Was a CIA operative

>was a CIA operative
>involved on numerous black ops
>trained rebel fighters abroad
>owned his own dojo in Japan teaching the Dane Cook of martial arts
>is a big guy
>was in an all-black guitar band while he was a toddler
>is an actor
>taught the greatest MMA fighter how to kick
>snatches motherfucker birthdays for shits and gigs
>pooped his pants after getting choked out, but still gets respect from the martial arts community

Seriously, is there anything he can't do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Birthday Snatcher General?
if not well I'm sorry to hear that


>was a CIA operative
>involved on numerous black ops
Has he actually claimed this?

Stop eating



>Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie “The Last Samurai.” They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.

>Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it.
wait a second...

>Was CIA

You ruined it you faggot

This is the hottest new meme I've seen in a while

get it while its hot is my advice


>>was in an all-black guitar band while he was a toddler

I saw that yesterday and laughed so hard. What was he thinking?

mac from it's always sunny but a real person

But everybody loved the last samurai

I think people misunderstood that part about the band. He was asked when he started playing and what his favorite collaboration was.
He meant to say that he started playing guitar in the 50s, and that his favorite collaboration was with an all black band.

Wouldn't expect a bunch of underage memesters to be able to read shit. This is what happens when you think infographics on Sup Forums make you smart.

>They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care.

Well done Captain Obvious, do you feel smart now that you've stated what everyone already knew? Keep up, champ.

You still sore about that fifty bucks?

more like yuastilasurbouifitdbux

Is Seagal the author of the navy seals pasta?

the role was more suited to someone who doesn't know about japan

> was in an all-black guitar band while he was a toddler
He never said that.

He said he learned to play the guitar in the 50's A N D was in an all black band.

Mutually Exclusive events, but retarded autists like yourself tried to rape him.

Sup Forums memes are based on purposely misreading things because the quality of humor here is literally at "just make shit up" levels now.





Tom Cruise could kick his ass

is he an actual weaboo?

jeez what a great person

Steven is the real life embodiment of the Ken-sama guy.


>obvious American Sniper cash-grab
>cover is Steven's fat fucking face shopped on someone else's body
>3.0/10 on IMDb

>not changing the Konami to Punani

>Is mongolian, Russian, and Native American

Govern the state of New Jersey

Thank fuck Tom Cruise saved us from Seagal's shit-tier wooden "acting."

How did the ama go on plebit?


Sup Forums memes have ALWAYS been based on intentionally misreading or misunderstanding things

one of my favorite movies could have been ruined if they picked this bucket of lard

Pretty bad. Ppl started making rape allegation jokes and shit like that, the Lebel pants shitting story, and "Seagal" went quiet.

literally everything you said was made up

He claimed he was god, this is on the lower tier of bullshit Seagal said about imself

post the real cover user

>I have a 5.2 inch little guy

what did he mean by this?

>>was a CIA operative
>>is a big guy



Okay seriously I'm looking to watch some Seagal tonight but I can't decide which one. I've watched the chef one a few times and while it's great fun I'm looking to branch out.

>Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it.

what does that even mean?

He'll snatch you motherfucker birthday.

Fresh content?


It was sixty

It's hardly pasta when it's a True and Honest autobiography, bro

Birthday bump

It isn't a cash grab as he said he trained Chris Kyle, sensei only wants credit where it's due.

>pooped his pants after getting choked out, but still gets respect from the martial arts community

>“I came up in Detroit and there was a lot of blues. I didn’t learn blues from a fucking record; I learned it from the front porch. There were all these people from Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas and I learned from them.”

>“Little Milton hadn’t heard me play before. I was doing this Lightnin’ Hopkins thing. Milton looked at me and nodded, like he was trying to say, “This mutha ain’t white.”

>Millton looked at me and nodded, like he was trying to say, “This mutha ain’t white.”
Lel, how the fuck do you convey 'this mutha ain't white' in a facial expression?
He just had to add that last bit, didn't he?
Why is he so uncomfortable in his own skin?

>leave him there

????? But this man is a national treasure!¨

>Not snatching every mother fucker birthday.

He said to some old fighter that he can't faint in the sleeper hold/choke/whatever because he knows some cool martial arts moves. The old guy agreed.

Basically, Steven punched the old fart in the nuts, the old guy didn't let go, so Steven fainted and shit himself.

In that reddit AMA he said he was in an all-black band.

>Also what musician was the most fun to play/collaborate with?
Are you pretending to be retarded?

Actually, it was a duo with Al Jolson

Sensei misquoted AGAIN, you ignorant fuckers

Kek. I was waiting for this edit

Getting ready to watch Code of Honor, famalams: if I make it thru I'll report back

Wish me luck!


Nightbreed is in it; this could go either way :/

First for sniper rifle

Sensei continuing his operator core streak


>We got 450,000 phone calls
this part is my favourite



>I came up in Detroit and there was a lot of blues.
>I was raised in Japan.

Uhhh which was it?


So he said that he played in a band, in 50s. But he was born in 52.

I want you to protect this entrance like it was your sister's cherry, Tonto!


Seagull is essentially Batman with a sniper rifle this time out

He was raises in the Japantown neighborhood of Detroit

Obligatory strip club sequence

I'll do it tomorrow

hey beech are you work here or waht

She not only works here, bitch is bombproof

This is building to mayhem

He's Batman AND The Punisher

Is that Bobby bacala

Who do you think would win in a fight? Steven Segal or Secret Agent Jason Blaha

Why has he suddenly done so many movies?

Is he running out of money?

Nightcrawler homage




Nightbreed is kicking most of the ass so far, Sensei is conspicuous by his absence

His son a qt pi

Now transitioning into a Heat homage

This kino has it all

Burton's Batman visually referenced, color me shock and awestruck

Nightbreed cockblocked by Children of The Damned

Most of his movies are on YouTube in HD. Just pick a random one.

A Good Man is a classic.