What went wrong?
Spotted the DCuck
OP is a faggot
Weak, uncharismatic villain, as always with MCU.
What matters is his plan.
Based on a shit comic and manages to be better than said comic by taking away everything except one or two things, but in doing so ends up being an empty movie with quips and cool fight scenes.
Nothing, stay mad DCuck
I'm done with this Mickey Mouse-tier soap opera drama. It doesn't help either that all the fight scenes are edited by a teenager with Tourette's and Parkinson's, it's as if they want to distract the audience from how shoddy everything looks by waving a flashlight on their face. I couldn't give a damn about any of these sterile excuses for characters. During the airport scene all the artificially-inflated conflict devolved into a child playing with one toy in each hand and bashing them together.
It's riddled with sophomoric and shallow pseudo-political ponderings that are thrown out the window when the quiptastic action starts. They completely disregard for the umpteenth time the collateral damage while they're having fun showcasing their flashy abilities.
The third act pretends to get serious when in reality it turns into a cheap heartstring manipulation revolving around "why didn't you tell me Cap waaa".
This part completely disregards the fact that Stark knows all too well that brainwashing and mental manipulation is a thing, let's not forget that he has witnessed it firsthand with Banner. There's no excuse for him to have such a sudden change of heart other than to extend the conflict for another 15 minutes of mindless violence, and leave the manchildren with the impression that they've just witnessed an intricate revenge tragedy.
All smoke and mirrors, the constant quipping is an effective tool to cloud a fanboy's mind and judgement.
Finally, what's left is an entire team of "world-class" heroes that got fooled by a man wearing a Bucky mask. Not to mention that the villain's stale trope was better executed 19 years ago when Scream 2 came out, ironically, a film satirizing this cliché.
If you don't think this is cartoonish and laughable you might be too young to post on this site.
Never again.
BvS was a failure and it made DC cucks mad.
Look at this guy
wow, that is some serious virginity at work.
They tried to copy the kino god and failed.
Literally nothing. It's the best Marvel film and in the top 3 comic book movies of all time, right next to Spider-Man 2 and TDK.
If you haven't gathered by now, if you want to know how a movie is, take the popular Sup Forums opinion and reverse it completely.
As demonstrated, you're dealing with perma-virgin beta autists who in social circles we'd refer to as "That Guy". You know, That Guy, who plays devil's advocate for funsies, That Guy who takes the contrarian opinion because everyone else is a mindless brainwashed moron so if I take the opposite opinion, I'm smarter than them, right?
Pasta or not I agree
Spider-man 2 does not hold up.
What would you replace it with?
I didn't want to glut the top 3 with MCU movies, because then it'd be Civil War, Winter Solider, The Dark Knight
Weak villain, an over-reliance on "don't ask questions, fuck it" moments, decent central conflict that was quickly dropped in favor of a master manipulator pulling the strings, terrible looking action sequences that look like a laggy video game, pacing that stops dead in it's tracks to introduce Spider-man for no good reason, boring score, Tony Stark acting like a petulant child with no foresight.
>weak villain
What. Zemo was great , way better than nearly every Marvel movie villain
>literally the only villain who succeeds
>literally defeats all the Avengers without lifting a finger
>literally the only one who survives his film
>literally the only one with a motivation that doesn't revolve around world domination or amassing power
Anyone who thinks Zemo isn't great is retarded
Yeah, exactly. He also gave legitimacy to Tony's position. He was a super-villain created out of the carnage left behind by the avengers.
And even better, he wasn't just a "exactly the hero, but slightly different" thing we've gotten ad nauseum.
>Cap/Red Skull
>Iron Man/Iron Monger
>Ant man/Yellowjacket
shit was cash
Did it better than Bane.
Or Joker.
You are right.
BvS does not know how to copy the Russos well.
Movie was great, finally an actual villain with decent characterization and a plot I did not see coming miles away and stunning action all around. Black Panther and Spidey were also spot on.
So much this.
BvS is gonna get a 1 billion guys!
needed more Iron Man screentime 2bh
That's the closest Snyder will ever be to success.
When will they learn
Nothing, was the best Marvel movie so far and had one of the best capeshit villains ever.
That doesn't even make sense on an ironic level.
Nice pasta idiot
Why don't you invest some of your precious time into creative shitposting?
Cluttered narrative, promises more than it delivers, poor fight scenes
Stark felt very human, this was a great continuation of his character development and made tons of sense.
Villain and plot were terrific as well.
The only thing I didn't like was AntMan deciding to go rogue after spending an entire movie trying to redeem himself ti be able to stay with his kid, but I guess he would do it for the greater good.
Plot armor. I mean, we already know that Marvel planned out this franchise for the long term and you can see both Cap and Tony on the concept arts for Infinity War, so we already know that no one important is going to get killed.
You can't really care about their fights because you know they're just fucking around and will be friends on the next day.
Same thing happened with BvS, so it's not a Marvel-exclusive fault.
It's still a fun flick though, solid 6/10
completely agree
Has an entire army of alien soldiers plus the inherent strength of an ice giant trained by the greatest warriors in the universe (asgardians)
During the entire final battle gets punked out by literally everyone, even fucking hawkeye.
His plan was to use a shittier version of Tonys suit and surprise surprise the not shitty Iron Man won, and he wanted to sell weapons to the Ten Rings for.... what exactly?
Muh bird. Harnessed the same power as Iron Man and used it to... make whips... good luck with that.
Generic ambiguous fire power and just completely uninteresting even with the twist, which actually somehow made it worse.
What a fucking joke. He literally did not succeed in defeating one person in battle. Thors fucking mom wiped the floor with him and yet he was supposed to be a threat?
Could have been great, but that fucking dance off scene, while funny, destroyed any chance of that. It destroyed any possibility of the Guardians being taken seriously even by children too. Funny joke though
Super intelligent AI literally made out of an almost indestructible metal that has spread across the entire goddamn internet. Instead of building his own weapons after Jarvis locks him out of launch codes he decides to go with a plan that gives the Avengers all the god damn time in the world to stop him.
This character was an abomination amirite?
>Red Skull
Insert generic nazi villain 23 here. His entire war machine was destroyed in a montage and he was BTFO by Cap in an astoundingly weak final fight.
Not terrible. Seemed like he was bad just for the hell of it which was dumb but he was crazy enough that it wasnt as shitty as it should have been.
>Evil Hydra dudes in shield
Had a pretty good plan but gave themselves away like morons pretty early on for it to be a serious threat.
Fucking wins.
Not to mention that his whole plan was what exactly? Get them all in the same place in a way that he had absolutely no control over and hope Steve not only hadn't already told Tony but that Tony would completely lose his spaghetti over it?
Kind of completely out of his hands once you get past the whole "Frame Bucky" thing. Bit of a stretch, isn't it?
If those fight scenes were poor then you better come up with a new word to describe BvS ones cause the dictionary ran out of pejoratives.
No one mentioned BvS
What reason would he have to believe that Steve would tell Tony? Obviously Steve is going to want to protect Bucky and that secret from the one guy who absolutely would lose his shit if he found out.
In a place where he could show them the 1991 mission recording. Hints that Tony did not know were prolly in the hydra files.
That's so totally out of character for a guy like Steve and you bloody well know it. If they'd been in one continuous battle since Ultron, sure. You save that kind of shit for downtime.
INCOMING BAD NEWS: They had a lot of downtime. No excuse at all for Steve not telling Tony. You don't save someone's feelings by sitting on information that could later not only hurt them but also make it seem like you'd been lying to them. Steve's supposed to be smarter than that, not to mention a better man.
It's lazy and dumb.
Then point out a good fight scene in a movie, shill.
For what reason would Steve ever have to tell Tony, other than "because the Winter Solider might be framed by a bad guy and cause us all to get into a massive fight".
What Tony didn't know didn't hurt him, until it did. And until he discovered it, he didn't need to know.
How fucking stupid can you be
He even spells it out at the MIT conference, he doesn't know what happened to them, that thing was pulling info straight from his memory.
He didn't just do it to save Tony's feelings, he did it to protect Bucky.
Point out a better fight scene in a capeshit movie.
Pro tip: you can't.
Oh, I don't know, because the Widow released massive amounts of encrypted data onto the net from both SHIELD as well as HYDRA? That's just a sword hanging over your head if you don't come clean and at least try to break it to Tony gently
If Tony was going to hear it from anyone, it should have been Steve and if he was written with any degree of consistency, it *would* have been Steve.
Movie also exposed Whedon as a huge hack, shit is 100 times better than Age of Ultron.
Spider-man vs Doc Ock on the train.
Tony could have gone his entire life never knowing had Zemo not gotten involved. If he didn't see the info in the HYDRA dump in the first place, he never would have.
I reqlly don't know what you mean
Black Panther for example was top notch and actually my girlfriend is big into Black Panther, I've never seen her so excited and emotional by a film.
When T'challa is first shown in the suit I felt her jump.
This Spiderman 2 isthe only good capeshit movie
not capeshit but made by the same choreographer that worked on Civil War
Note how the cuts aren't made with the purpose of hiding the fact that the fights are mediocre.
Literally everything from TWS was superior to that shitfest intro. The tunnel chase was shit, too, as was the lead-up to it.
Huge fan of Civil War, but I must admit that the editing is shit. This is coming from an industry editor, btw add-driven edits to hide shit choreography is all the rage right now
RT gives an index about user agreement however, not movie score.
Civil War has 92% agreement on a 7.5 score. BvS has a 29% agreement on a 5/10 score, implyiong some gave more, some gave less (with the majority giving less).
The fact that people can't read this kind of indexes is only firther proof that stupid movies are more likely to have success.
too much Cap3 rather than civil war
On another note, this fight was done in one take with surgical precision.
I think it's more that he did it because Cap (indirectly) asked him to.
Also because you should never trust a Stark.
>but that Tony would completely lose his spaghetti over it?
The most common knowledge ever that Tony has issues with his parents. HE LITTERLY GIVES A PRESENTATION ABOUT IT.
Fucking sperg
Of course. You cannot appreciate the fine capekino that is the civil war
>What went wrong?
Disney hasn't hired me to shill their flicks to the masses.
Fucking mediocre fight
>those muscle tits
>that beefy ass
You accidentally clicked Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
And if it's common knowledge, why didn't Steve tell him in a private moment instead of chancing that revelation being made with both of them withing arm's reach of one another?
It's plot-induced stupidity and totally out of Steve's character.
Was Starks dad supposed to look like the government dude. Because he looked like he government dude.
Like at the reveal I legit thought it was the government dude and started doing mental gymnastics to explain how he got killed in 1991 but was still alive in 2016
Howard Stark looked exceptionally good for a man who had to have been pushing 90.
>the villain won!
What are the parameters here for him winning? Getting the Avengers to fight?
They did that on their own without outside help the last 2 Avengers movies.
I feel like he didn't lose per se, but didn't exactly win either.
He wanted them to literally kill each other, that didn't happen.
Thats the real twist. Zemo wins AGAIN
I'm probably stupid for this. But can someone explain why there was a perfectly positioned camera for the hit?
One that he knew was there, and doesn't shoot first?
Yeah, at best he drove a wedge between them that will be a plot point up through Infinity War where all will be forgiven. It might figure into some of the movies, but not in any way that's really going to matter.
In that same vein, what was his actual plan? He couldn't rely on all the nations ratifying the accords, nor could he guarantee that it would be precisely Stark, Rogers, and Barnes showing up at the Winter Soldier facility.
I can't explain that. Nor can I explain why he'd punch Howard to death and then choke out Tony's mom. It's not like the handprint of a super-strong assassin looks remotely like any damage you'd sustain in a car crash.
Can someone spoil Civil War for me?
I'm being 100% serious. My friends are going to spoil it for me (they watched it today, I'm watching it tomorrow) and I don't want them to have that pleasure, so go ahead Sup Forums
Tell me all about the references, who dies, etc. Anything and everything.
Also tell me about the end credit scenes so that I can in turn spoil the upcoming movies for my piece of shit friends.
I don't think there's an explanation. I think they were hoping we glossed over it.
Maybe that road was important...kek
I don't think he was exactly a villain either.
The only other good Marvel villains are Loki (his actions don't make much sense but he's entertaining) and Kilgrave (from Jessica Jones, unfortunately only on a tv show but he was lgitimately interesting and scary)
There's nothing much to spoil.
Rhodey has artificial legs now and The Avengers are split.
>He couldn't rely on all the nations ratifying the accords, nor could he guarantee that it would be precisely Stark, Rogers, and Barnes showing up at the Winter Soldier facility.
It's one of those "movie villain has devious plot an is pulling the strings but everything has to go perfectly for it to work as intened" plots, but you know, everyone is going to ignore that and call you a faggot for not "getting it" or just ignore that fact. It's kind of getting exasperating seeing this kind of plots in films honestly.
It's not Spectre levels of "I was behind it all muhahahha" but still.
Alright, I will spoil some:
Beginning opens with Bucky going on a 1991 mission to cause a car accident and murder someone
Rhodes doesn't die but is crippled from the big fight
You find out villains family got buttfucked in Sokovia, so his whole plans to get the avengers to fight each other, and to solidify this he eventually shows stark the video from Buckys hit in '91. He killed his parents.
Crossbones kills himself like 5 minutes in.
Peggy dies
Beginning of credits scene is Bucky going back into cryosleep. End credits is Spiderman getting a cool spidey map thing from Stark
The villain frames Bucky for bombing the U,N, the Black Panther's daddy dies in the blast and we get our Mufasa moment with a character we don't know and barely sympathize with in any way besides him being the wise old king, Zemo then waits for Bucky to get captured so he can show up and play commie brainwashing password with him because reasons. This scene's pretty retarded, because it depends on Zemo's EMP bomb being delivered precisely on time and him being in precisely the right place when it goes off. Bucky escapes, Cap, Falc, and the Panther chase him. Cap and Falc get Bucky and he tells them about the other Winter Soldiers, info that probably would have been a good idea to email literally anyone with at literally any point before it became an issue. Then Bucky and Cap need to steal a plane and go to the Winter Soldier facility to stop Zemo from releasing them because they're so badass they can topple any government overnight without anyone ever even knowing it was them(they actually say this). This leads to the airport fight.
Nobody dies. Rhodey gets paralyzed after the Vision drops his spaghetti and somehow misses the Falcon, who somehow dodges A LASER, that hits Rhodey who then falls before anyone can reach him. It's the only moment in the film that comes close to actual emotion.
Then Zemo goes to Siberia to kill the other Winter Soldiers with absolutely no way of knowing who'll show up to stop him(they think he's freeing them). By sheer luck, the three exact people he needs show up for his big reveal - the video of Bucky killing Tony's parents, which, again, is info that Steve could have told Tony at any point at all after Steve found out about it at the end of Winter Soldier. Much fighty fighty ensues.
Panther takes the high road and doesn't kill Zemo, who apparently thinks he's "won," somehow, and Zemo and all the Avengers that didn't sign the accord end up in General Thunderbolt Ross's "top secret" submarine prison and Cap breaks them out.
>Peggy dies
That pissed me off so bad. The only character who died that might have carried any emotional weight died off-screen and Steve finds out by text message? And she gets a cringe-inducing eulogy from her niece that OH SO CONVENIENTLY matches up chapter and verse to Steve's ideological stance and motivations.
______________P O T T E R Y_____________
So most of you sound like this fag:
>International gets it
Universal agreement
>USA gets it
We find any way to destroy it
Why do Americans hate our own movies so much?
They really didn't try to be subtle at all with that speech and Caps stance. I was cringing at that more than the 'muh feminism' thing people are pointing to for that speech being cringe
Maybe because the assholes at Disney released a film with CAPTAIN AMERICA in the title in virtually every market before you, AMERICA?
Way to shit all over your fanbase, Disney.
Seriously stop and think about that, fellow freedom-lovers. That's how little they think of you.
This, I really enjoyed how he was just a normal person who snapped
TV show level writing. No, wait. Below sope opera level writing
minus and minus doesn't make plus
Has no one yet pointed out the contradiction between Tony being so fearful about Wanda being allowed to roam freely, so ready to be the responsible one, then turning around and recruiting a 15-year-old kid to help him bring in a man he thought of as a dangerous, brainwashed, deadly capable assassin?
Because his gay crush on m-muh Bucky is more important than the brutal death of someones parents. For cap it just makes more sense to hear this kinda shit from the villain rather than dirty his goody-two-shoes hands. It's not the American way.
why is Batman laughing while snapping that guy's neck
They should have made Civil War, but they made Captain America 3 instead.