The SJW trend

Anybody else sick of this shit yet?

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things arent good anymore ever and i dont want to be here anymore because people make me not want to be around

I miss him.

>Enough to get folks tweeting excitedly
Is there anyone who likes this casting? Even kikebook normies hate it.

Fucking flex can you
I'm showing the world muh power

We let the jews jew us. Yet again. We're sorry, George.


If you're sick of it stop giving them money and attention

This is going onto /fit/

No I think you're the first one to notice it

>woman wearing black framed glasses
>automatically SJW

If you're sick of it now, you'll love it when the actual elections are happening, and especially when Hilary is in power.

It's going to be hilarious to see you people suppressed and punished for speaking out.

She did a bunch of College Humor shorts and has a tumblr blog in which she posts actual writings rather than Sherlock gifs.

ITT white men butthurt that their time in the limelight is up

Why do they need a new lead?

They have all the characters they need to tell a story.
I mean we didn't get Lando until Empire, but it wasn't like he was a lead character.
It'd feels weird to have another character pop in when TFA was mostly concerned with setting up the new cast.
I'm fine with Finn, Rey and Poe being the mayor players.
You better not fuck this up, Rian Johnson! Your bum-buddy JGL won't save you this time!

>it's yet another crying baby-men episode
really getting sick of these tbqhwy

It's not about telling a story or making a good Star Wars movie. It'll just be an SJW propaganda flick with flashy effects so all the younglings can feel included and wowed by the special effects.

Well if they get an asian lead it might help their sales in China, but then again don't most Chinese hate American Asians?

I'm sure she'll be Lando level in terms of screen time. But if they make her someone that had a history with any of the current leads I will stop defending the new trilogy and admit it's remakes of the OT

The War on """"""""""""""""""""Hate""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Crimes""""""""""""""""""""""

Not really. I want people to make what they want, even if it is this kind of stuff. I just won't support it and watch what interests me.

I thought this was an April Fool's joke. It's actually real?

She looks like the smell of an early morning piss.

>defending tranny SJW
Why am I not surprised.
Off yourself.

Isn't she Vietnamese?


It's good to see Shortround getting roles again though.

>they still haven't cast a shipping container as a lead in star wars

this container-phobia has got to stop

That was probably intentional

I think so?

Wait, that's a tranny? That doesn't make sense. You'd think they'd have the science in space to fully convert someone to the opposite sex, not just slice off the pickle and call it a day.

Can't wait until Hilary finally wins so that threats like yours can be taken seriously. And there's nothing wrong with a feminine penis, either get with the times or stop existing.

according to the script, she plays a traitor so I don't mind

honestly if they did something like that I'd pay to see it in theaters instead of not watching it at all.

I really wish that companies would wake the fuck up and realise one important thing.

normies don't give a shit about internet drama.

normies don't give a shit about tumblr, they barely know it exists.

normies don't follow tumbrettes that scream rape just because a white guy was cast as Dr Who.

companies need to fucking ignore these infants that scream about trans, diversity because 99.999% of the people that pay to see their movies aren't these people.

Is that a midget or something?

Also why the fuck bother flexing?

>voting for Shillary

>ANYONE voting for shillary

Not a single person, Liberal or conservative, likes Hilary anymore.

She's not trans

and at least 75% are Chinese who can't stand that shit. Casting a black lead nuked any chance of TFA succeeding in China. A piss poor CGI Goldilocks movie outdid it in one weekend.

Why is she called Tran then?

Yeah, there are diseases that are more popular than Trump and Clinton. The American people need to get their shit together.


>I haven't watched the original trilogy
This fake outcry for bullshit has to stop. Star Wars was on the forefront of ending container-phobia, ya dingbat!

>they still haven't cast a shipping container as a lead in star wars

see this is the problem at the core of the SJW bullshit. instead of hiring the best actors for the part, they say "what we really need is to hire a 1/2 indian 1/2 papua new guini tranny, of which there are 3 in the world. One of them sorta can act let's go with that.

Every time they do a SJW casting, the movie likely suffers for it. Tired of them ruining what could have been good movies over this shit. Or at least not letting mediocre movies be good movies, we will never know.

I hate the thought of you laughing at this while you were typing it and looking for the photo and pressing submit and refreshing the thread. I hate that you still think this is a good joke. I'm not even offended by it, I've just heard this same fucking joke a million times and it was never funny. I hope a shipping container falls on you, I don't want it to kill you, I just want it to break your hands so the next time you decide to type that shitty joke, you have to do it while crying over the stumps that are all you have left.

Hillary is right wing, good luck with that.

I live in the Midwest in a very conservative family, so I can't exactly agree with you on Trump.

My liberal friend group though has a massive collective hard-on for Bernie. Even the neckbeard autists.

I assume her family is Vietnamese, Tran is a Vietnamese surname

>Kelly Marie Tran cast as Poe's romantic rival so he can get his shit together and confess to Finn already.

Who's this semen demon?
Does she do JAV?

>he thinks Hollywood is more interested in earning more money than pushing their agenda

If you were sick of it you wouldn't have posted this clickbait thread.

Oh, makes sense, that's where all them ladyboys are from right?

why do they need a new lead

Well, at least she's not black.

Oh yeah, i'm not saying there are people that don't love him, but generally over all of America I think Trump and Clinton and the two least popular candidates in a long time. I could be wrong though, just making an observation of what I see and hear.

Not surprised about Bernie, wasn't he blowing everyone away in the polls? The left never puts their money where their mouth is though and show up and vote.

When the choice is between Bernie, an at least principled guy who isn't bought and paid for, and Shillary, I think you'd be fucking insane to not go for Bernie.

I don't agree with him on everything by a long shot, but his opinions and actions aren't given to him by the wealthy. The single most important issue is money in politics, and then Shillary wins. What the fuck.

And now Trump has said he'll start raising money like everyone else. What a goddamn shitshow.

babby wyte men is here, how does it feel to be babby wyte man babbys?

because Ridley can't act

You're thinking of Thailand

Traditionally you find cocks on chicks in Bangkok.

Vietnam's the one where everyone's last name is Nguyen and they make ISIS look like a bunch of pussies in comparison.

I say this as a half-Vietnamese myself

you tried

I honestly thought that was their goal above all.

I guess I was wrong.

After the failure in the Asian market of TFA, which should have pushed SW:7 to be the biggest film of all time. Simply because they needed a black face... I thought surely they won't repeat the mistake.

I was wrong, they cast a fat ugly south asian tumblerina... which will piss off that same market again...

>implying this one can
>her magnum opus is probably a fucking collegehumor skit

I think he means people's general opinion of them across the globe. Trump is thought of a retard on levels with Bush, and a xenophobe to boot, and Hillary is a compulsive, disingenuous liar that got where she is cause she was formerly a First Lady.
I'm a bong, so I can't talk. We have an old man who cycles around, an angry Scottish terrier and a literal claymation Etonion as our most prominent political figures.

Why did they do this?

>between Bernie, an at least principled guy who isn't bought and paid for, and Shillary

Hillary is a fully released game and bernie is a kickstarter; you don't know what you're getting into because he is unfinished

also if you think he wouldn't get bought the day he got elected you'd be mistaken

>I say this as a half-Vietnamese myself
Half-Vietnamese, half-tranny?

sorry m8 but this whole board is made by shills except you, me and maybe 2 others

No, half-white.

>It's a Disney hires a short fat asian episode

she ugly so the audience can relate

don't talk to me or my sun ever again

>ITT white men butthurt that their time in the limelight is up
But that's not even true. Whites are butthurt because they only have 95% of the limelight rather than all of it.

I could sort of see what that means but still, asians would hate her, wouldn't they? It makes more sense to me to hire some asian actress that looks good.

How many leads does the new Trilogy fucking need?

That just made me realise how there isn't even a single white male protagonist in VII or Rogue One except for the old cast (Han and Luke).


chinese make them the big bucks but this is a jewish trickery trilogy

the first world is all about ideology now and a short fat ugly asian dyke that people can relate to being the lead in sj-wars will get their #hashtags trending

why is that even a gif?

>they still haven't cast a shipping container as a lead in star wars
Well, they did cast a fridge for TFA.

Because tumblr makes everything a fucking animated gif.

The only Midwestern state with significance in the Electoral College is Illinois, which is blue AF


It always takes someone like you to remind me how retarded Americans are

Why is she so flat? Gal Gadot probably has a more feminine body than her

Uuuh no it didn't?

Gal Gadog is nothing compared to this


>That just made me realise how there isn't even a single white male protagonist in VII or Rogue One except for the old cast (Han and Luke).
How is Oscar Isaac not white? Being Cuban doesn't magically make an ethnic Spaniard not white.

This FFS

So this is what a cuck looks like

>looks like a tranny
Can't make this shit up.

Only a matter of time before Jaden Smith is cast in this.

>How is Oscar Isaac not white?

Hollywood is a propaganda tool used by the elite and the government to try and bend culture and notions to their will.


>thick Asian
>actually has Asian features
>doesn't look to Westernised

Finally, my fetishes are become mainstream

Am I the only one who didn't watch EP7?

If you did you are the reason this shit continues. You are to blame.

>fat asian
>not pretty female asian lead
>not handsome male asian lead
>pick nerdy looking fat asian vietnamese girl

For what purpose?


To appeal to the College Humor demographic (where they found her).

He's a socialist, and a Jewish socialist at that.

Any money they offer him is gonna be useless under our new Jewish overlords.