Yfw this scene

>yfw this scene

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What anime is this?


The one where Godzilla fights two giant Turks.


I was half asleep at this point.

>yfw this scene

They fucked. Yes.

The audience clapped and cheered

and so did I

good scene in a bad film

I literally got a boner.

I remember the sound in my theater was amazing. Every time Godzilla roared i got chills. By the time he used his atomic breath i was cumming and farting all over the place.


I'm cheering right now watching the webm

the residual radiation from that blast alone would make the city unlivable and fuck up all the humans nearby, gj godzilla.

The great parts of this movie were so great I actually have hope the sequels can be GOAT if Edwards listens to the criticism

Normies were clapping because "da big lizard shoot da fire XDD Didyu no it's GOJIRA in JAPAN? NERD LYF LOL!!!".

I wanted to punch someone in the mouth. Fuck this dgoshit movie.

Is that a thing in the other Godzilla movies?

Think he gives a fuck? Wipe your puss, Gojira just fucked it.

yeah lets just leave giant radiation eating monster about fucking looser nerd fag


That's entire Godzilla's thing. In the original people die literally from just being in places he's walked through. Even in the stupid later ones he starts leaking radiation if he's too badly hurt. It's the entire plot of Godzilla vs Destroyah

>By the time he used his atomic breath i was cumming and farting all over the place.



>2 hours of build-up for an 8 minute fight that had no real tension at all

Goddamnit, I loved what we DID see of Godjira but there was too much fucking filler with Kick-Ass guy and his stupid wife.



Maybe they will show more of him if they give them a bigger budget.


It's not nearly that consistent. It's only brought up randomly. Hell in the trailer for the new movie the rescue people viewing the devastation aren't wearing any radiation suits and this fucker looks more horrifically radioactive than any other Godzilla

What kind of tree is that?

I was about to take a massive dump on my seat to get back at the movie theatre, but this scene refrained me from doing so. It was a good scene in a subpar movie. I ended up tossing my popcorn on the floor and pissing all over it instead.

The one and only time they've implied that was in Godzilla: GMK when he breathed fire and school kids saw it as a mushroom cloud from miles away. I thought it was pretty dumb desu.

>yfw this scene

What Godzilla should I watch. I already have

>Godzila 1954
>Godzilla vs. Mothra
>Destroy All Monsters
>Godzilla vs. Hedora
>Godzilla vs. Megalon
>Godzilla vs. Biollante
>Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
>Godzilla vs. Destroyah

Vs Mecha Godzilla

My dick.


I forgot, I do have that one but it's hard to find in decent quality so it's pretty shitty looking.


GMK is the best imo, look for a subbed version. It has the best Godzilla design and the most kaiju fights. The Gamera trilogy is also good from the same director.


and you faggots say this movie was bad

>Godzilla vs Kong
>yfw this scene

this is the only good scene in the entire runtime of the film, there's 8 minutes of Godzilla in 2 hours. They even cut away from all the action or show it on a tiny TV in the background as the human characters freak out. Really really dumb move.

Everything after the HALO drop is pretty fantastic, and the first third is enjoyable enough. The middle just drags.

I saw this movie when I was backpacking in India. Watching a cinema in India is an experience, they start living the movie. People gasp ,cheer and shout ,its nothing like how its back in the states. People actually enjoy their films .

For this particular scene the Pajeets lost their minds. The whole theater exploded and people started clapping and cheering. When he kills the second muto the audience went nuts. Also the theaters there were a lot better than the ones back home ,I was actually surprised by the picture and sound quality

what a disappointment

the atomic breath didn't do anything

It would have been great if you could see chunks of the muto's hide melting away but nothing fucking happened

Don't you mean Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?


>Edwards' face when he only uses her in a cameo as a larva

>this is the only good scene in the entire runtime of the film

Haters gonna hate, I thought the MUTO were awesome. Only normies bitched about the designs.

>Watching a cinema in India is an experience
I know

waste of trips for your shit opinion

When is my nigger Jet Jagga?


me to. I also really liked the noises they made

Based Zilla in the ali/frasier Manilla

Video is blocked but I assume it's Pajeets going berserk? I saw another film when I was there and the Indians went ape shit during the hype scenes. They'd throw popcorn and scream on top off their lungs. It was more like a concert and less like a movie. When I asked my more experienced German pal what the fuck that was all about he said that's how they watch the first day of any big actors movie goes.


Anyone know how japan reacted to this film? It seemed very respectful and faithful to the source material.

Also the directing and style is really cool. Godzilla coming out of the darkness and shooting his laser is visually appealing and artistic.

For one species to live, another must die.

That's exactly what happens in the video

still not getting the hate

There is no hate. That scene is recognized as the highpoint of the movie. The hate is for the fucking horrible lead and his pointless wife. Especially since Cranston was killed off.

the visual style of the movie throughout is top tier, Sup Forums can suck a digg

I remember the japs fatshaming Godzilla.

I don't remember that scene.
I can't remember almost anything from this movie, so forgettable.

Edwards and everyone involved were super respectful to the Toho guys and they gave it their seal of approval as an American alternate take on Godzilla or something vague like that.

>I don't remember that scene.
your loss

Apparently you're the only one

What do you guys think of the new godzilla by Anno?
The only godzilla movies I saw are the original and the 2014 american version which I didn't experience in the best way possible so I haven't gotten into the cheesy ones yet and Anno's take seems to be serious.
Wonder what he can do. Only stuff I saw from him is evangelion and gunbuster but that's not live action.
I did like what he did with the live action sequences in End of Evangelion though and the deleted scenes were interesting.

Watch the Heisei movies, dude, they are the right balance of serious and cheesy Godzilla.

this movie sucked fucking ass

very underrated flick desu

This movie was serious trash. The fight scene in Hawaii between the Muto and Godzilla? We saw it through a fucking TV and next cut the fight is already over. What the fuck were they thinking? Bad editing, bad acting plagued this film.

Also why was Elizabeth Olsen even put in the film? She literally did nothing.

>killing Bryan Cranston and not Aaron-Taylor "Stoneface" Jackson

What's going on here? Looks like those two space ships are kissing.

the theater I was in had people cheering, and again when he fucking murdered the muto in the bay, people lost their shit, all the waiting through sub par human drama was paid off in a truly epic fucking monster fight.

This film would be a %200 better if the final fight scene was in the morning.

hey I made a webm of that scene:

>tfw arkansas
>tfw the only cheering and clapping you've ever experienced was a standing ovation for "heaven is for real"

Watched this in the ghetto. Best theater audience I've ever been a part of.

Yeah, why the fuck did they cut away from the fight after all that great buildup with Godzilla rising out of the water and his stepping foot instantly silencing the chaos as everyone, even the Muto, was in awe? They cut away when the movie desperately needed some action to show some dumb little retard going RAWR RAWR DINOSAURTH! It was such bullshit I almost walked out.

The end fight was good and almost made up for it

>dawn of kaijustice


>Pacific Rim
list invalidated, way to JUST your list up

>"so i heard you liked radiation? well chew on this"

>Tell me...do you SKREOOOOOOONK?

>he didn't get pacrim

Godzilla is a mary sue


>implying godzilla is female

what a shitty

gary stu

>essential kaijukino
>lists only popular kaiju movies half of which barely pass as kino

>every powerful character is a gary stu

>metaphor of natural disaster and the atom bomb
>"he's a gary stu gais"

>implying Godzilla has a gender

why would the atom bomb and natural disaster save the humans

fuck is this