What went wrong?
Wonder Woman Pilot
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fake tits
Wonder woman wasn't played by gianna Michaels.
her fake boobs are practically off her chest plate.
Pretty much missed the point of WW
She was just Xena in a shiny suit
I did like the idea of Liz Hurley as Veronica Cale though
Costume wasn't great.
Was there ever even a pilot for this released?
I'd fap to that
These are from the unfinished pilot so you can see all the stunt lines and so forth
The mole between her eyebrows. Fuck I hate that.
Then she came and moled up AoS for over a season. Finally spun her off into a shit new show which will inevitably be cancelled in under a season and she will never work again.
She wasn't cute like linda was.
I hate the outfit, but that fight scene seems fun.
>"Get over here!"
i dont know if it was officially released, but there were at least two episodes leaked on torrent sites most likely ripped from Netflix and such.
She walks like a linebacker.
They know literally nothing about Wonder Woman's character at all and just made up a bunch of baseless bullshit, which is fucking baffling to me considering how much thought and effort goes into a production of any kind of tv show or movie. Her character is a feminist cunt who whores herself out and gets upset when she's sexualized, the actress can't deliver basic lines, they laughably try to do a villain of the week who is also a basless nobody character, everything is just awful. This is all shit off the top of my head. Just the fucking worst. I honestly dont like the old Wonder Woman tv show too but the character of Diana herself is still charming and cute in it which is more than I can say for this.
Wasn't this the one where Visionary filmmaker McG thought being a neocon retard was the new hot movement all the kids were into so the whole thing is just a libertarian wet dream?
She spends the whole show alternating between ruthlessly executing criminals, merchandising Wonder Woman merchandise as a boardroom CEO and listening to rap music and having sleepovers with her friends.
>They know literally nothing about Wonder Woman's character at all and just made up a bunch of baseless bullshit, which is fucking baffling to me considering how much thought and effort goes into a production of any kind of tv show or movie. Her character is a feminist cunt who whores herself out and gets upset when she's sexualized, the actress can't deliver basic lines, they laughably try to do a villain of the week who is also a basless nobody character, everything is just awful. This is all shit off the top of my head. Just the fucking worst.
soo it's like the current Supergirl tvshow?
>yfw porn parody has better costumes than actual DC movies/shows
I have only seen a few episodes and I would say its about the same level of quality although maybe this one's worse.
fucking kek
This face is more appropriate
Probably because the people who make and star in porn actually like comics.
It'd be easier to pull the real one's top off.
The intro for one
Kek. When are we going to see a true portrayal of WW as the bondage kinkster mistress she originally was?
>tfw Wonder Woman's first appearance is literally set to Single Ladies by Beyonce and the entire script is filled with music cues for Lady Gaga, Green Day, Kanye West, etc.
Did you read Wonder Woman: Earth One?
Returning to the bondage kink roots was the whole point
>What went wrong?
That picture aswer your question
Ugly as fuck
Everything that is also wrong with DCEU Wonder Woman, with none of the things that went right
But now people pretend it's fine
It was before it's time. This was either before or around the same time as Arrow was getting started and the networks needed something more dark and edgy. After Flash came out something like this could have worked but instead we got a garbage Supergirl.
And also SJWism
Go back to Sup Forumsmblr
At least she had some personality
Better than Supergirl it seems.
Palicki is so fucking hot
Atrocious costume. And I prefer her blonde.
Why are her tits on either side of the earth? They so far apart.
It's more aerodynamic.
Just cast Bridget Regan
>Those terrible fake tits and their awfully too wide spacing
what wast hat guy expecting to happen?
Why no pictures fämälämämazonfan?
Anybody else expected them to gangbang her?
Probably hoping he was gonna get himself some raping done, user
but running to a fucking door that opens the other way...
Considering it looks like a porno that wasn't an unrealistic expectation
Men are stupid user, don't you know that?
Wouldn't a punch given with the amount of effort she is putting into it crush the skull of an average man?
too old and too stinky
I'd watch THE FUCK out of this garbage
they hired a tranny to be wonder woman before caitlyn jenner became a thing
and more /fit/ too
Wow, what a punchable face
they're not nearly that bad, it's just a terrible still
also I'm not 100% sold they're fake, I think they are but she had them back when she was on FNL
looks like the janitor has a crush on Bridget
>but she had them back when she was on FNL
so? She probably got them when she was 18.
I liked it. Praise be Morrison.
this looks cheaper than porn
was expecting them to gangbang each other
Can someone post a pic of her tits???
wait what she did a naked shoot
How do you want your butt fám
where her ass go
are those fake because they look fake
it's a real photo
no m8
Her legs just go directly into her back
a fridge has more hips than that m8.
better fight scenes than arrow or legends...
I like Adrianne a lot and she makes me erect but damn, she is heckin unphotogenic. It's so hard to find a still image that does her justice.
>It's so hard to find a still image that does her justice.
because there's nothing to do justice. She has no ass. She has no hips. Her tits are fake and she has broader shoulders than the rock. She's garbage.
it's kind of hard to believe it's NOT a porn clip.
It's funny because when they made xena, the original wonderwoman was the only successful female action show. Raimi/Tapert deliberately tried to make something different than it.
She's wearing pants.
Didn't Charlie's Angels and Bionic Woman count?
Is it supposed to be impressive that she raised a self-raising-style warehouse door?
She broke the locks tho
Her chest has down syndrome.
In the extras for xena some producer mentioned that executives were concerened about xena because those three shows could be considered the only successes in that genre, and they were from the 70s-80s.
Then after Xena was a huge success it exploded.
The wires are clearly visible
Because it's unfinished
Shit all you want but this legit looks better tan Supergirl. Give this garbage Supergirl's budget and It'll be the most watched show on tv.
You haven't seen the rest, you know
But it really was better than Supergirl
They just needed to fix some stuff about her characterization and make the goons less cheesy
>Give this garbage Supergirl's budget
It's not the fx crews fault that the producers decided to blow that money on hookers and coke
I think you mean on all the cgi to make calista camera presentable
Fucking saved.
she would be perfect
Actually I have, I really isn't worse than Supergirl or current Arrow.
bumping for Wondern00dz
actress is pathetic, she has no control over her body lmao
she's too slow, she can't even lift her legs when she "kicks" the guys...
I don't understand people who are in charge can't see this shit ?