The debate is officially over.


based tomatoes are right as always.

Aliens confirmed for patrician, alien confirmed for pleb garbage. Alienfags absolutely btfo. Kill yourselfs

>not ranking both GOAT for different reasons but equal amounts

>he uses RT


they are both 10/10

More proof Disney buys RT critics.

>Terminator>Terminator 2

>critic rating 97%, audience 3.9
>critic rating 98%, audience 3.8


Nothing wrong here just superior taste

>its a "posters from websites that begin with r prefer the quipfest over the masterpiece" episode

>scientist joint vs. space marines ćinema
The choice was always obvious.

Until Aliens gets as many reviews as Alien, nothing is settled.

There are almost twice as many reviews for Alien and it managed to remain just 1% behind.

It's honestly a better film. Aliens is great though.


Cameron > your opinion

Normies were a mistake.

They're very different animals.

However one thing that surprised me on rewatching both is that in parts Aliens actually looks weirdly cheap.
Like it was filmed on one very crammed soundstage and the budget didn't live up to Cameron's vision.
It's especially apparent before the final showdown when Ripley goes into the elevator.

Alien being a much smaller film, kinda felt more polished and "real".

Alien 10/10
Aliens 7/10
Alien3 8/10
Prometheus 7/10
AR 3/10
AVP 3/10

>not accepting that both are different, but perfect in their own right


>muh space marines
>muh action family
>muh shooty shooty explosions

Aliens is garbage. It killed the franchise before it even became a franchise.


were you born with half a brain?

This x1000

David Fincher did nothing wrong

fucking contrarians
critics agree that Aliens is better

This. AR deserves at least 4/10, and AVP 5/10, but otherwise this.

Cameron fags btfo

Undeniable truth here that Aliensfags are little fucking plebs

I'm a famous director, and I know for a fact that the original Alien is better.


Cameronfags BLoWN tHE FUCK OUT
>muh RT rating

Retrospective Critics are retarded, I hate Rotten Tomatoes for allowing this.

Critics should be aggregated with reviews +- 1 year of Premiere of criticized film.

What in the fuck? I like Alien 3 just fine but it's by NO MEANS better than Aliens. You have to be out of your goddamn mind, you fucking retard. You fucking moron. You goddamn fucking idiot. Fucking hang yourself.

But I respect your opinion.

Not him, but Alien 3 is way better than Aliens. It at least tries to be a horror movie, and to tell some kind of story that isn't just shooty shooty explosions, and to make the alien creature actually threatening again.

Except Aliens isn't a horror movie nor does it try to be one.

It's shit action shit horror and shit scifi. What's the point in not having horror in an r rated alien movie. Fuck off Cameron cuck

Screw newt she's annoying as fuck

3.9 = 78% and the average between critic and audience ratings is 87.5
3.8 = 76% and the average is just 87

so alien technically wins

Where did this "aliens is bad" meme come from? I prefer Alien btw

both a 9/10
I think that's fair

Sci-fi action horror is better than sci-fi suspense horror, I agree.


>Aliens is garbage. It killed the franchise before it even became a franchise.

He's right you know

Is Alien 3 Assembly Cut worth watching?

Aliens is such a shit movie that ruins almost every aspect of the previous film.


It's good if you enjoyed Alien. I've never seen the theatrical version of it though.

Assembly is about Medieval Europe symbolically, one of the first scenes in assembly shows someone with a horse and cart, not exactly futuristic space movie now, huh?

>Alien = Aliens
>Terminator 2 > Terminator
>Predator >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Predator 2

But the people desperately defending BvS told me that critics are plebs who know nothing, so wouldn't Aliens' higher rating prove that it's actually worse?

But they are only plebs, when they disagree with you, silly


>this thread.

Sure feels like DC is here.

having watched all four alien movies a year ago for the first time, I would say that comparing the first two movies is a totally wrong approach

the movies are not even in the same genre if you ask me. alien was more of a "horror" movie with a creepyness factor to it while aliens was mostly an action movie. both are really great movies though

>Alien=xenomorph is a horrible, terrifying organism, an engineer does all she can to survive, watching her coworkers die one by one. The xeno is an ambush predator, stalking its way close, then appearing out nowhere like a fucking horrendous spider, a real predatory animal.

>Aliens:xenomorphs get mowed down left and right, 400+lb creatures scurrying about like insects, not scary at all. Hurr durr muh grrll pwer.

Aliens took a great ideal and dumbed it down for the unwashed masses.

Damn, how can one man be so based?

And Robocop Robocop 2

Terminator 2 is shit loaded with cringey dialogue and a time travel plot that doesn't work.

Hurr durr grrl pwer too.

It's within statistical margin of error, so the debate must rage on

>The kind of people who rate alienS between 80 and 100 are the same people who don't realize they are different movies.
They are simply confusing the two.
I guarantee you.

2 different genres.

like saying captain america winter soldier
is better then Scream 3

> RT
> Anything but Plebs

The reverse is the patrician choice.

>shooty shooty explosions
I recognize you from every single aliens thread. Saying "shooty shooty explosions" just makes you sound like a fucking mongoloid.

>It at least tries to be a horror movie

It also failed. Trying isn't the same as actually achieving. Stop sucking Fincher's cock, even he hates the movie


I just... I just want to hate him but I can't.

Here is your (you).

Based Jim

awful fucking taste

Alien 7/10,
Aliens 8/10
Alien3 4/10
Prometheus 5/10
AR 5/10
AVP 3/10

Alien was a bit of a generic slasher in space, it lacks the depth or complexity to hold your interest, especially on second viewing
Aliens is where the series peaked, but alien 3 killed it
Prometheus had an awful fucking script and nothing going for it except the cgi set design and camer work
Resurrection had a better plot than Prometheus but it feels low budget, rushed, and silly at times
AVP does nothing with its premise, its just all around lazy

Overall the series wasnt that great to begin with, it never lived up to its potential and similar to star wars the world fans build around it is the best part of the whole franchise.