
Other urls found in this thread:

"The trailer said 30 years later, which I didn't get myself...believe me, the question was asked. I was like 'I think that's very confusing,' but then everyone said 'we don't care what you think.'"

I think it looks good in all honesty

>I know it’s weird that they say [in the trailer] ‘30 years ago’, but in this movie it’s like the first one didn’t happen. It’s a great story but it’s told totally differently. It’s four unlikely heroes, it’s in New York City, ghosts are taking over; it’s that same classic story but it’s not 30 years later … it’s not dependent on the first one.

Said no-one ever.

yes we know you fucking shill

how much do you even get paid for this gig?

we can also see 2 ips in this thread

>make a movie about BRIDES with an all female cast: money maker
>make a movie about GHOSTS AND COMEDY with an all female cast:

Wow. Seems to all but confirmed that giant leak a few weeks back. What a vote of confidence.

>not dependant on the first one
>literally everything in the movie is a reference to it

and there's something wrong with how they're holding the positron gliders. not sure they should be gripping the area where blinding radiation is spilling out barehanded

Anyone else think it's funny how they have a male secretary, and how he makes the Ghostbusters a logo with giant boobs on it? It makes me laugh because typical men, lol. We would all do the exact same thing, haha!

also he's super hawt and they all want his dick in them lol

Kristen Wiig looks uncomfortable in every single photo she's ever been, like she's waiting for a punch

shes qt. listened to an interview of hers with alec baldwin and shes an autistic shy sperg.

she wants to be a real actress, so i can see why dumb comedies dont really interest her

It's because she's the only one of the four with any actual talent and she knows the movie is utter shit

but new boats don't buy themselves

What's with the stupid uniforms?
They look like they belong on a building site. Fucking retarded I hate the shit out of this movie already.

>It's because she's the only one of the four with any actual talent and she knows the movie is utter shit

Yeah pull the other one.

This is going to be the Terminator Genisys of 2016, you know it to be true.

It would be interesting to see the revised backstory as to why they wear flight suits, operate in a fire station and drive a hearse.
If they address it at all, that is.

>But so far I’m very skeptical of the quality of the comedy we’ve seen. It doesn’t look worrisome enough to warrant the kind of backlash that’s been going around the web (especially since a good amount of it comes from chauvinism)

so I can't hate it because it's shit, I have to hate it because I'm a chauvinist pig

Genisys will be a masterpiece compared to it.

I really actually liked genysis. I watched it stoned so don't really remember the ending or much of the plot but I definitely remember enjoying the box of pizza shapes and tub of golden gaytime ice cream I ate while watching it.

>why they wear flight suits, operate in a fire station and drive a hearse.
1. Dunno.
2. It is the car from nigger uncle.
3. They first work in china restaurant, in the end of the movie they will move to the fire station, because FRANCHISE TO BE CONTINUED.

This film came out before I was born and I only ever saw in the late 90s on VHS as a little kid.

While the film panders to a lowest common denominator and almost exists specifically to incite some sense of false nostalgic misogyny, I really don't see why there is an outrage from males about this.

The movie's old and it wasn't for adults then so if you're over 16 and having trouble parsing out what's worth getting upset about and what's not, I can tell you this is not one of those instances.

Let your precious "SJWs" have this one because it's not a battle worth fighting or being mad about. Shit like the Trayvon case, the judicial system locking up people for speaking out against certain things (impingement of freedom of speech), and a litany of other topics are way more important than letting nerdy girls think they've got a cool new movie to watch.

If you're a male and are over 16 and have even once gotten upset over this shit film you need to consider offing yourself or changing your life.

I'm sure this will get the obvious >hello tumblr, >>>/reddit/, because that's a go to card when you don't have an opinion of your own to make.

>And for the record, this user knows this movie is pandering to dumb nerdy chicks and attempting to usurp a movie previously liked by mostly male children back in the 80s and 90s.

>I really actually liked genysis. I watched it stoned

All anyone needs to read.

>Hey lets be progressive and do an all female ghostbusters!
>3 white scientists
>1 uneducated black woman
Why isn't one of them asian? or transgender?

>it wasn't for adults then
>He thinks Ghostbusters was a kids film
Holy shit you're stupid.

>1 uneducated black woman
>1 black woman


Film was rated PG. Not even a PG-13 rating, which suggests more towards adolescence humor.

It was a film for children, are you still a child?

Pic related.

The PG-13 rating didn't exist at that time. That is the reason why Ghostbusters 2 was so watered down. Also the reason there was so much cussing allowed in PG movies at that time.

>the more you know

2001 a space odyssey was g rated lol.

This is a new low of shitposting.

My point has been made, though.

What's the use in caring so much about something that pales in comparison to the other shit? Women as the Ghostbusters causes men to act outraged, is this a sign of a lack of responsibilities in one's life as a "man"? No lawn to mow, no wife and kids, just you and your box apartment or basement typing furiously about something that pales in comparison to the impingement of free speech and propaganda elsewhere?

Get a gun and remove yourselves from the planet for caring so much about a movie that isn't even pushing typical leftist shit that actually is damaging.



>no wife and kids
How yours wife daughter doing?

I think you're confusing anger with laughing at how shitty this movie is. Really has nothing to do with female leads, but with how they've made such an obvious over the top SJW shitfest and then had a fit that people didn't like it. I see far more butthurt from SJW's complaining about controversy, than any actual controversy. I'm excited to see this turd go down in cinematic history as one of the largest blunders and miscalculations ever. Angry I am not.

Kids were less pussies in the 80s.
Ratings board was more lenient too.

Back then kids were not pussies

A few years ago, AMC theaters had a special showing of Ghostbusters for Halloween. Had the PG rating, and it was amazing how many people brought their little children. Many of them walked out around the time Sigourney Weaver was all-but-nude and being molested by Gozer hands lol. They just don't make em like they used to...

>look like you're blasting a ghost with your raybeam

at least fatass and the blonde look like they're trying, what the fuck kind of emotion are the redhead and the baboon trying to convey here?

I think you're retarded in all honesty

i never studied

I'd molest 1980s Sigourney with my gozer if you know what I mean.

Since these two aren't fat I wonder if they're sane enough to regret being cast on this trainwreck of a movie.