You Marveldrones realize Kal-El would liquify both Cap and Iron Man in an actual fight right?
Like it wouldn't even be close.
You Marveldrones realize Kal-El would liquify both Cap and Iron Man in an actual fight right?
Like it wouldn't even be close.
Other urls found in this thread:
Doomsday could solo the entire MCU roster
Goku could kill all of DC and Marvel
Supe's biggest weakness is his morals.
Batman would murder all three. Nature is in order.
He'd just get shot in the heart when he isn't paying attention.
penance stare
I think iron man could give supes a run for his money
Dr. Manhattan could kill anyone. I mean Manhattan could literally eat a planet
You comic keks are laughable. Both would not even detect ichigo and just he will just stab them both with a shikai.
Tell that to Zod's snapped neck
A solo Scarlet Witch movie would defeat both Superman and Batman.
>Y-your movies might be better b-but if the fictional characters were real ours c-c-could kill yours!!
>I always had a really hard time getting into Superman as a kid. There just wasn’t a lot of vulnerability there for me. I loved Batman. He’s the one DC character I really loved.I found that Martian Manhunter was the Martian Superman. Wonder Woman was the female Superman. There was repetitiveness in their characters. Aquaman is the sea Superman. Where I found that Marvel was building characters that are flawed and unique. Spider-Man was my favorite character growing up. I loved Wolverine.
based Russos
You realise that Manga is just Japanese Comics, right?
>implying Tony wouldn't build superman Buster suit with kryptonite to beat the crap out of him.
That's literally Lex Luthor's power armor.
>marvel vs DC vs goku vs the Jews
>One punch man beats them all with one paunch
>mfw I have no face
Its different in the sense that the art and story in anime is far better than comics.
>help people even when some of them hated him
>talks about helping people
>meet with goverment to discuss his power status
>fucks social opinoin of control
>sacrificed himself to save his mother, his loving one, the world
>almost killed his best friend for his insane murderously whiny girlfriend
Hitler had a hard life.
Who has better skills in preparedness between Batman and Iron Man
Who would use their preparation time to greater effect
I feel like Batman probably has to send out to the Wayne Enterprises factories for new machines so there's a bit of lead time there but Iron Man has all his machines at home
What if vita rays are made of liquid kryptonite?
That's not why we watch the movies.
>DUUR DIS KARACTUR CAN BEET DIS WAN DAT MENE IT BATOORRRR!!!!!!!!!!! *pisses and shits all over his dick and proceeds to use it as lubricant for masturbation*
do you kids literally hear yourselves? holy shit grow up
that murdering pschotic zealot got noting on my cap
>Who has better skills in preparedness between Batman and Iron Man
Batman was literally insane in the movie.
Go back to Sup Forums
Steven Seagal could snatch the birthdays of all DC, Marvel and DragonBall characters.
>muh power levels
who gives a shit?
Daredevil would get his ass kicked by every mainstream comic hero, but he's still the better character of them all.
if batman can beat supes then fucking iron man could too
Yep. Vulnerability is what makes him so interesting.
I'm more interested in a Thor matchup.
Esp. If it is Rune King Thor
i love rune king thor
Cant flim flam the batman.
Wouldn't they all be killed by that bald guy from this new anime? One Fist One Kill or something?
Goku ain't doing shit against Living Tribunal
Yes he would fist them to death
I've always wondered. What do these superpowered mystic all-knowing all-powerful charachters like the living tribunal or Thanos do in their sparetime?
RKT is waaaaay outta supes pay grade, he's more powerful then Thor with the Odin force.
You would want to throw Superman prime in that match up.
>super sand lesbians
Thor would beat Supes tho.
Who do you think the evansposters are?
I bet Goku could take the Beyonders and therefore LT
He can't beat Batman though.
Living Tribunal would think Goku out of existence.
I have no clue what you are talking about.
No shit. Superman is basically a God. Captain America is just a normal dude.
>One Fist One Kill
Then Thanos comes around, and
Superman fan, here.
MCU Cap has inspired me more than Man of Murder ever has. All killing him would do is immortalize everything Cap has ever said, and make "Kal-El" come off like a petty bitch who can't handle not being number one.
>What a character flaw
>He's so relateable now, right?
Fuck you Zack Snyder.
>He's just a regular human, guys, j-just like me.
>that explanation
I have aids now, that makes absolutely no sense.
>in an actual fight
capeshit confirmed for retarded people
>far better
Now this is shitposting. Stop reading only cape comics, weeb. Besides the manga style was based on the style tezuka had which he draw inspiration from disney and fleisher cartoons. So yes manga is japanese comics and anime japanese cartoons. Not only that but the clearly inspiration from people like moebius or again fleischer with betty boop or popeye.
Jesus, go to Sup Forums at least you could learn on thing or two