Literally no normal white guys: the show

>literally no normal white guys: the show

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Poor little Internet boy lol

is it one of those "this is not for you" situations?

Bevers is a fair representation of you people.

No it's one of those "why do white males under 25 bother consuming any form of media anywhere" situations.

>implying anyone wants normal white guys in 2016
Thank G-d you people are dying out.

Yeah but OP, by your logic the black dudes in the show aren't normal either.

yes they are
which one isnt and why?

>current year
>have to have a character that represents you to get into a show
>can't just relate to characters that aren't anything like you
>can't use basic empathy
>straight up autistic

where did I imply any of that

its just weird how when you think about it this show is in a weird parallel world where normal white people dont exist

what exactly do you mean by "normal white people"?

White people aren't normal

I mean white people who are normal and not weirdos or assholes

sounds pretty accurate to reality to me

user be honest, you may be white but relating to people who are normal is purely a fantasy for you.

t. self-hating nu-male


OH NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

They had Hillary Clinton on their show.

Complete and total fucking shills.

Is this a recommendation thread?
What show is this?
Sounds good.

Ilana's dad
Abby's dad

The only two gay white men are Ilana's brother and the spic

is shilling a thread for hildog a new meme? what is this thread

Who exactly do you mean by you people?

> is another threads were retards behave like SJW but opposite
is a fucking show, why do you care so much white boy?

>implying any other race is capable of inventing and maintaining the same level of technology and society as the same people you want to die out

Enjoy Zimbabwe 2.0: Global Starvation Boogaloo when all the whites "die out".

They've had normal white guys appear before, they're just not the center of the show.

It's not a big deal honestly.

It really isn't. OP acts like this is the first show with nogs to feature.

Abbey (girl on right) is constantly trying to impress her neighbor who is a normal white male.

Also I find Alana and her big tits pretty sexy.

Terrible choices.
>strange jew

He has a super expensive, handcrafted buttplug. He throws a hissy fit when it's destroyed, after getting his ass plowed on the first date. That's not normal.

Watch "Girls" for normal male roles and superior enjoyment overall.
This shit is fake funny and the 2 leads act like men. Disgusting

uhh.. yeah it is.

Where? I've never met anyone with a personally designed buttplug.
If this is bait, bravo. You got me.

mustve missed that episode.

If you're going to find a problem with them over minor things then literally no one on the show is normal so it's pointless to complain that one subset of everyone isn't normal

Pretty solid episode, she finally gets the guy and he asks her to peg him after the fuck

I don't know why you keep implying that owning expensive buttplugs that you use in uncomfortable, first time sex experiences is normal. And even Abbi thinks Trey is a spaz, come on now.


Keep? That was my first reply in the thread
I'm saying that if you look at all the bullshit everyone is up to in that show then no one is normal so it's a moot point singling out white men for not being normal

it's set in a surreal universe, none of the characters are normal

My jewry radars are going crazy!

M8 no one in that show isn't a weirdo or an asshole.

its NYC, what do you expect?



I thought you were a different user, harping on the same point. Yeah, they all do strange things. I think OP is trying to say the the white males are just unbelievable, unrelatable characters. I can picture Abbi, Illana, and others as real people, buy the white men are just farfetched insane.

You've never been to new york i take it. There are literally no "normal" people anywhere in that city

Ilana's boss at that coupon place was normal but I think he might be out of the show now that she got fired. shame. he was a really funny part of the show.

If there's a non white on the show (unless it's realistic for that scene or movie like a slave or opium addict) I just turn off he TV. I've found that I can't watch any modern TV shows or movies but in the end it works out because they all suck anyway

The funny thing is these lefty lunatics crying racism and diversity in programming show none of this. I always watched a show or movie and never noticed the sex or race of the characters. I just either liked or disliked the movie. With the last 2-3 years this radfem/SJW sentiment thats being blasted everywhere and over everything has made me do nothing BUT see race and sex. Now I intentionally won't watch a movie if I know creative or casting decisions were done with an agenda rather than talent or good storytelling. For example, rebooting a popular franchise with an all woman cast and making it a film about feminism. I won't even pirate shit like that.

was this before election season? there's no way girls like this in real life wouldn't be bernie people

it aired after primaries started but I assume it was filmed before Sanders started gaining actual traction. Still, the manner it was done in is a literal stain on the show. it was so fucking ridiculous to watch. it was a whole plot about how one of the girls finds a job at a campaign HQ in NYC

we need a new Hitler for white cis men

OP is triggered as fuck.

Reminder: The same neckbeards complain about Girls even though it has GOAT male characters.

am I Sup Forums if I want the jewess to sit on my face? I still watch the show, it's just that I've never laughed at any joke or anything, not at any point in probably a dozen episodes


No it's a "grow a pair and stop crying because nobody on the screen looks like you" thing. How dismissive would you be if a woman or black person had the same complaints about 90% of other shows?

And Abbi's boss is as normal as anyone else on the show

ik once saw a white guy at the train station.
I said "what are you doing here?"
He looked around like I was talking to someone else, then he said "I-I don't know"
This pretty much sums up white guys in general, they can't justify why they exist.
That's why so many of them are betas, it's only out of habit that they haven't killed themselves.



Niggers are 2% of the population here but they're way over represented on our TV shows. I see niggers everyday on TV but never in real life, where's the Italians, Hungarians, Serbians, Portuguese I see them every single day of my life but never on our TV shows. Just some china men, niggers and Indians mostly niggers though

>it's an everybody gets naked and worships Abbi's feet episode.

No one on that show is normal though, that's kind of the point.

Yeah, because that's different than calling everything you don't like SJW


It must be horrible to see the beginning of the deconstruction of your race. Thank God I'm not white

What are you talking about? Are you British, blacks are 10-14% of the US population last I read. And none of that has to do with what I said anyway, if anything whites are over represented in US media

HA - got em'!

No I'm not, and I don't care what percent niggers are in America because I'm not American.
>whites are over represented in US media
No, not at all I'm not an American and I can see it your media is the worst at pandering to minorities. 60% white but judging by your media less than half of your country is white

>I'm not American.

You're complaining about an American show though.

Oh you haven't seen nothing yet.

I didn't mention any show, if your talking about the OP I don't even know what that is. I'm talking about the media in general, in America it's always trying to pander to some minority, in my country it's not as bad but it makes shows unwatchable when you see so many niggers and Chinaman. If I wanted to see niggers id watch an African TV show, if I wanted to see some chinaman is watch Chinese TV. I hates this pandering to foreigners

>follows a man with a toupé
>everyone in this picture is balding
it's like pottery

For the first time ever I wish I was an American so I can vote for him


YAASSSSSS!! They are two sides of le same coin


>seriously supporting Hilary
Lost all my respect

does anybody even watch this show? I saw like half of one episode and those jews were unbearable

Liberalism is a mental illness the show

What came first, the retard or the liberal?