Reviewers are saying that the action is shit and the rest of the movie is just "workplace drama with capes and masks"

Reviewers are saying that the action is shit and the rest of the movie is just "workplace drama with capes and masks".

How is it 70% more fresh than BvS again?

Because it was funny XD

Its funny how an action movie can have shit action I guess.

>giving a fuck about what one, or both, of the major comic book-related film studios are doing

You are now aware that you live in a world, a terrifying world, where there are people right this moment who use terms such as "canon" and "cinematic universe" when talking about films and television shows.

A terrifying world where imagined characters on a screen are required, according to those who discuss them, to adhere to "ground rules" set out by the creators of said-characters. A terrifying world where those that discuss these characters and their actions, are actually enraged if said-characters deviate from the mannerisms expected of them, the mannerisms that may have initially been set in the pages of a comic book.

Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children, that are actually read by adults who then bicker and express their frustration at film-adaptations of these comic books not being "faithful". Faithful to a comic book. That's supposed to be read by young children.

This is your world. This is the world of capeshit. Terrifying, isn't it?

its funny because although it is 92%, it is only an actual score of 7.7/10 on RT.

At least BvS didn't give me fucking nausea.

>Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children,
children have no money to buy the comics in the first place or pay for anything for that matter. Everything gets filtered by the adults

cause it was good

thats usually the case, most of the time good movies get good scores.

BvS was shit cause batman is shit. and Zack Snyder dont know how to make movies

Not sure if autism or extremist conservative

oh you are deliciously petty.

What's the difference

It's a good capeshit movie. BvS is an edgy, tryhard mess.

>capeshit meme

>edgy, tryhard

>been doing theatre work all my life
>worked on a few movie sets in my life, mostly independent stuff or for my friends
>work on this one film that's been hyped up in my town locally, based on a local vigilante mythos we have about the town
>guy who was slated to play the role got a leg injury, had to ditch the part
>get approached for the part because director heard about my past in theatre work
>quality of movie was fairly average but unsurprising given the budget
>my lines for the character are very few, easiest rehearsal of my life but my biggest problem came to how the fuck i was supposed to act out emotion through a character that barely says anything or do anything other than beat up criminals. try my best to give the character emotional depth so audience can relate instead of being a nearly mute cold-hearted thug.
>director keeps giving me a hard time, says my performance is "paltry" compared to what he normally works with
>try my best regardless, just felt like the role was incredibly 2-dimensional, whatever I got paid.
>hundreds of people show up to the premiere at a local theatre
>sneak in with my hoodie to see audience reaction because i'm insecure as shit about my work
>people start hooting and hollaring when they get to a scene I did when i'm showing a bit of compassion for a thug I just beat up
>people wanting dry as fuck character because it's "canon" instead of something they can relate to

capeshit, not even once

Who cares about reviewers?

When I watched it I could tell for myself that it's insanely overrated and overhyped.

There's a third option, user: pasta.

It's pasta.


This is a great pasta

>DCucks are still mad as fuck because of BvS' blunder

How much of a skinny nu-male do you have to be to get nauseus from watching a movie?

they say its nauseau inducing the stop motion

Because BvS was 100% garbage thinking it's somehow smart.

at least it had good action and upskirt WW

Basically, you can label any movie plot as 'workplace drama' when you arent bothered enough.

Because Disney payed most of all those reviewers to give bad scores. Some people cling to scores and actually develop their opinion based on said score and critic reviews rather than making up their own minds. They weren't ready for what BvS did, and now some feel empty after watching CW because they still haven't realized BvS changed capeshit forever.

Mad Max.

I didn't feel dizzy but I still thought the fight scenes were retarded as fuck in CW. I enjoyed the movie but the action scenes were 3/10. I mean how many cuts and shakey cams does a goddamn movie need during a fight scene? whoever thought transformers was shit during its fights for not providing the watcher a good perspective on the robots should hate CW

CW was an alright movie though, would've preferred something more epic

>70% more fresh
It's actually 328% more fresh. Math.

Thank you for doing this.

I'm not bothered, so, yes Mad Max is just a workplace drama in desert with cars and shits.

you're reaching pal