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Tommen The Tyrant Edition

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first for palestine

How hard is it to link the last bread

Tommen did everything wrong.

Night's King will do everything right.

Why can't the characters see that?

2nd for Sup Forums should just be all /GoT/ threads



tommen dies this season

Tommen and Bran are best

Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston.

when will he release his manifesto?

>They're going to make Tommen evil because reasons

can't have any strong white males to oppose kellyc

won't happen
tommen will change everything.

wtf is up with that crown?

did someone put it in the dryer on high heat again?

irrelevant characters edition

he's weak and he'll die weak.

he'll die at the ripe age of 25 before his mom blows herself up with wildfire

>prob department
>has to make new crown for the new king
>new king is Tommen
>who dat?
>look up awoiaf.westeros.org/Tommen_Baratheon
>I guess it's a kid then

This series has been DROPPED. It has become 100% a SJW propaganda series.

>Tyrion Lannister-
white male with disability, reddit meme-man, good guy!
>Jaime Lannister-
crippled and unthreatening (good), rapist male (bad) thus grey character!
>Cersei Lannister-
stronk female character, brave mother
>Daenerys Targaryen-
super stronk independent female leader, true queen!
>Jon Snow-
illegitimate male character, but has to die because strong white male. opened the globalist wall and sold out own people so good guy now, brought back
>Davos Seaworth-
powerless and comes from poverty, unthreatening so good guy!
wise intelligent stronk female character
>Margaery Tyrell-
punished independent stronk female character
>Ellaria Sand-
super cunning independent stronk female character
>Sansa Stark-
stronk female survivor character
>Arya Stark-
stronk punished female heroine
>Lord Varys-
unthreatening and mutilated male character, so good guy!
>Theon Greyjoy-
unthreatening mutilated male character with PTSD, good guy
>Brienne of Tarth
stronkest and most independent woman in the realm
>High Sparrow
strong white religious man? threatening AND with power? evil guy. homophobic and sexist too
>Daario Naharis
white male boytoy, not allowed power so unthreatening, good guy
>Roose Bolton
strong white male with power? threatening. murderer and rapist. bad guy
>Ramsay Bolton
strong white male thus illegitimacy, rapist, torturer, murderer
>Jorah Mormont
cuck. powerless. stone AIDS. so super good guy!
>Alliser Thorne
strong white male, so threatening bad guy
>Eddison Tollett
white male but quippy side character without power, so good guy
>Doran Martell
male character with power? weakness means death
>Podrick Payne
powerless white male, loyal ally to women! unthreatening good guy
noble white man, does what’s right for the realm regardless of how it looks, thus killed by stronk woman after character vilification

Stannis isn't dead.

Why do all the young actors have double chins? Is America spreading?


here, let me help:

What's his worst and best theories 4U guys?

For me - worst: planetos is post-apocalyptic sci-fi land
best: prophecy is a ruse

this is the real thread though

Best: Littlefinger/Robin Arryn
Worst: Jason Mallister killed Balon

those have been on the westeros.org boards since forever, pls don't confuse popularizer for originator thx

It was never implied he is the originator, stop being a faggot thx

>jorah mormont

best : varys is a merman/merman conspiracy
worst : stannis is relevant

Is the new season worth watching at all or has the show gone even further downhill? These threads seem to be much slower this year.

Why doesn't Ser Davos know about Stannis yet?

its not the Nights King

Coldhands is the Nights King

as much as reddit is implied to originate memes to the greater internet. fuck off pls defensive redditor, spreader of ignorance, victim of trends, giver of clicks, destroyer of communities

Coldhands has been cut and D&D refer to Night's King as Night's King.

>Watching Preston's "What you are missing" series
>he highlights all these P O E T R Y moments in the book

Holy shit GRRM is a fucking genius. I've read the books 5 times over and there are still new things I haven't come across.

It was implied, you illiterate moron. You answered to "preston preston preston".

Fuck right off, retarded mongrel.

this is obviously coldhands role

or its benjen

Maybe, but how would we get this pov though if this was Coldhands?

Bran and Meera after they've left Bloodraven and the cave?

Or Thorne and the rest getting sent on a mission North of the Wall to find out where the wight army is assembled and what the Walkers are doing?

first one

that's meera at the side

so if that is the 'Nights King', does that mean it is the 1000 year old Stark?


lots of stark armour undead wights in the show

Didn't they promise we'd go further North this year than we ever have before?

Kinda sucks of Bran just learns some shit for him to just go back to the Wall instead of further North to do some kinda mystical shit. Would have to go to the Night's Fort again or chance Castle Black to get through but now there's a 100,000+ army of wights that as soon as any notice Bran's in one location, can probably get the whole army moving.

yeah bran is probably going north, though i dont see how with him being a cripple

Wait. How did Bran & Co get through the wallin the show? I have no recollection after they met Sam at Queenscrown

Could be him transformed by ice magic shit, could be a son he had with his Other bride which might explain why he looks different than the other Walkers, could be that the story we heard was bullshit and he was always a Walker and not a Stark, or story was bullshit and Starks originally used to be Walkers or Walker hybrids.

there was a tunnel or some shit

They got to the Night's fort cause it was the closest shelter or something and that was the same time that Sam came through a passage in the Wall and into the Night Fort with Gilly and the baby and he told them about the path.

That's a funny way to write "worst."

There is a passage under one of the abandoned castles along the wall.

Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon

Does he have white boipussy hair?

That's what Hodor is for

spoilers for this week?

If Tommen dies who's next in line?

very cunty of them to rely on hodor like that.

bloodravens was one thing, always winter? very heinous

Whoever the Great Council that's called picks, which will probably be Tyrells since they'll otherwise put their army into use and start starving out King's Landing and more.

If a baby can survive the journey, Hodor and Bran can.

And sacrifices must be made, none of them will probably survive to the end of this anyway.


What are the odds that Stannis the Mannis is still alive?

just fucking stop

bout 3 fiddy

stannis is quentyn

It's tree fiddeh.

The same as Lyanna being alive

inb4 littlefinger btfos everybody.

One true king

So pretty decent?

>muh thread wars
>now theres 2 dead threads instead of one
well done you massive faggot

>varys is a merman/merman conspiracy
dude that's my favorite one too.

I'm sad that the theory Roose is a skin stealing vampire is never going to happen now.

When are we getting more Highgarden scenes

he does you retard

How can they not be aware of how ridiculous those eye stones look? Every time they have a scene where people are standing around all sad and somber and then the camera cuts to a face with cartoon eyes on it that make it look like a botched taxidermy job make me laugh to the point of tears. This was intended to be comedy, right?

>Jon will never hug his brothers again
>Sansa and Jon will never reunite

>user thinks Sansa and Jon will never reunite
>they reunite in the next episode

>Sansa and Jon will never reunite

I suppose they'll never have a 3some with smelly melly either?

Literally no. Sansa, Brienne and Pod are told Jon is killed by his sworn brothers, they turn 360 and go to Vale





Fat Man LITERALLY says that Khaloreesi is his self-insert

told by who? mystery messenger?

So is it confirmed in the show that Lyanna is now Jon Snows mother? Is there any change its Ashara Dayne? I always wanted Ned to have a thing with her

We've never had Highgarden cenes so even if we got one it would be infinitely more than ever before.

>being this buttmad

explains the weight gain

post dany

You think there is no one and nothing there from where they are to the Wall? They will meet some people.

wass dat pic??

>just wants to make all the babies of the world into immortal cool ice elves

Night King is Right King!

None of the Lannisters barring maybe Tyrion are even remotely SJW bait. Actual Tumblr pandering includes:

>Sand Sneks
>Jon Snow

It's a shame about Brienne because I actually kind of liked her at first because she wasn't a bitch about her skills the way most feminist inspired warriors usually are and had a somewhat interesting relationship with Jamie. It was once she beat The Hound that she went down that path. Danarys and Arya have been Tumblr pandering from the beginning. Sneks are obvious. Snow is just a self insert for your average Bernie supporter.




A woman failing at running a country
Has to use weapons cant really overpower anyone
>Sand Sneks
Warrior women different from coddled white women so no surprise they can be savage and ruthless
A 0.0004% genetic freakshow of a woman
>Jon Snow
How the fuck is her a bernie self insert are you retarded?



that would be such a fucking asspull.

plus screens literally have sansa at the wall in her dress

>what are cultural differences


post those screens please

>Tommen Lannister


>Sansa and Jon

>not Jon and Arya

that's the most depressing shit ;_;

>ramsay bolton
>third likeliest

u wot m8

It's technically Tommen Waters if you want to be pedantic

>Ashara Dayne not even listed

Preston Jacobs on SUICIDE watch