I don't want any damn vegetables

I don't want any damn vegetables



Good thread.



>stick ur lettuce up yer arse u fucking mongrel cunt

>Australian dub


is Todd the most endearing simpsons character?

Not even a little.

He's an obnoxious little shit
Ralph is the predictable but undisputed answer

anyone else used think that Todd was the older one? I only found out it was the other way around like a year ago when I actually bothered the read the chalk message in the opening



>I miss Troy's voice and presence
>his deliveries were comedic excellence




>displayed as a complete dimwit/retard 99% of the time
>suddenly gives out of character brilliant emotionally aware george washington performance

has to be Maggie, though for side characters my answer to you would be:


What was your favourite "You may remember me from [BLANK] and [BLANK]"?

Nah Maggie's a little sociopath obsessed with guns. Ralph is the endearing one

Hi I'm Troy McClure



>I hate every ape I see from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z!

I wish.

Objectively the correct answer

>Oh my god, I was wrong. It was Earth all along!

Didn't they originally want Hartman to voice Brannigan?

Hey fuck you, dude. I was Macbeth in a play when I was in college

West deliberately did his characterization of Zapp as a tribute to Hartman as well


I didn't call YOU a retard, user. Do you uh.. have something you want to share with us?

best god darn-diddeli episode

>yfw flanders is left handed because he's far left

That episode had some really good stuff
>Ever hear of Planet of the Apes?
>the movie or the planet?

>From now on, she's smoking for two


>The show killed off Fat Tony only to have him be replaced by his cousin Fit Tony
>Fit Tony just turns into Fat Tony and the status quo continues

God that's a lame joke. That's like family guy tier.

Yes. I was the antisocial dude(not the one that looks like a schoold shooter, more like the dude from the background nobody knows he exists) and wasn't until I had my chance to show the world who I was playing Macbeth. And now I spend my day posting on Sup Forums

He's left handed because christianity hated left handeds, the hand of the devil, in old times, so they make them use their right hand.

You don't know shit about history so shut the fuck up you fucking faggot piece of shit.

You like it user? That one seems to get a lot of criticism. I do enjoy the "future" based episodes myself though, and there's some good gags in this one.

It's the future of the simpsons. So it makes sense

This whole scene, including the Bart and Lisa bit, has got to be one of the best ever crafted.

>Lisa On Ice
Fucking stellar episode

How would you draw dignity Sup Forums?

Like this

Bueno nachos my father

>Tyler the creator


>actually has the guts to ask a girl out
>one of us

I asked a girl out once. She said no and laughed at me...
...Never again

;_; It's all going to be okay, user.
At least you had the courage. More than I have.

I had this stuck in my head for a full week

Every time someone asked me a question at work I would think "I don't want any damn vegetables"


Yeah, pretty sure they made Frys first name Philip after Hartman

Yeah this one is probably the best.

shut the fuck up

>I CAN'T! It's a GEO!!
this was the funniest shit back in the day
we used to always make fun of the kids whose parents drove Geos

I hate every Andy Dick
From Andy A to Andy Z.

Seriously, fuck Andy Dick for killing him

Did you work at a vegetable company?

good spoiler.
lenny is the real father of maggie btw


>"Its bad ON PURPOSE"

Sweet, someone's using my crudely made OC that took me two seconds in Preview


This is the worst meme ever and literally only Jon Lovitz believes it

...you don't get the reference either do you?

He must be a writer for The Simpsons


>Directed by Sam Raimi
No wonder

No I naturally assumed Todd was younger purely because he was smaller






I was thinking about this last night and I'm not sure I get it. Are they saying that Rod and Todd grow up to be closet homosexuals who 'polish their wood' all day?

I understand that great, autistic feeling you get when you see someone using some shitty thing you made. It's like pride, but you deep down know you shouldn't be proud of it.

>Are they saying that Rod and Todd grow up to be closet homosexuals who 'polish their wood' all day?
That's exactly what they're saying, user



>You know something, he did say well a lot

Heh, heh, heh. Y'know somethin', he did say, "Well" a lot!

>me irl



No. Fuck you

The sexual tension between Bart and Lisa in that episode was incredible

what happened to you guys? you used to be cool

Bart open your eyes and look down

is ralph michael jackson?


He was following a script though. Didn't you have those social retarded kids when you in highschool who suddenly became confident in drama because they had all their lines memorized on the second day?

Smoke Yourself Thin


Get Confident, Stupid!

How do you not know the line that mocks your autistic fanbase?


>Alice's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass
>The Decapitation of Larry Leadfoot

I expect that type of language at Denny's but not here!


Why those books are forbidden?

>Hmm, i wonder why he's so eager to go to the garage?
>The Garage, fellas, The Garage. Well u-la-dee-da mr. frenchman.
>How do you call it?
>A car hole
