Hey Sup Forums how do I lose weight. I'm not like a whale or anything just not happy with the way I look

Hey Sup Forums how do I lose weight. I'm not like a whale or anything just not happy with the way I look

How did you do it?



exercise and eat healthy

Tits or gtfo you fucking swine

you could try not eating the food

no but really how?

You have to be stupid... right. The fucking BASICS of dieting! It's so god damn simple you fat shit!

Cutting out carbs seems to help get rid of weight quick, with some exercise. Not sure how healthy that is.

"Snack" more. Of course, healthy shit, not doritos or mcfat.
Do some exercise too. Not hours of it, just 40 to 50 minutes should do good enough if you hit it hard.

it is rather simple, but let's start of this way. what are you're eating habits?

If your a girl lift heavy weights. moderate protein. if your a guy lift heavy weights a lot and eat a shit ton of protein.

It's just as fucking easy as that you retard

Cardio and calorie deficit

gender was not brought up.

>inb4 trap.

cut your throat, izi

Snacking mainly

down 60 pounds since february. All I do is eat a lot less than I did when I was a fatass and do a mixture of running and walking for about 45 mins to an hour and a half depending on how busy I am that day. Once you stop eating like a lard for a while your body gets used to it and isnt hungry all the time, or at least what you feel as hunger. For me I was just bored when I ate all the time. It's a lot more simple than you think looking at it from a distance. I just got tired of being a fatass and did it. Hope this helped in some way. Best of luck man.

eat less, and to not become a skeleton which no one likes lift some weights

I'm not op but I'm 19 I'm 6,3ft and weigh 260 pounds I've been snacking and walking 5 miles every night I've always been a chub and people are telling me it looks like I've lost weight but I see no difference and I refuse to weigh myself until in my own eyes I look like I've lost weight. What do?

Just dont be such a fatass

I couldnt gain weight if i wanted to. Step it up nigga.

Eat what you need
Not what you want

Go to a gym

Don't have an excuse for anything

If you don't lose weight it's because you actually didn't want to

Op here, I used to be really fat and got bullied for it in school now ive grown (6,4) I've lost weight but I lack motivation. I tell myself to do shit and just can't be bothered. How do I get motivation?

Start with cutting dairy on a daily basis...then move to cutting down on high carb foods...grains, wheat, etc...buy smaller plates to help influence change in portion size. Replace that beer with a glass of red wine. Water, water, water...Mio water flavor isn't terrible if you get tired of just plain water. Buy fruit...cut fruit...freeze fruit...blend frozen fruit for natural breakfast smoothies. Quick way to get your full daily fruits (and veggies if you add kale, cucumbers, carrots). If you need some help, CLAs and Fat Burners like the ones provided by Cellucor and Hydroxycut are effective and inexpensive.

This. All you need it self-discipline and will power.

i take ephedra, that shit works and fast too but can be dangerous if you take too much or if you got like a bad heart or something

Also, if you crave dairy...a small cup of nonfat yogurt with that frozen fruit makes for a healthy late night snack.

Eat healthy...fruit veggies drink water/aqua..no diet shit drink. Buy soms good running sneakers and start running ..miles and miles




Alright, trust me, I lousy 60 lb in about a month doing this.

>Eat sugar, candy what ever, just entire bags of candy all at once.
>Do this once a day at least for several months.
>Soon your mouth will be dry all the time
>You'll be peeing a lot, drinking a lot
>You'll be sleeping a lot
>You'll start losing a lot of weight too
>congratulations, you've destroyed your pancreas and now have untreated type 1 diabetes.
>wait to go to doctor until you have lost desired weight.
>Go check yourself into an er for dka
>Get perscription for insulin
>Now you have an excuse to carry needles wherever you go
>Start doing heroin with the needles
>Lose even more weight!

seriously do some meth. I lost 150 pounds in 6 months with no exercise and had a blast

Your body is absolutelly nice, that's that big swine face what makes you look fat

No candy what so ever
No sugar water (ice tea, soda etc.)

Dont eat that much and if you feel hungry smoke a cigarette, drink a coffee or even drink a beer (only 1 though)

Weightlifting and daily walks. Once you put on some lean mass and get in a habit of regularly moving your metabolism will go up.

How long do I walk for?

Find a sport you enjoy and try to do it on the weekdays, dont be a fag who tries to pick and choose when to take shots just go as hard as you can and,enjoy the sport. Eat right brown rice is better than white rice. Chicken is really good and can be prepared in a,numerous amount of ways. Dont sit down for long periods of time and try to stay as active as possible

This is good advice, turkey is even better than chicken tho because less fat. If you're serious then the only meat you should eat is Turkey/Chicken, salmon or lean beef. Don't binge on junk food (it's obvious what is healthy and not) and remain in a calorie defecit (1500-2000) Buy some weights and learn how to use them properly, stay active and go on runs/walks every day.

It's really not that hard to follow once you get it into it and, believe me, you will literally watch the weight drop off you.

Tl;dr don't be a fucking bitch

With a knife.
It's the quickest way.

stop double-fisting cheeseburgers and go outside and exercise.

eat less, move more

1) stop eating too much
2) ???
3) profit!

About 6 weeks ago I started eating and drinking less.
I simply ate and drank less and lost 10 kg.
Being hungry means it works. See it as a positive thing.
If you are hungry, wait 2 hours until you eat and don't eat to much.
I got used to it pretty fast.
It's not comfortable but better than being fat.

Do more than walking, for one. There are tried and true exercises: pushups, situps/leglifts, squats. See how sets of 10 you can do of each, and try to improve by 5 - 10% each month.

Lust for pussy worked for me. Go nofap, but still vanilla porn. Shortly you will be consumed with purpose: to get laid.

Don't think, just do.