>crowd goes apeshit
What drew the loudest reaction in your theater?
impoverished yuropoors need not apply.
>crowd goes apeshit
What drew the loudest reaction in your theater?
impoverished yuropoors need not apply.
Other urls found in this thread:
>why are people being social at a social gathering?
>They should be antisocial like me!
Ny here. My crowd went crazy for that too. Man it felt good.
>Consuming media in the dark whilst consuming fatty foods into your disgusting faces
I hope you get TDKR'd
> being so pleb you watch capeshit
/film/ when?
Why do Amerifats shriek and holler in the cinema like baboons or black people? What the fuck is with that?
I remember going to see The Dark Knight during a business trip to America once, and every time something happened, Amerifats started flinging their own shit at the screen.
Weird, man.
And Australia sits there like
>americucs being apes
Nothing new here.
>W-we're cool too! We have captain kangaroo!
ITT: Irrelevant countries
When superman got healed by the sun and got heat vision eyes
When wonder woman saved batman
how can you people enjoy your films when you clap every 5 minutes when something good happens?
Mostly people from Slokovia
My audience was deadly silent, a few chuckles here and there the loudest being after Cap kissed his dead exes grandaughter and exchanged looks with his buds
you've never been on a business trip to America
make your story more believable next time if you just want to quip
>That Bucky smirk
Best quipmoment reactions at my cinema
>Ant-Man going inside Stark's suit and wrecking shit "this is your conscience, we don't talk much anymore"
>Vision floating through giant Ant-Man and him freaking out
>When Cap kisses the slut and the guys react
>When Spider-Man webs Stark's hand to the door
>The whole Tony 'Stank' scene
Frog here.
People in the theater mostly stayed silent the whole movie, because unlike american pleb we respect cinema.
>want to go see it
>no singles policy
lol we saw the fucking movie weeks ago. We're over it now you fat american cunt.
This movie was a piece of shit
Based Stan Lee.
8/10 for me as far as capeshit goes.
Watch it when it's on Netflix gramps
I don't get it. It was as boring and badly structured as BvS. And the characters had dumb motivations just like BvS. The CGI was some of the worst I've ever seen, Spiderman looked retarded and so did Iron mans suit. There was more product placement than MoS...apparantly everyone drives an Audi in MCU world.
I really don't understand the vastly different reception.
Call me a DCuck if you want. Both movies were equally bad.
DCuck detected.
I live in asia so nothing. The only noise the entire time was my parents gasping loudly a few times.
Bucky X Sam in the car
every Bucky x moment was god tier
On the Camrip I watched people were cackling at parts that werent even supposed to be funny. It was pretty annoying desu.
The moment spider-man appears and when ant-man becomes giant-man got some cheers from the audience.
Also when Tony mentioned Amsterdam there was a reaction since i was watching it in Amsterdam
DCfagboy detected
Never, fag
Why do yuros get so offended at people laughing, cheering, or clapping in a theater? Do you really just sit there stone-faced and silent during a fun movie like this?
Bong here.
If anyone's ever been to a movie in Britain you'll know that we don't really talk or shout or anything during screenings. We laugh when shit's funny, gasp and shit when appropriate, like an audience should but we don't applaud or jump about or shout at the screen like I hear about happening in Yankland.
That being said, when Civil War ended and the credits started rolling it got a round of applause. Which almost never fucking happens, it was pretty cool.
The atmosphere when the reveal about Tony and Bucky dropped was fucking electric, honestly it was one of the best theater going experiences in my life, really excellent crowd and vibe.
Yes it's called "Being Sophisticated".
Pleb detected for not recognizing the genius of BvS.
my theater really loved the big black panther for some reason
I bet you think the movie theater is the best spot to take a girl you just met on a date.
Your mom didn't complain when I took her there.
>Movie theater
>Social gathering
wew. Choose one m80
>actually live in Queens
>see movie in Queens
>niggers chimp out when Cap talks about Brooklyn
>white and blacks are in unison for once
Loudest: Ant-man grew big
Second loud: Ant-man groped Captain America
The end, I think. the theater felt like it had this aura of "that's it?" for some reason. It was weird.
>when the new Spider Man turns his head for the first time
This movie kind of held off on quip city, even for Tony.
Then at the airport I realized why. Jesus Christ was there any line of that scene that wasn't a quip. They packed like 3 Marvel movies worth into that one scene
>Man who has been a gigantic popular United States icon/celeb for 8 years, EXCLUDING the fact he was well known/famous before he created Iron Man
>FedEx worker who probably slouches on his couch after a long day of work and turns on the boob tube doesn't know how to pronounce a name he has probably hear a billion times, on TV alone
Did they even TRY with his cameo?
That's a lot of moments. It was basically Winter Soldier: Part II only he got lines this time.
I didn't understand why that fedex scene drew such a powerful reaction till I read this thread. Do that many people really know who that old fuck is?
>business trip
Only in Second Life.
Jesus fuck I hate millenials more than anything on the planet.
>when Bats said "shit"
The end credits.
As an Ausfag I was so fucking disappointed that everyone clapped at the end but that's how you know you're watching a movie for the lowest common denominator, I guess.
>That thing does not obey the laws of physics AT ALL
Stan Lee is ninety fucking two years old.
>does anyone have any orange slices
Is this some joke I missed? Because I didn't laugh but a lot of people did.
Deadpool cameo confirmed for best
>You can't buy love but you can sure rent it
>mention physics, biology or Chem in an American cinema
>Americans start praying and firing their guns
>muh God muh Jesus
>bald eagle starts flying in the room whilst reciting the bible
Not to mention the Falcons.
why this oldman has to be in every marvel movie. It isnt fun anymore
Must've never played sports, eh?
>the meme is real
why is their culture so decadent?
>It was as boring and badly structured as BvS
I played soccer, we ate orange slices during breaks, yet I still didn't laugh
Well that's why he said it. I remember coaching football and having a couple players pleading for orange slices at halftime, so I chuckled at it. Too bad for you I guess. Or not. Live your life.
It would be a tie between Spider-Man taking down Ant-Man or the facial expression on Bucky and Falcon after Cap's kiss with that Agent Carter.
Fair enough.
I just thought it might have been some other reference I wasn't getting. Thanks.
Clevelander here
Crowd was pretty loud for
That and Spidey's OH SHIT moment and the Bucky/Falcon stuff
We are polite enough not to cat call and jeer in a film, so others can actually fucking hear what is happening and not be distracted by cunts.
It's just fucking rude to be as loud as amerifats.
>tfw no more bucky/sam bants for a while
crowd goes "holy shit it's spider man" but I screamed a bit.
>that aunt May
even Tony knows that Marisa Tomei is too sexy to play somebody's aunt
britbong here, saw a midnight screening with four friends
there were maybe five other people in the cinema so everyone there was getting enthusiastic, lots of big laughs at bucky and sam's reaction, audible excitement about spider-man and giant-man
if there are hardly any other people there it's alright to get a little enthusiastic but doing it really loud in a properly packed room is a bit cunty
>I thought it was a water truck
Indians/Americans detected
>that BARF scene
Shit was cool, is that tech going to b used in upcoming films?
The audience didn't stop laughing at every single scene with Peter in it.
I guess people were just excited Spidey finally joined the MCU.
>That fun
Here's some more of that "fun" try enjoy a good movie with this going on
that's too much though, we usually just shout and clap for a while then shut up afterwards
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not amerifat so maybe I'm not up to date with all the burger memes
This, while an extreme example, sums things up perfectly.
When British people go to the cinema, they want to watch the fucking the film- soak it in and digest it.
They still laugh at the funny parts and and scream at the scares. Occasionally, they'll applaud it is warranted.
But mostly they're just classy. Not the fucking frat-boy embarrassment of us back home.
Same here bro
Not americuck either, but how do you not know Queens, NY?
In Korea, people laughed at Spider-Man costume being found, Ant-Man running only for it to be revealed that he was small and not running very far, and that's pretty much it. Bit of a reaction when Ant-Man went giant.
In general, Koreans don't laugh or react a ton during foreign films, but still like them. I talked with some people after the film, and the reaction was mostly positive with "it was okay" being the most scathing thing I heard.
People literally laughing out loud at EVERY single quip.Jesus Christ.
i fucking hate you new york faggots
I think every other line was a quip at the airport scene
Spiderman saying shit.