Is Sup Forums back?
Good. Can we talk about how Civil War absolutely blows BvS out of the water? Dialogue, the grey areas, the action scenes, the new characters. BvS couldn't even get the the fight right, holy shit.
Is Sup Forums back?
Good. Can we talk about how Civil War absolutely blows BvS out of the water? Dialogue, the grey areas, the action scenes, the new characters. BvS couldn't even get the the fight right, holy shit.
Dash of paprika XD
>Mommy this is making me nauseous can we go?
Of all the jokes you want to shit on that one?
But it was light hearted and funny! It was exactly my speed. Nobody wants to hear Luthor talk about Prometheus or whatever lol. And that floating bats stuff in the beginning was just plain silly!
Of course.
Why would I want to hear Luthor talk about Prometheus
The funny part is your sarcasm is the absolute truth. Lex was garbage. Batman vs Superman was pretentious shit. It tried to be The Dark Knight and failed.
If you legit enjoyed Snyder's shit I think you might have brain problems.
drones can only rely on pleb tomatoes
>And that floating bats stuff in the beginning was just plain silly!
It's symbolic.
Synder fails to understand that the audience for capeshit is double digit IQ.
Ignore and report
Iron Man and Captain America get the world more excited than Batman and Superman.
Imagine telling that someone 10 years ago.....
Both are abhorrent. Saw Civil War with friends last night. It was nice seeing them for the first time since summer last year, maybe longer, but still, can't believe I spent money on that shit.
That's what I just said silly XD.
BvS didn't even have a thing at the end of the credits!
It was a great movie. Best capekino in years
>paying to watch a joint
>being this upset
Your asspain is evident but it doesn't make BvS the slightest bit better.
>DCucks now not only have to pretend BvS is deep and good, a borderline doublethink thought process
>DCucks now have to also pretend a brilliant movie like CW is bad
>mfw this might be the last straw to start driving them all insane
Fucking lel
The Evans guy is a cuck
Post Evans erryday
Daily reminder that the Evans poster is the cunnyposter
Why are DCuckies so upset?
I'm sure the DCEU will be rebooted without Snyder in 10 years.
Do you have more of these Evans pictures? I only saved a few laughing ones as reactions images but seeing all this butthurt and upset makes me want to use more of these.
Why the sage, mad DCuck?
Anyone else really like The Vision + Scarlet Witch setup? Doing the comics justice imo.
No because the robot is taking my waifu.