What is your favorite TNG episode from season one?

What is your favorite TNG episode from season one?

How could you even?

Conspiracy is the only decent episode.

I especially enjoy that Gene was adamant on making sure nothing was actually Starfleet's fault so his dumb vision of the future was preserved, but was totally fine with unarmed aliens getting gunned down

1. The Neutral Zone
2. The Big Goodbye
3. Conspiracy
4. Datalore
5. The Arsenal of Freedom

That costume made Deanna look so stacked

If you have Netflix, watch the documentary "Chaos on the Bridge" on instant streaming. It's cool look at the behind the scenes on TNG the first few seasons, with a pretty critical view of Gene Roddenberry's involvement on TNG.

Funfact: Q was created by Roddenberry


>there are people who fell for the 'early TNG is bad' meme
>there are people who fell for the 'VOY is bad' meme
>there are people who fell for the 'ENT is bad' meme

I think the season 1,2 being bad is a funny meme when some of the best episodes come from those seasons.

Conspiracy and Where No One Has Gone Before are the only ones even approaching watchable.

Season 2 is underrated and has quite a few good episodes. Season 1 is pure shit.

Justice, Haven, The big goodbye,coming of age, were the only bad episodes, care to add any faggot?
Protip: any deviation and you will be a wannabe try-hard just parroting what redditors and plebs say.

Are you talking about ENT?

Average episode rating /10:

S3: 7.35
S4: 7.2
S6: 7.08
S5: 6.92
S7: 6.88
S1: 6.72
S2: 6.64

take the wesley scenes and wesley centric episodes out and S1 and S2 would be near the top.
Get wrecked noob

Just clarifying that those are collated from my own ratings of all of the episodes, so are obviously personal preference.

Yes, if you alter what is in the episodes, the quality would change. You're very clever.
Also, neither Unnatural Selection nor Shades of Gray were Wesley-centric, and they were the two worst episodes in the first two seasons.

the episode of amazon women where men were all subservient manlets instantly made me want to be sandwiched in between fat ass season 1 troi and that hot vulcan scientist

>very clever
If you're being sarcastic you should realize there is literally nothing wrong with season1 TNG except for wesley in fact you're basically admitting that the episodes are far greater than any other season if it werent for wesley.

That's how good those episodes are even the worst thing in television history couldn't even bring down TNG season 1.

Those 2 episodes you mention are from season 2, I'm really only arguing season 1 here.
Do you want me to argue season 2?
People are defending it already so I don't really care to argue that point.

Also, just for the sake of argument (and autism), here are the IMDb average ratings /10 per season:

S6: 7.71
S5: 7.59
S3: 7.56
S4: 7.53
S7: 7.2
S2: 6.88
S1: 6.79

>keeping plebbitors out of my season1&2
I'm okay with this

They have this strange imprimatur that keeps them from being pure trash. But they're pretty rough.

it's true, everyone that i ever got into the show hated wesley, but loved the fuck outta the show.

I think you're trying a little too hard.

Also the worst episode of Season 1 was Code of Honor and that was Tasha-centric.

How exactly does the holodeck work? Could I program it so I can have a foursome with Troi, T'pol and Seven? And would it be considered offensive since they're just lines of code and none of it is real? I mean I'd imagine 99% of the programs in it are of female crewmembers being huge sluts and guys just fuck them there.

There's an emphasis on exploration and wonder and the unknown that season 1 had that later season lost. I really liked that, but I don't see how anyone can argue that the writing, acting (Stewart aside) and production quality was anything but god awful.

>Code of Honor
Hahaha I'm glad you said that.

You basically fell for the whole "omg it was racist so we have to pretend it was a bad episode"

Protip: they're not saying it was a bad episode for the viewer, but rather they're saying it was bad in terms of racial tension.

shows how brainwashed you are over the S1 and S2 bad meme.

How does a holodeck 30 feet square let two people get miles away from each other?

Not him but it's a contrived mediocre hostage situation episode. Not an ounce of interest or excitement.

I didn't dislike it because it was "racist", I disliked it because it was shit. Tasha is crap, and S1 struggles a lot because of her - just like S2 struggles a lot because of Pulaski.
Also, Worf wasn't even in CoH which just takes points off immediately.

I don't allow the opinions of others to influence my own. I watched the show and I judged it accordingly. What a terrible episode that was.

And I don't think S1 and S2 are bad - just not as good as the others. I gave the lowest season a 6.64 which is still a good score out of 10.

>Could I program it so I can have a foursome with Troi, T'pol and Seven?

yes but if Geordi finds out he'll berate you and call you a pathetic loser

then he will fire up his waifu program lol

Haven, that dinner scene is the funniest thing in television history.

Or the one where redshirt geordi and worf are left in command of the enterprise and they actually divise a clever strategy for defeating a superior enemy.

Season 1 is true pleb filter.

If other people knew about it, they'd frown on it. Barclay got caught doing it with Troi one episode.

And of course the holodeck techs/jizz moppers would know.

Voyager is debatable. It had a great premise and potential that they never really develop. I t has some great episodes that justify its existence, but it had a lot working against it.

I have no idea, I mean it's a virtual world that allows you to feel stuff right, which is why safety off can kill you like the brain shuts down or something? Some sort of major hallucination? Like you think you're moving a mile but in real time you're moving an inch?
That's alright I'm pretty sure I can take him. Then I'll program his waifu into it and fuck her in front of him.
>implying that wasn't his program
and then john was a hologram
Imagine being assigned holodeck jizzmop-- I mean sanitation officer.


TNG is too beige

DS9 is too brown

TOS is nice and colorful

ENT actually looks like a real space ship interior

Season 2 had the writer's strike that caused old scripts for phase 2 to be dusted off, and why we got a clip show for the season finale.

>Imagine being assigned holodeck jizzmop-- I mean sanitation officer.
This has been settled time and time again. Everything in the holodeck that isnt a hologram is teleported into the matter reclamation system for use in the replicators.

In my headcanon it forms a box around each person and projects something different for each to create the illusion of distance. In that case I guess it would have to behave sorta like a treadmill to prevent people from physically traveling too far.

Thats not headcannon. Thats how it is explained in universe.

>teleported into the matter reclamation system for use in the replicators.
>troi will never eat your recycled semen
why even live

on the flipside:

>you will never eat Worf's recycled dank gagh logs

feels good man

The one where Homer joins the Stonecutters

keep off the grass lol