I think all capeshit talk should go to Sup Forums, because when people browse Sup Forums i'm pretty sure they want to talk real movies, not shitty comicbook adaptations.
So can the DC and Marvel neckbeards seriously fuck off to Sup Forums, because i doubt anyone cares about Sup Forums-tier BvS or Civil war posts in Sup Forums.
I think all capeshit talk should go to Sup Forums...
Comic book film still falls under the category film. I'm sorry you're so upset and wish I could help more.
>People can discuss only the movies and televisions shows, I deem they can.
>Anybody that doesn't abide by my imaginary rules should fuck off.
>Instead of making an actual film thread I'll just shitpost about the state of the board instead.
Its people like you the reason films barely get discussed here, if you tried to actually get film and tv show discussions going I'm sure people will be interested if not, then try another time. Join other threads that talk about films you like. You know, just ignore what you don't like maybe.
I think all capeshit should go to Sup Forums because they are not comics or cartoons and when people browse Sup Forums i'm pretty sure they want to talk real movies, not shitty superhero soap operas. So can the DC and Marvel neckbeards seriously fuck off to Sup Forums, because i doubt anyone cares about movie posts on a non movie board.
fuck I meant "real comics"
But you're talking about it right now
I want movies and tv shows off of Sup Forums.
I second that motion.
Capefags leave.
Sup Forums is shit for a lot of reasons. Redditors and women aside, Sup Forums posters thinking its their hugbox and safespace are the biggest cancer imo.
I'm glad talking about superhero movies bothers you.
I guess you just can't enjoy fun
GoT fags are worse.
>keeping it in one thread
capeshit threads have literally over twenty threads up at once about the exact same news or recent release
you just admitted that you are 14 years old
Films involving superheroes are still films regardless of how much the discussion deteriorates. The existence of capeshit is not the problem, people not understanding film is. If we were all talking on the same terms people wouldn't have to cling to empty phrases like "it's fun" or reciting meaningless review scores and box office numbers.
Remember that this is a board that ridicules the most basic narrative techniques present in ALL films as pretentious and unnecessary.
>Movie comes out today in US
>Too much talking about current events this place is only to jerk off to the candles in Barry Lyndon
>generals immediately after the last hits bump limit
>still half a dozen threads outside the general
All fine.
Lol no, but it's painfully obvious you're under 25.
and still 1/4 the amount of capeshit threads. Look at the amount of capeshit threads right now, its not even close.
>keeping it in one thead
>reddit enabler
Shut the fuck up
>capeshit threads aren't rampant reddit brigades
Oh shut the fuck up. Got threads are like subreddits, not even capes comes close.
> currently 17 capeshit threads
> 6 GOT threads