Why is Sup Forums so plebish ?

Why is Sup Forums so plebish ?

Shill. Same thing happening for Mad max

Great year

deddit came over

>hollywood shills coming to Sup Forums

This has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

they are here, man

People here just like what's popular. Thats why it you see people also viciously hating whatever is popular.

>$.02 have been deposited into your account


Why not just make threads to discuss whatever movie you want instead of bitching about what you don't like?

Is it true that /film/ was created for a few hours entirely unmoderated and the mods decided to shut it down forever because of shit posting?

You're naive. Sup Forums isn't nearly as small or niche as many believe.

It was shut down but we don't know why

Yes it is true.

I wouldn't dislike these fucking plebs that spam the catalog with capeshit, video games and GoT so much if they didn't actively dislike anything that doesn't appeal to the lowest denominator.

They are insecure as fuck about the shit they like. Deep down they probably know that what they're consuming is actually for 12 year olds. It scares them that not everyone here is a infantilised as they are.

>people "unironically" talking about, looking forward to, and watching Hollywood superhero movies
I don't get it. Is there a joke I'm missing?

>if they didn't actively dislike anything that doesn't appeal to the lowest denominator.

this desu senpai

If people liked shit I didn't like and they made threads about it I would just hide them and it would be no problem. The problem is they come into threads about shit I like and nuke them with cuck memes until they die.

That's all I want for /film/. A board like /lit/ or Sup Forums where generals are required and people aren't allowed to nuke threads with b8 and shit posting because they feel like it.

There's an unironic thread on the catalogue right now where anons are arguing whether superman or captain america would win in a fight. Without any kind of self awareness for how sad it is that grown men are having this discussion.

Some of them are literally children. The others are manchildren. It's quite interesting on a socio-economic level; we're no longer being encouraged to grow up. Maybe we need war.

And then I make a thread about doing a Robert Altman marathon and it's buried to the bottom with fifteen more threads about whether Captain America could beat up Superman before any user has a chance to type out a worthwhile response. And then my thread gets three responses about what a cucked jew sjw Altman was and then it gets purged.

I just wish the internet had an age filter that wasn't passable or something.

Quality of posting and threads on almost every fairly popular board would multiply by unimaginable numbers.

kids. this site is literally a daycare for piece of shit 14 year olds

The worst thing is they all act as though they're the "alright ones" and every other kid on here is the problem.

Too many embryos

Anyone who has ever posted in a capeshit thread needs to be banned. Then routine capeshit honey pot threads where anyone who even opens the thread is banned.

Someone's insecure.

Can someone even present an argument as to why there's no Capeshit General? Or I guess marvel General and DC General or something.

The threads are literally half the board. What is the excuse for this?

Underage normalfags, redditors, capeshitters, star wars fans, etc.

Surely someone can go suggest this be enforced.
Or even /trash/ if they have to.

FOTY came you tasteless muzzie

You forgot GoT.

/who/ fags seem to be the most respectable.

One of these threads is not like the others