Anyone have any free $100 amazon gift cards they dont need anymore...

anyone have any free $100 amazon gift cards they dont need anymore? i need them cause im trying to get a gaming PC so i can start streaming and not playing on my Macbook


>Had money for macbook
>Now begging for money online

>Drink bleach

the macbook was a gift, i never bought it


why the fuck would anyone have spare 100 dollar gift cards lying around. Youre either autistic or underage. Get a job nigga.

i have one, but im not of a positive thinker. i believe!!!! thats about it

op here, ill even settle for $20

Nobody has a spare $100 floating you fucking dipshit. If they have then they aren't gonna give it away.

settle for this


If you're dumb enough to buy a Mac, you don't deserve any help

>anyone have free 100$
>for my gaming pc
get a job faggot and sell that fucking macbook

this. fuck this user this is now a diora thread


lol why assume i dont have one?


post more of girl and I'll consider it

He can't get to work, he got banned off of the special bus for sticking crayons up his arse and licking the windows.

cause youre begging for money online and not even a small amount





Sell the Macbook, suck cock for money, kill yourself.


ok so does anyone wanna just send me $100 cash to my paypal then?


no fuck off this aint your thread anymore

>I'll settle for $20
You say that like it is fucking hard for you and you are not just accepting free money you nigger


Leeeeeeeeeeeeeets see what Abdul says


exactly this is my thread

Oh dear, thats a no


No fuck off we are not giving you these large sums of fucking money

instead of begging on Sup Forums you could have already posted your shit Macbook for sale you dense faggot.

Kill yourself, then I'll sen you $100.

this fucking faggot uses a macbook, dont gift him shit. fucking kys OP

you aint getting shit home boy go suck sone dick on the corner mutt and sell that shitbook

i wish i knew you in real life so i could knocm some fucking sense into your thick, ignorant skull. kill yourself my man


How's sophmore year of college treating you?



hes asking for multiple cards with a hundred in them. hes basically saying "build my pc and pay for it too". also fuck off kys

on a real note, fucking sucks. see you really understand

What the fuck is up with those nipples? That has to be the work of implants



>hurr durr im retarded and poor so ill post "kys" to sound smart and edgy

Sorry that your McJob isn't paying $20/hour just yet

tell me about it bro!!!! fucking sucks!

she actually has legit big tits. maybe her nips are just sensitive but trust if she had implants youd see the scars

Hes McPoor

>implying i work a mcds
kek ok kid im not the one begging on the internet fucking pathetic niggers. i can afford my own shit and then some, remember, you made this thread asking me for money. bitch

yeah and i need McMoney

youre so rich, drop that hindy on this nigger OP then. oh wait, i forgot mommy only gives you 20 bucks in allowance :(

i mean im not complaining, im actually enjoying this thread

Then sell your MacBook you donk, fucking McAutist

why would we give some apple fag money?

>guis i have a job
>i have a macbook
>i cant afford my own pc tho
>ima pathetically beg on the internet for money so i can get 2 viewers on twitch
>im not poor tho guis
>plz give ne monies

i dont like apple, it was a gift

I have a decent income, majority of it is split 3 ways, Rent, Union fees and car running costs, yet I still have enough for when things fuck up or if I need food.


We dont, we leave him with his mistake and disappointment

wow ok so you guys are a bit over reacting all I was dping was asking a question $100 isn't like a huge amount I just figure if a few people donate 100 each then I can get a gaming PC before the end of the summer at least but whatever

i caught ya a dollar

so build your own oc then or just admit youre sone 17 year old burger flipper that has to give 80%of ur check to mommy

I did, lasted from 2012 to recently, also, I'm not OP, also, I have a job in news

that's tragic, she has tits but literally no ass.