What the fuck!

what the fuck!

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I believe her family were billionaires before she became an actress. Which sort of makes all the people feeling bad for her after one of her million shows got cancelled look a little silly.

Yeah shes pretty much a baroness or some shit.

she wanted to make a tv show because she enjoyed making them, not for money. you can still feel bad when rich people fail at their dreams

>swn be your sugar momma

started watching some of veep but haven't got to into it yet. what are opinions of the show?

No, no you can't.

with that kind of money, i wouldnt spend the rest of my life in tv studios making shitty sitcoms, I would have a huge custom yacht built, with bedrooms and entertainment centers and a helicopter pad and massive food storage, and just sail around the world seeing all the different parts of the world.

I listened to her recent interview on wtfpod with Maron.

She's actually hilarious in the interview. She's ultra liberal (surprise). She talks about being broke starting out and states money figures that aren't that much as being a lot.

I don't know if she was trying to sound down to earth but it kinda worked on me. I think Jerry and Larry David took all the money from Seinfeld.

Also, Marc asks at the end about her families history with some super powerful Franco-Jewish family lineage. She admits it but says she's got no real connection to them in France.


Having over a billion dollars trumps almost any dream you could have, with the exception of having someone to pass it down to.

She could blow a fucking million dollars on a vacation better than the average person lives and she'd still have around 3 billion dollars.

Money isn't worth much without a sense of purpose.

K coolio thx 4 the info

Yes you can. Failure is universal. Happiness and sadness are universal. Money isn't a miracle cure for emotion.

Still, I don't feel bad for Julia. She's clearly having fun with her life.

>Feeling bad for rich people

>Money isn't a miracle cure for emotion.
Yes it fucking is, are you kidding?

It can hardly be called a failure when you have billions. Failure implies consequence.


>Family are billionaires
>Starred in one of the most successful sitcoms of all time

I don't think it's all that surprising.

>Having over a billion dollars trumps

nice pun

>literally every single famous rich person says these net worth reports are wildly inaccurate
>Sup Forums believes some random websites claims with no alternate sources backing it up

Being rich is a relative thing, and people afjust to their level of wealth and begin to find happiness in other things. If what you are saying if true, a poor kid in the third world could say the same things to middle cass people in rich countries.

No, I'm not. Human desires are infinite. The only way to reach a point of satisfaction in life is to need less, not get more.

Ties to Russian oligarchs

This is like saying each of Bill Gates' daughters are worth $30 billion, because their parents are worth that much.

It's her fathers money, and he is still alive.

Is right. She was raised by her mother in America, she had little to do with her father. Her half sister played a waitress in Seinfeld. I'm sure her mother had quite a bit in alimony and child support, but 3 billion is a little ridiculous.

These net worth estimates are pretty crap. See for yourself.

she's Jewish , just like everyone on that show, except Michael Richards.

>because she enjoyed making them
Oh lol.

its true though, she inhereited billions from her grandparents

>feeling bad for rich people

that's exactly what they want you to feel

thats more money than i ever had in runescape


Find one reputable source

Far too little lewds in this thread.

t. poor person

>Money isn't a miracle cure for emotion.

Say the ones who usually have plenty. Don't you get it ?

oy vey shut it down

t. poor people

>get those shekels
>t. soulless evansposter

yeah, ok guy - you not fooling anyone

you don't have any, obviously.

>gorllionaire doing commercials for old navy

Does she own it or something. Fucking why

Maybe she simply enjoys doing it?



>ITT poor people philosophy to justify being poor to themselves

I'm literally laughing at you from my inherited 10 bedroom manse


yeah no, only poor people use that word

>she's only an actress because she has a passion for the craft and product
Ahahahahahaha nigga, no. Almost everyone who says this is lying. They have a passion for the attention of being famous. The character actors and the Hollywood recluses have a passion for the acting. Julia is just doing it so people pay attention to her.
Source: I'm a tripfag.

nouveau riche detected

Poorfag here.
The happiest I've been recently was winning $250 on a lottery ticket last year.

I bought a bunch of cheap noodles and light bulbs that I badly needed and used the rest for internet bills and shit.

>le sad rich man meme

>I want to make a TV show
>It gets cancelled
>The consequence of it getting cancelled is that I can no longer make said TV show

Are you aut-

Wait, why am I even asking that? Of course you are.

If you don't lose a significant part of your net worth when you 'fail' at an invesmtent you do not have any comprehension of what it means to fail

You've absolved yourself of the risk and only have to worry about achieving the reward.

When you're poor everything is risk and the reward is an actual reward.

wtf i hate rich people now

well, shit. your source more than checks out

Our brains are surprisingly adaptable. But this works both ways.
If you won 3 billion dollars you'd be happy as shit for a year but after that you'd go back to normal.

I won $50,000 a few weeks ago and I had trouble processing it.

>ok what am i gonna do with this money!?
>I dont want to do anything with this money
>Im just gonna put it in the bank and forget about it

I'd been becoming more minimalist and less spendy the last few years, and I think this just solidifies it

If you're happy with how things are money shouldn't change it unless you're irrational.

Let's say I win $1m, what then? I buy some property I didn't want? Have to deal with all that hassle? I'll be gaining hassle for a rental return I don't need.

It's all a matter of priorities really.

A study I read said that after a certain amount, money stops being a factor in how happy someone is. I think it was something like £25,000 ($36,000) pa.

Other things like relationships, creative fulfilment, personal attitude, etc. are always factors regardless of money. Money problems can make you unhappy if a lack of it is affecting you, but if you have enough to live comfortably then getting more will only make you temporarily happy when you get it. A millionaire is as happy as a billionaire, all other things being equal.

what money gives you is freedom from worry i think, a whole layer of normal problems just evaporates which i think would be pretty cool

Yes but then other problems take their place pretty fucking quickly. Problems that seemed trivial before now appear important. We're just not programmed to be happy

yeh this tbqh. you need to figure out your minimum level of necessity for survival and maintain it.

otherwise you'll neglect those things in the pursuit of other things, and then your animal brain will freak out cause you're neglecting your survival for dumb pursuits

i think value adding people keep it simple. dipshit trust fund kids who dont make money dont keep it simple and just lose money hand over fist.

Respect to her for discovering a talent and pursuing a career that has nothing to do with her family's wealth

Compare her to the likes of Dan Blizerian, she's a true alpha

I'd periodically buy government bonds and enjoy a middle class life except without a job

I knew a guy who won $10m and was too retarded to just put it in the bank and live on interest and/or diversify into bonds and etfs

He paid a tonne of financial advisors... monkeys who take a commission on the total amount you give them

What a retard

I have no idea whether hes lost or made money but given financial advisors are useless id bet he former

Yeah my sense of purpose is to actually be able to eat properly instead of being borderline malnourished.
Even if money can't buy happiness it sure as fuck can take away the fucking pain and anxiety

nah youd just be anxious about something else

you can be hungry and not anxious

everyone wants to play being a big shot businessman

What I meant when I said anxiety was the not knowing whether I will be able to eat or not, that is what causes anxiety and fear

There are recluse famous people.
Their stories are even more heart warming because they overcame shit like anxiety disorders to create art.

LOL, 215 million?

Where the FUCK did they come up with that figure?

dude was one the most sought-after actors of the 90's

Daddy Money.

He also owns a few businesses I think. He has like a whiskey business or something. And he does ads in Sweden or something.

That's a more pimp name than Lord Sugar.

Other sources say he's worth 5 million.

But what if the things you really want can't be bought?

Quads confirm your view.
I also agree

>not knowing how this works

The same way that you're not worrying about whether you'll have enough to eat or if you'll have access to clean drinking water (unless you're dirt poor), neither do billionaires feel accomplished resting on their wealth.

That's why you see Bill Gates literally giving most of it away to charity or Trump running for president.

Being a billionaire means comparing oneself to other billionaires, not nobodies like you.

Steal them.

pretty funny,but dont marathon it

>don't even clear the first tier



>tfw don't even clear the bottom tier but care only about the topmost one

comrade bernie can't come soon enough

Why most Jewish TV actresses are trust fund babies?

Post more greedy narcissistic billionaire heirs-turned actresses

Literally every major business have a cpo, cfo, accountant and or financial advisor who handles their money.

The only monkey is you for having such an ignorant opinion, not everyone has the time nor knowledge to diversify their assets, only natural to have someone do it for them. you collect a few % on your millions a year and it just sits, while also ticking up or down depending on inflation, while with a legit advisor, a firm that's worth a few hundred million or billion you can grow it substantially more with safeguards.


3 billion dollars and she still makes stupid old navy commercials. I guess jews can't turn down easy shekels.

there's a word for those types of people


I went to a tv tapping of The new adventures of old Christine, it was an episode where she took her shirt off because she was hot and was wearing a bra and using her shirt to cool herself off.
Was pretty cool to see all the behind the scenes of a sitcom. It was kinda long though, like 4 hours iirc. they gave us some shitty thin cheese pizza (only 1 slice per person, fucking jews) and a water bottle with the sitcoms logo on it.

I'd fuck elaine so bad bros

That must be why every major business is always successful, it's because of financial advisors and not from business strategy

Like the cornerstone of business is how to invest your assets yeh? It's not about returning a profit on goods or services sold

>being this much of a cuck
>give all your money to other people who are ''''''''qualified'''''''' to spend it
>studies show they cant beat the index
>literally useless and a cost negative

but accountants are useful