bipolar loon who loved causing shit.
Still talented though, so people more or less put up with her shit.

Doesn't mean this isn't true though.

True justice doesn't exist anymore, the judicial system is too corrupt

I have hope. My gf is working as a lawyer.

But that's just me.


>Implying she won't be bullied/blackmailed/threatened to turn a blind eye to the law at some points in her career

I take it you live in America.

No, any country is a cuck to the judicial system.
It's in the goverments best interest to grant custody to the mother and have the man pay alimony/child support since men usually have better jobs so they get more tax money etc.

If you want to paraphrase just say: Innocent until proven guilty.

It's in everyone's interest that it be abolished entirely to dissuade women from becoming Sluts.

Sinead O'Connor is bonkers.

Eurgh back to the Loch with you Nessie

be arsenio
sue sinead for slander

he'll win you know?

never liked denzel washington anyway

You can only sue for slander if you actually loose money from the accusation.

Then you have to prove how much money you lost AND that you didn't do it in a court of law.

But the upside is winning usually grants a hefty sum.

>Net worth: 6 million


Are we all forgetting the fact that this bitch is a known attention whore?

She'll do/say anything for publicity.

>Or is Sinead O'Connor full of shit?


>it's a Sup Forums can't decide if they believe the nigger or the bitch episode
I always love these

>Drugged and raped a white woman
What? Source?

Google says she accused him of supplying Prince, not giving her a Hot Cosby.


>You best get tidying your man cave.

>Incinerate rapists
>Let murderers go free after 10 years


Sinead is crazy but Arsenio, Eddie Murphy and Magic Johnson used to get up to all kinds of crazy shit

WTF. Wesley Snipes would neva.

>caring about the bald bitch who tore a photo of best Pope on SNL

John Paul II was a commie destroyer.


Prince wasn't a nigger. He was a tiny little alien sex mite

>Prince wasn't a nigger.
We're talking about Arsenio Hall here, user

oh my bad

Who dat?

Arse Neo.

Christ, Americans are morons.

>implying a PoC can "rape" a white woman

Wow Sup Forums thanks for letting me know you guys are racists
