Roast me and my girlfriend /b

Roast me and my girlfriend /b

your gf is a dude

Which one is which

kek i was gunna say that

Who's the girlfriend?

Thats a dude,OP.More proof is that because you got some of his cum in your hair

Your hair looks like a shower curtain after a kitten shreds it up.

Whos the top and who's the bottom?

i bet she lets you gag on her feminine penis

Do your mustaches tickle each other?

Your girlfriend looks pretty masculine.

Could be the spiked hair, though.


Hormones won't fix that jawline.

Instead of a roast how about a threesome?

You look very happy. Many good wishes in your lives together.

took the time to make a picture hope you enjoy prom faggot

Op I'm seeing double

no need for a roasting after looking at that picture. you faggot are calling a mentally ill dude your gf

Why does your gf spike her hair?

How cute
now you can share razor for mustaches.

Are you sure you mean "girl"friend?

What, are you fucking twins? What the fuck op? Get a job, Joey.

Alright, OP. Your sister was claimed by your dad, but dating his dog isn't gonna make home life any better.

Who has the bigger dick?

top zozzle

>Not fuckboi

Understand, you won't force that in 4cjan now GTFO.

Is her cock bigger than yours?

Will do. Where is she?

thinking zozzle is going to go away any time soon newfag



>not knowing what a typo is
>calling other anons newfags while forcing some new word into the world
>but muh zozzle

Hahahaha delicious.

Faggot lurk more while you can, don't show your newfaggotry like this please, it hurts just to read.

i was not calling you a newfag till you took the bait summer

more pics of the tranny please. hes weirdly cute

im not a new fag ive been here scince may

if you wanna bait at least say youve been here since christmas or something

saying you been here for 1 month is just obvious bait