Is a condescending prick to scarlet witch about her power and detains her against her will

>is a condescending prick to scarlet witch about her power and detains her against her will
>loses his composure on the battlefield and cripples his teammate rhodey for life

vision was a douche and i'm glad it blew up in his hypocritical purple face

Boring shitty character

will become a villain in the upcoming movies

Also he was worthless on the parking lot brawl

less than worthless, really

he is responsible for the only permanent physical harm caused to an avenger in the whole movie. and it was a dude on his team. after being on a holier-than-thou moral high horse up to that point in the movie

So this guy is gonna be the sacrifice to show how dangerous Thanos is right?

pretty much

>giving a fuck about capeshit
it's 2016, senpai

Exactly, everyone but neckbeards care.


He has an infinity gem on his forehead, he's going to die anyway.

>after being on a holier-than-thou moral high horse up to that point in the movie

That's the whole point, it shows that he has a flaw instead of being an all-knowing mary sue.

How could he have known that Falcon would dodge?
Granted he should have taken in count Rhodes' position in the sky and the possibility that Falcon had a rear camera.

Try lifting that hammer now, jerk face

>Less than worthless
>Only person who got remotely close to killing a nigger in this entire shitty dronefest of a movie

If anything he's the most based Avenger there is. My only gripe is that he didn't purposefully try to kill a nog

Go be irrelevant somewhere else, Sup Forumscuck.

Mate, you're trying way too hard.

What's really fucked up is that if that blast was powerful enough to fuck up warmachine, what the fuck was it going to do to Falcon's fucking barely armored back?

if you think about it. if he had hit his target then the poor guy would have been killed.

sup, Sup Forums

You can tell these kids are new from a mile away.


sup Plebbit

If he had have hit Falcon he'd probably have died or been paralysed too though.

>purple face

Son, that's pink.

>a douche and i'm glad it blew up in his hypocritical purple face
Such is the life of a commie.
They always end up stabbing themselves in the foot.

Didn't you notice the one's attempting to make the world a "safe zone" from the Avengers were actually the one's who did the majority of the damage?

The politics in the movie represented much of what we have going on today.

Genuine question. If the blast hit Falcon's jetpack, would he fall directly to the ground? Do you think his carbon fibre wings suit could help him to prevent the free fall?

>They always end up stabbing themselves in the foot
It's hard to take anything you say seriously.

i felt bad for him

he seemed neutral more than anything and didn't do shit in the big fight

>those receding temples


Get the remnants out. Out Out Out!

Astro turfing redditfags leave.

I can't wait for his mind gem to get ripped out of his head by based Thanos.

The target was Falcon's thruster pack. He would have still had the wings. The line was, "turn him into a glider." It wouldn't have killed him if he hadn't dodged.

It's funny how he went from completely ruining AoU by being so overpowered to being a complete cuckold in Civil War.

Thanos is gonna rip that fucking gem out of his head. That'll be awesome.

Who cares, Paul Bettany is based as fuck

Wanda's power level isn't consistent either. She can manipulate people's minds and lift giant towers one second and can't deflect a grenade blast in the right direction when the plot calls for it. I know it's like, "but then the movie wouldn't have happened", but that's not excuse to nerf characters when you feel convenient. If we don't know what they can and can't do, there's no stakes and the drama feels forced.

> cripples his teammate rhodey for life

Really ?