Why did they change the location of her character's rape from Israel to Italy in American Crime Story?

Why did they change the location of her character's rape from Israel to Italy in American Crime Story?



It's almost as if there's some powerful group in Hollywood that wouldn't want to portray Israel in a negative light.

Because Jews don't like to be shown as bad and have the power to change people's perceptions.

Oh and if you discuss this in the media, you're racist.

This show is owned by Rupert Murdoch's company you retarded shills. Kill yourselves.

Because Italians are savages.
Protip: Romans ethnicity was actually german, the more you know.
t. german ancestry

shalom, friend.

Oh, no reason. No reason at all.

Pure coincidence.

Oy vey

golly i just don't know OP

>Protip: Romans ethnicity was actually german, the more you know
This is just so outlandishly untrue and retarded that I think you should kill yourself for believing something you read on Sup Forums and took it for face value and never actually studied the history of Rome.

t. German ancestry
t.a person who would be considered a Sup Forumstard

because when the merchant is your only friend you don't want him to get mad at you

then why did they fight all those germanic tribes

Quick, it's annudah shoah is aboud to start!


think of the halocost

check out this baby foreskin licker. sick fuck

He was right. He knew even then.

>so brainwashed that whether or not Jews actually own a product is irrelevant to whether or not you claim they do

Sup ForumsJWs don't have human-level intellects

Oh look it's this thread again.


What did TayTay mean by this?

and this?

hello Sup Forums

Not a Sup Forumstard, but this one is actually true. You can call someone an asshole, a liar, a piece of shit, they just laugh and be like "u mad bro". Say the word 'jew' and they explode like fatman for some reason.

>you will never kill then rape qt roman girls in front of their mothers
Alaric was the most based dude in history

you need to go back

>this one is actually true

No it isn't, that's called confirmation bias you imbecile.

Wanna know how I know you're a jew?

Yes, actually. Post your logic. Sup Forums logic is always screenshot-worthy.

>Shut it down, NOW!