Why is nobody talking about this shit?

Why is nobody talking about this shit?

i never thought i would get this aroused by aunt May

Other urls found in this thread:


They might as well have made Aunt May his single mom really

Marisa is my favourite milf.

Kate Beckinsale, Mary-Louise Parker, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Sofia Vegara and Salma Hayek also up there.

because she's hot.
Also: it never made much sense to me why a teenager would have an aunt the age of a grandma. This is CapeKino at its best.


>Peter constantly sneaking around because he doesn't want Aunt May to walk in on him as Spider-Man
>Aunt May constantly sneaking around because she doesn't want Peter to walk in on her as a slut

Leave it to Marvel to bring back secret identity shenanigans.

I couldn't get over her casting being a pun


Holy fucking shit she's 51

How old was aunt May?


No thank you.

you don't talk about it. you accept it as a blessing.

Great aunt clearly

Yes please

mmmmhmmm aunt may....

Because who cares


You don't think a 51 year old can be as sexy as a 14 year old?
You make me sick.

Varied in ages depending on the continuity. In Ultimates she was probably late 40s, early 50s. In 616 she was always drawn old as shit, but now I think she's in her 60s or 70s? And Pete's been Spidey for 15 years or so, so it puts her in her 50s at the start?

Frankly making her really old never made sense since she was meant to be his dad's older brother's wife, so they shouldn't have been as old as they were initially drawn

I was like...what. Is that supposed to be Aunt May?

I guess they just wanted somebody who didn't just fade into the background and looked like somebody who would live in Queens, Jew York.

Tbh it was perfect. The movie did not need a wise aunt May who would teach Peter his morals and responsibilities. Peter needed to be naive, and still very underdeveloped as a super hero, so Tony could recruit him and teach him some stuff.

>ywn live alone with aunt Marisa who desperately needs a man of the house



Who the fuck has an aunt in her 80s?

A guy in his 50s?

>Entire audience of men shuffling in their seats

Yeah they knew what they were doing casting her.

People masturbated in the cinema?

>Marisa tomei

What'd you think?

As Aunt may said Aunts come in many shapes and forms. While obviously implying in forms that one would want to fuck. I'm surprised they both didn't just bend her over and have there way with her there at the very moment.

Marissa Tomei is amazing

Post her hairy pussy pls


She's better looking than Chloe and baldie Sophie, stay mad

>W-what's going on?

>Aunt Claire in Jurassic world
>Aunt May in CW

Is Hollywood tying to push Nephew and Aunt incest undertones in movies?


I'm expecting more incestuous films soon.

I hope so

So what you're saying is that Tony is actually his aunt?

Why would a 15 years old kid have an aunt who seems to be pushing 80?

The casting seemed weird to me when it was announced but after watching, it actually felt right. Better than Sally Field imo

poor man's Amy Adams

great aunt?

aunt may was always in her 50s

marisa tomei is in her 50s.

I don't see the problem.

Am I the only one that wanted to fuck Sally Fields Aunt May?
>ywn ride the tricycle with Tomei and Bryce Dallas Howard

Tony Stark broke up with his girlfriend, he needs a new romantic interest. Tony Stark will appear in the next spiderman movie, so aunt May needs to be hot so Tony can fuck her, and be a couple.



I'll just leave this here

>you will never lift up her singlet and suckle on those nips while she makes cucumber sandwiches in the early afternoon

why even live

in Civil War Tony actually mentions several times how hot Peter's aunt is to him.

Seriously. Tomei just oozes sexuality. But the people that are saying its a bad thing need to be castrated. A young Peter having a young Aunt May makes total sense
I can't wait for the masterbation jokes in his solo movie


>cucumber sandwiches

Stay away from me, pleb!

How was she in Civil War?

Damnit, I wasn't going to fap tonight
