10 Cloverfield Lane

Just got done watching this. Literally the epitome of alien kino right here but apparently Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck since capeshit is hot right now.


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Had a chance to see this earlier. Didn't expect it to be so good. Sup Forums never seems to provide me with worthy recommendations. So is it supposed to be a prequel or sequel to cloverfield?

10 Cloverfield Lane is 10/10

Anyone manage to come up with any interesting theories regarding the aliens. The ships were actually members of their species right and not vehicular space crafts?

You're too late for the party. This movie's been out for ages now. And yeah, it's amazing

The fuck you niggers? use the catalog before starting a thread

Has it leaked in decent quality? No? Then fuck off.


This. What's with all the threads about it?

I won't spoonfeed you.

We JUST had another thread about this movie, nigger.

Yes it has.

Children behave

its a yes or no question retard


I like de movie

And and Goodman was actually the good guy

Definitely biomechanical, from the way they suck up humans they could be based off of the war of the world's tripods on a way.

I liked and hated the ending at the same time. I liked how it expanded the universe by adding a human resistance element, but i hated it because of the gurll power scene

You can tell when all the basement dwellers on Sup Forums finally get there hands on a torrent for a movie.

You can tell when all the underage kids on Sup Forums go to see the newest capeshit on opening weekend.

>threads are suddenly appearing after the torrent came out

No celebrity worship (feet worship, even) excuses this reaction. It's well produced but utterly mediocre.

Loved it too OP. Really airtight script. Literally my only complaint is the Molotov cocktail scene and the use of CG instead of practical effects

Anyone who says the ending sucked should fuck off back to le redddit

Name a better sci fi movie in the last year.

All mew had to do was give him a footjob and she could eat all his food.

>it's the best in [my category]
Horrible fucking argument. Not to mention idiotic thinking the movie belongs in category X because of the last 10 minutes which are the worst part of the film. Out of films it can actually be compared to, it's the blandest, least imaginative and has the worst outcome. Hidden ticks all the same boxes and does it much better. Extraterrestrial does as well. Divide does a ton more in the same. And all of these do it with a lot less resources.

Hell, fucking War of the Worlds, as forgettable as it is, essentially does this movie in a 20 minute segment.

The ending was fucking awful. What could've been a great standalone film turned out to be a petty cashgrab

not even sure how you guys can defend the ending.

>movie has Cloverfield name on it

What the fuck do you want it to be? It needed to have monsters
If the movie ending was her just seeing a space ship it would've been terrible and everyone would actually hate the ending

I remember when the trailer came out everyone here was complaining about how the part where the spaceship comes out from behind the house could be the ending and cut to credits

Its not even close to being related to the Cloverfield movie.

The only thing redeemable about this movie was part of Goodman's acting.

Other than that, don't bother seeing it unless you want to spend 1 hour and 30 minutes wasting your time for a cop out ending.

>The only thing redeemable about this movie was part of Goodman's acting.
Tru dat. The worst part of it is we already knew Goodman was this good(man) an actor, so it's not even a surprise.

>Literally my only complaint is the Molotov cocktail scene
What's the problem with that scene? You are shown the bottle earlier, the bottle had actually been mentioned near the beginning of the film, and you are shown how the gas combusts.

really dont understand why people say they loved it until the ending when there are plenty of bunker movies that do it better and none of the acting was above average,every unique aspect of the characters is there for plot convience (michelle being fashion designer) or drama (her finding the bus ticket and sobbing over it),it was super predictable too,like of fucking course their not going to make goodman a rapist and he just wanted save the daughter he could not and he ended up being a good guy in the end.wow how fucking shocking and interesting.

movie is a 4/10,people who like it are a -4/10

>really dont understand why people say they loved it
Because they're /cel/. Of course they don't know the first thing about movies.

Out of all 3 people inside, Emmett is the one whose acting was the least convincing because I wasn't sure whether or not he was an accomplice of Howard, a psycho of his own or Michelle's friend the latter of which turned out to be true.

Because of that confusion I considered Michelle's story about being unable to save that little girl bullied by her father a psychological ploy to make Emmett more likely to help her out and stand up to Howard on her behalf. I thought that sort of manipulation would be acceptable if Emmett was a threat to her but it turned out to be a rather dick move that may or may not have convinced Emmett to sacrifice himself when they both got confronted by Howard.

I also didn't like the part in the end where the military was supposedly recapturing large territories from the aliens. And what happened to that "dogthing" that almost killed Michelle? Did it get crushed by the falling car after she destroyed the larger ship?

Still, I think it was an 8.5/10 movie at the least. Felt really immersed in the cramped atmosphere, Goodman really made me feel uncomfortable and I liked Michelle's resourcefulness.

MEW was great and hot as fuck. movie turned shit at the 70 - 80 minute mark tho. fuck jj abrams.

>her "room" alone was bigger then most nyc apartments

nah,you're a faggot



Recommend some "bunker movies" then.

On a different note, would you consider "The Thing" a bunker movie? What about "12 angry men"?

>her "room" alone was bigger then most nyc apartments

Is that how you measure a film's tension/atmosphere? Every time Michelle was "up to no good" I was wondering how close Howard was and that's why the location was cramped.

That bunker was comfy as fuck.

Was a solid film, except it went on a few minutes too long. Should have cut to black when she saw the alien in the sky

It's a shit!

Das Boot portrayed claustrophobia and terror perfectly. This was meme garbage, like the hipster abomination that came before.


Solid movie, disliked the Sup Forums Molotov but and was pissed that the wormdog never came back, but I think what disappointed me was that the trailer showed MEW outside of the bunker, and so I knew that she would escape JG/JGJ. I had mismanaged expectations where I really didn't think they would show the whole movie in the trailer.

Was Goodman a bad man or was the other guy responsible seeing as he helped build the shelter?

Why would he be responsible when he wouldn't have any idea what the bunker's true purpose was?

Responsible for Megan

Megan was Howard's true daughter who was taken away from him way before the beginning of the movie. What's your point?

The descent,Vanishing on 7th st,The tunnel,The mist,The Road are some.There are some that protray isolation better and i'm forgetting the ones that are actually based in a bunker,they will come to me though there was one that was even released last year but its name escapes me since it has been a while since i have seen it.

>he was affraid of goodman

after they already made it very clear there were ayylmaos?
the worst thing he did was not giving them a key but that is because he knew what was out there.

>like of fucking course their not going to make goodman a rapist and he just wanted save the daughter he could not and he ended up being a good guy in the end
what movie were you watching where that happened

do you think he wouldve done all this if his daughter didn't go missing?

can't read it fully but thanks for blacking out spoilers bruv

What do you mean Goodman wasn't a rapist/child killer. There's room to doubt, but when is it shown that he wasn't?

The ending was so meh.
This short did it better: youtube.com/watch?v=SqNdbHHWtBc&list=FLe-CzlFib4TN6GcM3KLfqPw&index=40

>after they already made it very clear there were ayylmaos?

That was only proven at the very end when Howard was dying from all the wounds/about to be blown up. Until that point, the woman with burned skin could've been a victim of a non-conventional (but still of earthly origin) weapon.

>the worst thing he did was not giving them a key but that is because he knew what was out there.

He was utterly deranged and kidnapped a grown up woman to forcefully groom her into his daughter. He already killed one that failed to live up to his fantasy. He killed another man for not sticking to his asinine rules. How the fuck isn't that sickening?

Also, he didn't know what was out there. He was only correct about the attack taking place but not its nature, which led to another death that could've been prevented (the burned woman).

His daughter was taken away from him by her mother. It was not a missing disappearance, more likely a court order. That made him snap and he made a little "let's pretend I have a daughter" bunker for him and his victims.

If he was planning to stay there alone, why would he build another room with a lockable door?

>there is room to doubt


he couldve literally tortured them with acid or chained them up and beat them but all he wanted to do is watch movies and eat ice cream.they were ungrateful cunts.this movie is shit.

Why is everybody posting about it all of the sudden, was it just released in the US?

Great movie.

A watchable rip just came out.

>its a poorfag wants to discuss a movie they just streamed to their shitty laptop

>le kino

When will Sup Forumseddit leave?

You're an idiot

lol i have the feeling this wasn't exactly the movie for you

Maybe because that's not what they were going for at all?

>the movie didn't match my preconceived ideas so it's bad!

Literal retard

>Plebs think Howard killed Brittany
>Plebs think Brittany is real
>Plebs think Brittany isn't Megan because they were told so
>Plebs think Megan (Britanny) wasn't killed by Emmett
Plebs supported the antagonist.

I liked that aspect actually. I just meant that a tiny fire explosive could one shot an extraterrestrial war machine was a little unbelievable.

Just seen it. It was meh to me. A basic alien film, nothing special about it. 6/10

no, fuck you

Originally Howard was written to be a misunderstood paranoid serviceman was sort of good. Instead they made him some fat psycho so the lead girl can provide female empowerment fan service.

>the whole entire bunker shaking at the begining
>the woman frantically driving there and begging to get inside

the only mistake goodman made was not keeping a radio to prove he was doing it to protect them.

im sure he made the same mistake with the other girl and he didnt touch her in anyway until she tried to escape thus putting the whole bunker at risk.

assuming these monsters are like the cloverfield ones i can understand why he would think the air is poisonous since the monsters can infect you and make you explode.

>grooming her to be like his daughter

because im sure there are a whole lotta other female clothes lying around that matched her size.
>If he was planning to stay there alone, why would he build another room with a lockable door?

maybe because he intended to help people and all doors in a bunker should be heavy duty because you need to plan for every scenario as he stated in the movie? for example she could have had an alien disease or could have been really violent or there could be a time were an ayy gets in and that is their only stronghold.again all of this would have been resolved with a radio but i guess he thought acid piggies would be enough.

also its not like a ton of people are comming down this old country road and as we've seen some of the people that do seem to be contagious/frantic so its not like you can let anyone in,why he choose emmit and michelle without seeing if theyre infected or injured but automatically said the women cant come in is a bit retarded but i assume its because the attack had just happend when he crashed them? it doesnt add up though since it seems like he had a bit of knowledge about the monsters.

why would he even bring a male in if he wanted a father/daughter dynamic too?

i know he made it obvious he didnt want them touching but why waste your resources and planning on some dude that isnt apart of your master plan? it makes no fucking sense.

nice arguement gayboi

>why would he even bring a male in if he wanted a father/daughter dynamic too?
He said it was a mistake.He said it was always supposed to be just them. He couldn't call her a woman but chose little princess instead. The girl was taken long before the attacks happened. He kills them when they don't play his game. I must have replied to a troll because otherwise you are simply unacceptably dense.

also why have a karaoke machiene and tv but not a radio?

the only assumption i can make is because he never intended to leave because once an alien race that can tear you apart in seconds takes over you can assume humanity is finished
unless you have a blowtorch anyway.

>the only mistake goodman made was not keeping a radio to prove he was doing it to protect them.

He _had_ a CBS radio. He's pointing to it in one scenes saying that everything thing out there is "dead silent".

>because im sure there are a whole lotta other female clothes lying around that matched her size.

That's actually fairly believable.

>maybe because he intended to help people and all doors in a bunker should be heavy duty because you need to plan for every scenario as he stated in the movie? for example she could have had an alien disease or could have been really violent or there could be a time were an ayy gets in and that is their only stronghold.

His character doesn't strike me as being the benevolent type, seeing as he almost left Emmett to die and he had to force his way in - I'm guessing his broken arm resulted in him showing it through the doors just as Howard was closing them.

The room, however, only had locks from one side, making it borderline useless as far as a defensive position goes. Not to mention from inside there's no access to any supplies, making it a literal dead end for people desperate enough to hide in there.

Emmett had value as a guy who helped build the place, thus he could do some repairs if need be. He says as much when Michelle asks him why was he let in.

And yeah, I forgot how Howard intentionally crashed his vehicle into Michelle. He admits he did that but makes it look as if it was an accident.

Ok, I just watched the movie and thought I had an idea what the movie is about. Maybe this idea is discussed, but couldn't find exactly what I wanted to say.
So in this movie. there are no aliens and such. Howard is truly an abductor and he did indeed abduct Michelle and the other girl. The aliens have have two meanings to them.To start from the end of the movie, once she has been abducted and becomes a victim of kidnapping, the outside world now hold a totally different view compared to when she was before being kidnapped. The world is strange, hostile and alien, something extremely absurd when viewed before such an aftermath. So she sees another side of the world, a more hostile one. The alien also has another important view, where she develops a Stockholm syndrome even after escaping, where she believes his motives and intentions were true and not harmful to her.
Basically, the killing of the alien by Michelle probably signifies her overcoming the mental disorder personally for herself and then when she moves to Houston, she helps other victims who has undergone the same abduction and such, instead of running away from this problem. The killing mas also signify overcoming the Stockholm syndrome as well.
When she views the lady affected by the alien through the window for the first time, I thought she just saw a herself from the outside, begging to be released from imprisonment and saw herself dying in the future.
Finally, I thought the guy was how Howard viewed himself. Funny, charming and playful (how Micehlle would view him) before deciding to kill that personality and starting to torture and kill her. Because I think, once you are kidnapped there would be a certain daily mundane routine before the kidnapper decides to torture and kill, which the happy time the three have in the movie.

the point was he did it anyway,regardless of his motivations he saw someone that needed help and choose to do it and had no issue with him living comfortably in his bunker,watching his tv and eating his food and pretty much doing whatever he wanted except leaving,which is pretty much suicide prevention.

when he betrayed him he choose to kill him like anyone who doesnt want to be killed by a super powerful alien species capable of interstellar travel and who knows what else would do

>calling her a princess instead of a woman

wow,what a creepy dangerous man.she would certainly be safer in a refugee camp fighting off ayys.

>i'm dense

says the person who likes this shitfest.

Someone post MEW with wet hair pls, was my favourite part


This whole movie was an ad for MEW's feet.

There are daily threads dumbass.
Good movie, the ending is divisive, personally I liked it and its contrast from the rest.
Goodman stole the stage.

even if he broke in he couldve just killed him,but he let him stay,someone who wants a dollhouse esque lifestyle wouldve just given him an acid bath before she even woke up regardless of emmits value.

also how come he or whomever helped kill the other girl dispose of the evidence better?
leaving the earing behind seems unlike someone who plans every detail,even if it was a moment of panic.he had time afterwards to cover up the scene of the crime.

john goodman is a great fucking actor


>He _had_ a CBS radio. He's pointing to it in one scenes saying that everything thing out there is "dead silent".

That makes sense since when she was driving at the end she had to stay in a specific spot to get any signal.To bad he didnt have a camera then i suppose.

I wish they went more into detail with the crash because it could be two things

>he did it to protect her

this is dumb because he couldve flagged her down,he risked hers and his own life,seems out of character for a prepper,he could have set up a road block but i guess that would put him at risk with ayys.

and there is the second posiblity

>he did it to abduct her,he didnt want to risk her getting away

this doesnt make sense either because if someone wanted a daughter stand in,wouldnt they want a specific type?
i know beggers cant be choosers but how did he know she was even a young female? it was pretty dark and she was driving pretty quickly,did i miss a scene with him stalking her?

He pulled up behind her at the gas station.

would have been easier to abduct her there,or literally pull his car in the middle of the road and wait for her with tranqs.this movie is so dumb.

>marine radio

Gas stations typically have cameras and people around.

that was a really disappointing movie because its once more the really boring tropes of the fat, white creepy predator in his bunker. I really had my hopes up before she found the earring. I hoped for a movie of 3 people in a bunker trying to survive a monster or ayylmaos. but I was let down.
honestly when they settled the differences and the space ship flew over them that was the greatest moment.so I can give it only a 5.5/10

isn't there a BvS thread where you need to shitpost your newest Schoppenhauer theory right now

>watched the movie in the theaters
>wanted to talk about it constantly
>spammed threads that only got a handful of responses from other people who saw it
>months pass
>torrent drops
>threads spammed everywhere
>don't really care about the movie anymore

Fuck I hate this poorfag pirate board of neetcucks.

but when an alien apocolyspe is about to happen police will assumingly have their hands full and wouldnt waste their time on an abduction plus they would never find her in a bunker in the middle of nowhere.

>all those feet-shots of MEW
>she was barefoot for basically the entire movie

the based director is definitely a footfag


The only trailer for this movie should have been the lawnmower TV spot.

shit taste tbqh

why? the movie would still be shit.

i agree with this but i still feel like fatman did nothing wrong aside from crashing michelle but i feel like that was just bad writing period.

Come the fuck on Sup Forums, where are all the delicious MEW feet screen caps? Basically the only reason to watch this film

>gives his hard earned money to hollywood jews
>calls others cucks

god, her hair is so fucking adorable in this.

it really is,even though her character is shit.this movie was awful.