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>For the resurrection sequence, Snow lay naked on the table while Melisandre washed his body. “It took forever to resurrect him, forever!” says van Houten. “It was such an important scene, we shot it from so many angles. I think I washed his body 50 times. There would be a lot of people who would be very jealous.”

>Harington had no complaints. His days on the Thrones set usually involve exhausting action scenes in freezing cold. “It was very weird, like a teenage boy’s wet dream: You’re laying there naked and Carice van Houten is washing you,” he says. “It was such an easy two episodes, I loved it.”

>The actor had one startling moment, however. Harington fell asleep on the table, then woke up in the middle of a scene. For a minute, his show life and real life seemed more blurred than ever. “You know how terrifying it is when you wake up and you don’t know where you are?” Harington says. “Imagine waking up in the Game of Thrones world. It’s like a nightmare.”

Is Kit autistic?


Why the fuck doesnt the king have an army loyal to himself. What kind of idiot relies on levies from your subjects.


Why is Barristan such a retard?

>tfw Qybun cucks Varys out of his crossbow scene

what i wouldn't pay to have melly wash me.

Gurm is at his best when he's creating atmosphere. He has a great sense of constructing spaces, sights, colors, smells, all of that. He's a very cinematic writer, which makes you wonder how come the show is such shit.

The crime D&D committed with Stannis was that they rendered almost his entire plot-line, his reason for being in the show, to be moot. It was pointless because in the end Stannis winds up having no affect on the world around him. The Boltons roll right over him and scarcely notice.

If it had been done more intelligently they might have done this:

>Season 5
We have that scene were Roose chastises Ramsay for playing some Cerwyns. Telling him they can't rule the North through fear alone.

So let's have a few more scenes like that. Give us something about the Hornwoods, maybe even name drop "that Forrester lord you killed".

Now whatever Stannis does with his family, have him actually put up a fight against the Boltons. He still loses and still dies, but the battle is a bloody one.

>Season 6
So in the aftermath the Boltons have won, but their forces have been gutted. They are much weaker now and have lost Sansa. The other northern lords hate them, and especially Ramsay. Once Ramsay's brother is born Roose (and Ramsay) realizes that to appease his vassals and maintain his grip on the North he'll have to denounce Ramsay's actions, strip him of his inheritance, and hand him over to the other Lords to dispense justice to (execute him).

This at least would show that Stannis and his army, even in total defeat, will have changed the landscape in the North with all the surviving characters forced to adapt this. So his plot-line actually had a point now. It was also give Ramsay a more convincing reason to murder his own father and brother. Maybe even HE knows his regime is doomed, but simply to stay alive he'll do whatever he needs to survive even one more day.

Joff says something about it in S1 but Cersei knocks it down.

It's a bit stupid the iron throne only directly commands the kings guard. And theyre not really a military force.

do you think he had precum?

Just saw a leak of the season finale. It ends with Dany arriving in Westeros and crowd surfing while the song "Happy" by Feral Williams plays. Really a 10/10 episode and the highlight of the series.

>You’re laying there naked and Carice van Houten is washing you,”
and he gets paid to do this?

>mfw someone is being a Stannisfag next to me

Why are beta jews who are completely fine with buttfucking allowed to write for ubermanly man-power fantasies? Euron being the latest character sabotage.

This is why Tywin should have been king.

that didn't work out as planned kid, did it?

Next time google how to put a video in the post

Am i the only one sereosly hoping daenerys dies?

i mean, it would only be justice, right?

you can't kill of characters like ned, stannis, robb, tywin, etc... and keep that cunt on the show, right?

>mfw he woke up with a bonner

>Why are beta jews who are completely fine with buttfucking allowed to write for ubermanly man-power fantasies? Euron being the latest character sabotage.

daenerys dying would be the ultimate normie killer

The King does have the crownlands, which are lords sworn directly to the Throne.

Rosby, Thorne, Duskendale, Celitgar I think, ect...

Granted, you have to keep in mind that when the Throne was set up the Targs had dragons. Dragons were armies unto themselves.

It's my opinion that the Targaryen dynasty and the Iron Throne itself were doomed to collapse or irrelevance once the dragons died.

Hell, just play Crusader Kings 2 sometime. Without dragons holding onto the Iron Throne can be very difficult because you are at the mercy of the more powerful LP's.

>Is Kit autistic?


Hopefully by season 8 you fucking retards will be done crying over Stannis.

>mfw The book comes out and shits on Stanman just like the show did xD

Nothing more manly and masculine than fucking another masculine man in the ass and make him your bitch.

Wait, didn't Euron buttfuck Aeron?

my name is euron!
i am your brother, and i have returned to kill you, thus becoming king - MWAHAHAHAHAH

probably. Dany has potential, no need to kill her off

Yuri or whatever his name was

>tfw no loli brother called Yuri

queen of love and beauty

Starks of Winterhell.

What is the (potential) militay strentgh of the crownlands anyway.

The crownland's levies are the king's most loyal army. Goldcloaks and KG are elite paramilitary forces. All of them combined could not win if even two other kingdoms' levies ally against them.

But i get what you're saying, why not have a praetorian guard-type formation taken as volunteers from all over the kingdoms but trained and indoctrinated directly for king's service.

we've had this discussion before nigger bitch. only adelaide kane

Why is show Edd such an edgy twat? Book Edd is great
Eddison: I never win anything. The gods always smiled on Watt, though. When the wildlings knocked him off the Bridge of Skulls, somehow he landed in a nice deep pool of water. How lucky was that, missing all those rocks?
Grenn: Was it a long fall? Did landing in the pool of water save his life?
Eddison: No. He was dead already, from that axe in his head. Still, it was pretty lucky, missing the rocks.

Why is Bran being shown history. Jon snows parentage is important to viewers by why does Bran need to know?

>Hopefully by season 8 you fucking retards will be done crying over Stannis.

I'M NOT CRYING! OMFG *holds back tears*

I just think it was shittily written, and it was. Stannis losing and dying is fine with me, but it sucked because it was anti-climatic and had no impact on anything.

A plot-line that resolves itself without a satisfying conclusion or real-pay off is a plot-line you might as well drop from your story. It was a total waste of time.

top fucking kek

Not much, unless they draft the wretched of the earth of KL, which is a bad idea. I suppose the idea is not to recruit only from the Crownlands but from the entire kingdom according to some proportional key.

it just doesn't seem fair that people that good got killed because of one slip (or less) and she gets to live doing all this stupid shit

I'm not certain what it is in the books. Probably somewhere around 10k? Maybe 15k?

Because he has to know his enemY: Jon/ Azhor Azhai

i miss him :'(

This, it's dumb af the crown doesnt have a professional standing army loyal only to the king.


I agree with you on the writing front. I'm more upset that after a year every thread consists of one post about this shit, most of the time it's multiple, yall need to move on.

Next episode is called Oathbreaker so watch Stannis be alive and Brienne broke her Oath and didn't kill him.

>mfw instead of Lady Stone Heart we have fucking Stannis Stone Heart instead


Russia will win. Again. Aaaaaaaaagain...


To be fair this was the state of affairs in Europe for hundreds of years. Not to say it makes much sense, but in order to raise a professional standing army you need a significant amount of resources as well as a bureaucratic-logistical-technical mechanism which is not trivial.

>Wow user, you're funny just like that Imp guy!

Book Edd is a meme character. Show Edd is great now that he has screen time.

Not to mention the politics of it of course.

is young ned going to use ice in the TOJ scene, because that would be both awesome and retarded



I can't sleep in strange places.

>I washed his body 50 times

>using a ceremonial execution blade in the combat

That's too much even for Dabid

Very low energy

Who fulfills the role of palace guards? Is it the gold cloaks? Seems like a huge liability.

I want her to fail miserably as well. She never earned anything, everyone does everything for her. She's just an entitled idealist who thinks the world should re-order it's self to her liking like she's some sort of goddess because 'muh draguns'.

What potential? She's literally a moeblob magical girl plot device character who shits up every book with her boring chapters about how super special and good she is.

A professional standing army would be great, but it costs money that the Iron Throne doesn't have because it's in severe debt. I guess the king could raise taxes on its subjects to pay off part of its debts and put an army together, but raising taxes might not be easy considering the situation in Westeros. And anyway, loyalty has to be earned if it can't be bought, and who's really going to give a fuck the king now that he's just some kid and his main support aside from possibly Jaime is a bunch of retards or psychotics.

Term is shota, user.

Yep the city guards.

Isn't it the King's Guard? / Lannister's personal guard?

Imagine being a small noble who gets convinced that joining the Night's Watch will get him loads of pussy and then finds out that you can't fuck a girl and if you do there's the death penalty. Edd is still butthurt about that, as is right.

Why didn't Osha's crew join up with Mance Rayder's army again?

Mance is an irrelevant twink, so no.

>That's too much even for Dabid


Plus lannister men are there two. Ned brings some northmen with him when he comes down as hand.

KG is the persobal body guard, not the general paramilitary force guarding the castle.


Of course there are the soldiers of the respective houses too, but it's not their designated professional duty.

>Imagine being a small noble who gets convinced that joining the Night's Watch will get him loads of pussy

Literally Theon when he's considering taking the black and surrendering Winterfell.

>“I do not speaking of running, take the black….Ser Rodrik has served House Stark all his life, and House Stark has always been a friend to the Watch. He will not deny you. Open your gates, lay down your arms, accept his terms, and he must let you take the black.”

>A brother of the Night’s Watch. It meant no crown, no sons, no wife…but it meant life, and life with honor. Ned Stark’s own brother had chosen the Watch, and Jon Snow as well.

>I have black garb aplenty, once I tear the krakens off. Even my horse is black. I could rise high in the Watch—chief of rangers, likely even Lord Commander. Let Asha keep the bloody islands, they’re as dreary as she is. If I served at Eastwatch, I could command my own ship, and there’s fine hunting beyond the Wall. As for women, what wildling woman wouldn’t want a prince in her bed? A slow smile crept across his face. A black cloak can’t be turned. I’d be as good as any man . . .

I would go to war for this.

She has potential to drive the story along and have chapters that aren't boring once she finally fucking gets to Westeros. Dany doesn't have to be a likeable character to be effective in the story.

It does kind of annoy me that the book and the show are both implying Dany is any good, though. For example, what the fuck do Varys and Tyrion see in her? Hey, let's have an entitled bitchy tyrant from the half-crazy Targ family complete with dragons. What can possibly go wrong.

So why again was Varys loyal to Aerys, and to the Targaryen in general?

Did Dayne not fight with two swords in the book or what are you all so upset about? What does it matter really, if he's the greatest swordsman ever then surely he can dual wield if the situation calls for it, no?

It has to do with the history and culture of Westeros. The Targs should have reformed shit when dragons died, but they were too shortsighted and confident in their dynasty. By the time the War of Five Kings was getting close, it was too late.

Joff mentions this and he was right, but Cersei was also right that it would be impossible to make Northmen take up arms against their own.

This fuck-up was on the Targs.

There's like 7 members of the Kingsguard bro. They can just about cover one doorway 24/7.

>And you're just like Varys. Because you have no cocks!

Shame GRRM didnt copy the roman early principate model with praetorians as the palace guard and the germanic guard as the king's personal bodyguards.

Because he has no cock.

Is Theon legit retarded

What if he identifies as a girl though?

what is littlefinger up to?


Yeah, you guys are right. I was remembering back to season 1/book 1 and I felt like in the red keep we mostly only saw Lannister guards.

He's not loyal to Targaryens in particular, he is loyal to Dany who happens to be one, because he believes in her.

He simply didn't like killing children and wanted a failsafe in case Robert proved a disaster, so he may have saved Aegon.

men, prepare my things

Stockpiling grain/allies for the winter for his big power play.

Most of the Black Brothers break that oath. As long as they never wed or let it get in the way of duty, it is fully tolerated. Otherwise there would be literally no Nights Watch.

It was planned by Joffrey and will probably be continued by Tommen. As insane as Joffrey is, he had some good ideas. If Lannisters win, you will see a more united and less retarded kingdom. A kind of an absolute monarchy. The downside is that this united Westeros would only consist of Crownlands, Stormlands, Westerlands and MAYBE the Reach.

If Dany wins you'll have Aerys II aka 'do as I say or you get fucking burned'. If Stannis won you'd have something similar to Lannister victory except a lot less people would support him.

He's just trying to convince himself it's a good life. A few lines later he's like "oh yeah Jon Snow is in the Night's Watch and will probably murder me for everything I've done."

>hot pockets
>piss bottle
>mlp figurine collection

He'll swoop in and reveal to everyone that Jon is a Targaryen with Rhaegar's will

Would it make sense for the king to hire the golden company or unsullied as his own army? In general, not the current timeframe.

Not always!

One of the reasons we french neglect whenever explaining why France was a successful medieval country is that the Kings weren't reluctant to shit on their unruly vassals. Look at every war strewn across the medieval ages for France, and you'll find that they also were a case of foreign forces siding with rebellious french vassals (for example, Anglo-French: Germans and englishmen, siding with the rebellious duchy of Burgundy; Hundred Years' War: englishmen siding with the duchy of Toulouse and Britanny, etc...). The power of those vassals were even more lessened once the "Fronde" occurred where some vassals attempted to assassinate the french King, and the french minister Richelieu basically tore down each medieval fortress those nobles had, basically preventing them from ever rebelling again (hence why France has so few medieval castles remaining nowadays).

So nah, it wasn't that spread out across all of Europe. In fact, I'd argue that the countries that survived the Middle Ages, and emerged as united countries were in fact those with kings that knew to fuck their vassals (so looking at France, England where the kings had no qualms about being ruthless with unloyal vassals, Spain I suppose; while meanwhile countries like Poland and Germany that were ruled by an oligarchy of nobles were far less successful).

So with strong Targaryen rulers and their dragons, Westeros is going to recede back into its original "7 kingdoms format".

I hope this makes sense. Apologies, english isn't my first language ;-;.