No cock!

Was he that awful since the beginning? Or they ruined him in this season?



Tyrion was by far one of the best characters during the first 4 seasons. Season 5 he wasn't exactly shit but definitely sub-par.

"I make eunuch jokes and he makes dwarf jokes".
What if someone said:
"I make jokes about her breasts that they cut off, and she makes dwarf jokes".

Why is it considered a funny thing to put down a man who lost his penis.

Because women are stupid bitches who actually get off on stuff like this.

This. In a medical class with women in their 20s we got on a subject of a man having his penis cut off by his girlfriend and needing it surgically reattached and they thought it was the funniest thing ever. A group of psychopaths really

I mean, he was quippy and witty from S1 get go, except for S2. Its just that the show in S1 was filled with self-destructive, nihilistic drunkards then. Now he gets all that and boy has he shown it since S4.

Eunuch jokes were historically prominent though.

What? Don't want historical accuracy when it demeans men?

Are you implying that it's okay to joke about dwarfism? Surely they're both bad?

So were concubines and FGM (still is).
I don't get why this is considered a funny thing.

Yikes. It's like the whole male rape thing. We're lead to view prison rape as almost cartoonishly funny - 'don't drop the soap!' It's weird that society has just gone along with these double standards.

ITT: Sup Forums - tumblr for men

Same with Jared from Subway. Yes he was an evil pedo but women joked about him getting footlonged in prison.

Never seen women joke about female inmates getting raped.

>game of faggots
>historical accuracy
top kek

Yeah, it's definitely only women making prison rape jokes. No men. No, sir.

How would a female inmate get raped? Forced to lick pussy?

> Men commit prison rape
> Women joke about it
> Women are the awful ones here

You idiots dont realise

its D&Ds version of tyrion asking literally every person he meets after he leaves westeros
"where do whores go"

its literally this no cock shit instead of this, for purely sjw reasons im sure

pathetic how some of you call yourselves bookfags, you know nothing

OP here. Disregard this thread. I also HAVE NO PENIS.

If one of my friends didn't have his penis, I'd make jokes about it all the time

pedos get what they deserve though and everyone makes jokes about them, pedos are the lowest of the low in prisons around the globe because the fact is many people who end up in prisons had hard upbringings, which can often include being sexually abused

oh i totally forgot about that, you are right spot on lad wew

Yes or getting penetrated by random objects.

haha this hard!

totally this! I should have seen it before user thanks!

you should be embarassed to samefag this hard, yes your theory is right but jesus

you have no idea


One hundred and firth?

you fucking dumb ass lol

Deranged NEETs who have never had a real conversation with anyone strike again

They'd be told they look fat in the prison uniform and that none of the male guards would ever want them.
They are them handed a few feet of rope

>women with her period thinking anyone cares to hear her opinion

No penis??? WWHHHAAATTTTT?????

This is 100% a SJW jewry propaganda series

>Tyrion Lannister-
white male with disability, reddit meme-man, good guy!
>Jaime Lannister-
crippled and unthreatening (good), rapist male (bad) thus grey character!
>Cersei Lannister-
stronk female character, brave mother
>Daenerys Targaryen-
super stronk independent female leader, true queen!
>Jon Snow-
illegitimate male character, but has to die because strong white male. opened the globalist wall and sold out own people so good guy now, brought back
>Davos Seaworth-
powerless and comes from poverty, unthreatening so good guy!
wise intelligent stronk female character
>Margaery Tyrell-
punished independent stronk female character
>Ellaria Sand-
super cunning independent stronk female character
>Sansa Stark-
stronk female survivor character
>Arya Stark-
stronk punished female heroine
>Lord Varys-
unthreatening and mutilated male character, so good guy!
>Theon Greyjoy-
unthreatening mutilated male character with PTSD, good guy
>Brienne of Tarth
stronkest and most independent woman in the realm
>High Sparrow
strong white religious man? threatening AND with power? evil guy. homophobic and sexist too
>Daario Naharis
white male boytoy, not allowed power so unthreatening, good guy
>Roose Bolton
strong white male with power? threatening. murderer and rapist. bad guy
>Ramsay Bolton
strong white male thus illegitimacy, rapist, torturer, murderer
>Jorah Mormont
cuck. powerless. stone AIDS. so super good guy!
>Alliser Thorne
strong white male, so threatening bad guy
>Eddison Tollett
white male but quippy side character without power, so good guy
>Doran Martell
male character with power? weakness means death
>Podrick Payne
powerless white male, loyal ally to women! unthreatening good guy
noble white man, does what’s right for the realm regardless of how it looks, thus killed by stronk woman after character vilification

20 good penis.`

I thought he was a eunuch, not literally dickless

It's funny because Varys is strong and unfazed by all of it, and because of how he flatly denies making dwarf jokes.


NewFriend!! How's your small penis?