Australian ISPs Refuse to pay for pirate site blocking

>Australian ISPs hit with demands to block several 'pirate' sites including The Pirate Bay and Torrentz say they don't want to bear the costs.

Based Australians not giving a fuck about piracy. Torrentfreak (Torrentfreak)

TPB is still alive in Australia? Didn't they get the memo lol.

the ISP's have also pooled their legal resources together to fight the IP echelons in court to prevent releasing customer information for people that receiving infringement notices

LOL Australia thinking they have "freedom"

>morons vote in a literal weasel in 1995
>ausfags get cuckolded by two special forces soldiers pretending to be a "schizophrenic surfer" in 1996
>"hey, let's hand over our guns!" later that year
>strayans are now becoming increasingly powerless due to their stupid fucking gullibility
>"lil' johnny" proceeds to bend them over and give them a big old fucking over the next 11 years
>the public education system becomes a mess
>the aged care system becomes a mess
>the mental health system becomes a mess
>many farmers who faced the worst drought in Australia's history, commit suicide because the government withdrew subsidies needed to help get them through it
>opposition government is voted in
>they're no better
>2013, the most hilariously-inept "leader" in the history of the world is voted in
>he's an ex-boxer
>he stutters in public
>his programming is often glitchy
>he's broken promise after promise
>there are still strayans who defend him
>he's now been replaced by literally GOLDMAN SACHS: THE Prime Minister
>the mining exports will eventually make Australia a "third world" nation within 50 years
>mfw all Australians are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to go the way of another totalitarian state, that being England

Stupid fucking Australians, you all deserve to be fucking shot

Agricultural lobbyists are some of the most subversive and least acknolwedged elements in australian tax reform politics. They're almost directly responsible for australia moving towards a regressive and ever more broad consumption tax instead of the tax on bequests the henry review suggested. They have the government by the balls because aussie exports rely on them so heavily which is why every party happily reproduces their "woe is me" narrative. The average australian farming household has a take home income more than 4 times that of the average australian. Fuck farmers and fuck their subsidies.

>muh guns


I think I agree with everything else though, I wish I was older to see what things were like back in the 70s and 80s.

What you've left out here is

There is a multi-pronged economic war upon Australians occurring right now, and I daresay that much of this would be applicable all across the West.

• Mass immigration depressing wages and conditions in blue collar work and making difficult for Australians the opportunity to enter into the professional occupations (medicine, for instance).

• 'Entrepreneurial' migrants refusing to hire Australian workers.

• Educational neglect because migrants are used as a 'stop gap' solution to deficiencies in our economy.

• Outsourcing of industry and manufacturing. The last whiteware manufacturing plants are being outsourced this year.

• Foreign investment in the residential housing market is artificially inflating house prices and crippling the average Australian family under exorbitant mortgages.


This will force Australians into an underclass of trade workers and public service bureaucrats. Hardly inspiring, right? But even this is under threat:


• The latest free trade agreement with China is set to allow Chinese companies to import Chinese labour to do the work. It will be impossible for Australians to enjoy good pay and conditions as well as remaining competitive with these companies.

• Enforced diversity policies in both the multinational service sphere and the public service sees Australians isolated and detested in the occupational areas that they will flock to due to the above factors.

The main instruments of this warfare are: (1) mass immigration; (2) foreign investment; (3) governmental treachery via free trade; and (4) multinational profiteering without giving back to the consumer population via employment opportunities.

ask literally anyone in australia if they care about guns

Internet so slow that removed sites are still up for us.

It's like the stars in the sky that are so distant that we see them still shining even though they've expired.

>amerifat desperately trying to put down based australia
>thinks donald trump is a good thing

my sides

Face facts - based Johnnie took your guns and exposed you for the utter cucks you are

>get your automatic weapons taken away
>threaten to shoot the PM

all of my keks

It's OK, your overbearing government will eventually get them to start blocking the sites, koalacucks.

Australian here. Our country is all the worst aspects of western civilization rolled into one.

I'd be bothered, but I'm not an ethnic white Aussie.

You typed all that.

On an anonymous Guyanese Playstation repair forum

On a Friday night.

>for free

>American criticising our mental health system.
How are all those schizo hobos roaming around?

Yet, they still can't DL a picture of a small breastfed woman


>Have to join a shooting club to own a gun
Have you ever been to one of those places? It's fucking awful

I love my country as much as the next cunt
But go to Melbourne, we have plenty of schizo hobos roaming around the shop

What's it like?

IIRC we pirated Game of Thrones the most of any nation back during season 3, and almost everyone I know these days around my age downloads their movies and TV shows, and do it for their parents.

Pity the took away your guns because if they didn't you could've killed yourself and saved us reading that shit.

Aren't they all still on 56k down there? It's not like they can pirate much anyway

Ever been to Summernats? Imagine that, but with guns, every fucking week

Aussie Internet is so shitty they probably legitimately don't want to cover the cost

You can thank Johnny Howard for that, too

It's only marginally better in Canada speed wise, fucking data caps man

It's not migrants per se, It's 457 visas and the government handing them out to anyone that asks. Just look at the australian shipping industry. Australian crews are getting sacked for phillipinos that work for $2 an hour with no rights on boats working solely in Australia.

Well here's a solution: don't buy from corporations who don't your best interests at heart.

In Norway, every ISP refuses to give any info on pirates until they have exhausted every legal route, at their own cost if needs be (when they win, losing parties must pay legal fees).

Recently, a anti-pirate bill was passed. Nowhere near as invasive as Australia, Britain and other police states, but enough to be worried about the future. ISPs told the government to fuck off, because they refused to bear the costs.

Our government don't know the internet exists yet. They're just learning how to computers now