any good or just babadook tier?
Any good or just babadook tier?
Witch is great. Best horror movie I've seen in a long time, but thats probably not saying much. No jump scares so if you're into that sort of stuff you won't like this.
Haven't seen Babadook, movies Sup Forums loves are generally terrible so I don't rush out to see them.
It's good
The greatest, sexiest ass of all time. She has the best ass I've ever seen in my life.
tense atmosphere, good acting, interesting story and great cinematography
>Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "C–" on an A+ to F scale
fucking normies
That ass was the highlight of the film. Truly a travesty that it got such little screentime.
its the best sort of horror.
Far greater than Babadook
An all-time classic horror film.
I recommend it.
>tfw there was no literal witch
>the witch was Thomasin's other persona
>she suffers from multiple personality disorder in a time when men and woman feared everything, and the devil was literally around the corner
>the entire farm was riddled with ergot fungus, which causes hallucinations in people who eat it
>evidenced by the rotten corn, and bread they ate on the farm
>tfw the people only died after Thomasin's perceptions were removed, when her witch persona took over
>she killed the baby, left her brother to die, killed the twins, killed her father, and lashed out at her mother
>tfw she sodomized a goat
>tfw there was no witch's coven in the end, it was just her going out into the wilderness and having her insanity take over
>tfw there was no literal witch
you're fucking retarded lad
This movie makes babadook look like utter trash and I liked the baba right when it came out.
Also, just an absolutely perfect ass.
>look mom I posted it again!
stop trying to force this you idiotic lonely faggot
Is there a torrent without the chink hardsubs?
>that edge and projection
>le edgy and projecting meme because I'm fucking stupid
Just get out.
Great. And now that quality rips are out, make sure you watch it with subtitles.
When I saw it in the theater, I had a hard time understanding what they were saying made worse because niggers next to me kept talking throughout the movie.
>Ironic shitposting
Take your own advice, faggot
you don't have to tell me you're stupid, I know you are
>it was all le dream
Do you work for Cracked?
The ergot theory was on my mind too when they said that their crop was diseased
There's a few jump scares but it's mostly relying on atmosphere
What's the message here?
Very good. Great narrative momentum, really measured, every scene counted. And I love Thomasin!
>make sure you watch it with subtitles.
This is absolutely vital. I had to stop the kino to download em, but really, don't attempt without.
Why is the goat so smug, pham?
>Why is the goat so smug, pham?
bc hes alpha as fuck
>"If we wanted him to be doing something violent, he wanted to go to sleep. If he was supposed to be standing still, he was running around like a madman," Eggers recalls. He credits Ford, the film's editor, with piecing together whatever usable footage they had into the acclaimed performance.
>No one in the cast had a rougher time with Charlie than Ralph Ineson. A veteran British actor with a bassy voice and large, aristocratic features, Ineson, 46, had to drop 30 pounds to play the family patriarch, a starving farmer. That left him at a distinct disadvantage when he was called upon to wrestle Black Phillip, as dictated by several scenes in the script.
>"I didn't have a lot of gas in the tank, really," Ineson says of sparring with the beast, who weighed about 50 pounds more than him. "He was horrible. Really, really horrible. From the moment we set eyes on each other it was just kind of hate at first sight. He had two modes: chilling out and doing nothing, or attacking me."
>On the fourth day of filming, Charlie rammed his serrated horns into Ineson's ribs, dislodging a tendon. "Everything hurt," Inerson recalls. "I spent the rest of the five-week shoot on painkillers."
That goat really was the devil
>Hear this movie is good.
>Go see it with friends
>"Dost thou decree thine unholy alliance henceforth?"
"Father, Dost though deny that I've commited myself upon the lord?"
>Mine own daughter doth worship for naught
why is she so cute anons
I don't think the letter W existed back then
Babadook was good. I'll give this one a try.
>running time 1h33m
Fucking yes. Why is almost everything 2h+ these days?
PLease someone post her ass
post it
tfw you will never be a boy that's kissed by a hot witch
babadook is great
so i don't get it, are you asking if it's good or great?
>you will never live deliciously
Would you sign the book, right now, anons?
I don't know how
if it meant sexy witches will rape me, then yes, yes I would sign it
I'll guide your hand
Man, those last few minutes are gleefully amazing
The second the goat responded, it's like the movie kicked into a higher gear. I didn't expect it at all. I want to watch it again with the knowledge that Black Phillip is Satan and everything being done is to separate Thomasin from her family and tempt her to serve him.
She really turns into this sexy little minx doesn't she?
Agreed on both points. Expected a suitable denouement, she in her mania talks to the goat, in vain, who of course does not respond...Nope! It fucking does, and how. And yeah, certainly another viewing w/ that in mind is in order.
Yeah, awesome turn from chaste and meek to living deliciously, although I guess there were fleeting glimmers of it throughout.
I saw a rabbit on my way home from the theater right after seeing the movie. Scared the shit out of me.
Pic related is rabbit.
He's completely ignoring you.
Ye should have trailed in pursuit.
>Black Phillip!, Black Phillip!
Nah, you Reddit plebster retard. what makes this movie so great is that it didn't fall back to your edgy "lel it was all just a dream/in your head/it was her/him all along because of schizophrenia lol xD" trope.
Now take another sip of your Plebdora wine, you clown.
probably not even her ass, but another woman
it's real to me
I just want an alpha bro like Black Philip to roam my estate and scare people away and sit with me by the fire for manly belly rubs.
Yeah I don't think that's what Black Phillip ends up doing to these bitches.
>being this retarded
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Go kill yourself you stupid fuck.
Enjoy your ban
Yeah, duh. I don't mean I actually want Satan in the form of a goat, just an alpha goat like him, without the prince of darkness imbuing his spirit.
project harder. 5 anons have already attested you severe retardation. your mom and dad must be siblings for you being THIS dumb.
Goats are violent, sadistic dipshits that cuddle as much as they violently ram you in the gut.
>A crown grows out his head!
>5 anons have already attested you severe retardation
>retards on a cartoon image board can give a solid medical diagnosis
>meanwhile, they miss everything in the movie they're watching
>le projecting
lol, sorry you're retarded user
you can't pack all those tropes into one trope. Obviously this movie went way, way, WAY over your head
I think that's any goat. They like to headbutt shit.
Rams are even more aggressive I believe. There's a series of videos dedicated to "Rambro" on youtube, a ram that goes around ramming into dirtbikes, heavy machinery, people, punching bags, and anything else it sees.
It was alright. Story was a bit generic though. I wish they'd have subverted the Satanic nature of Black Phillip in some way and added some unique flavoring to the plot instead of the played out "sign for the devil" deal.
Wrong crop f@m, ergot grows on rye.
the father knew the whole time, right?
Yeah, he's a little bastard.
ayy lmao
the movie has a great atmosphere, ominous all the way through, and you never know what is coming next.
that said, at the end of the day its not the kind of movie everyone will enjoy, but I loved it and thought it was amazing
>I will never spend most of my time in a forest with a ram that just wants to fuck my shit up
Why is life worth living?
It's pure goat shit. Don't let Sup Forums trick you into watching this.
They keep talking about that perfect ass in the movie. That ass is shown for 5 milliseconds from 10 kilometers away, so don't waste your time waiting for it.
Fuck off faggot
Legitimately eery, but gimmicky and derivative. And the ending is shit.
>ywn fuck Thomasin deliciously
Not a great film but the two adult actors are top-tier and elevate the movie beyond what it should be.
There are strains of ergot that crow on corn, and the director/writer has flat-out said it's ergot on their corn.
muh real witch fags BTFO
Quick google search
>So you won’t tell us whether Thomasin was evil all along, or only becomes desperate at the end?
No offense, if that was anyone’s reading, but for people who think Thomasin was evil all along: “Once upon a time there was a story of a witch”—that’s the movie, and that’s not a very interesting story. So I will say that much.
But there are clues about different interpretations. So, for example, the rot on the corn is ergot, which is a hallucinogenic fungus, so if you wanted to take that route, you could. It’s not necessarily my route, but there are multiple ways in.
>It’s not necessarily my route, but there are multiple ways in.
I don't see him saying it's all a hallucination, just that people could interpret it that way
I didn't say he said it was all a hallucination, though, or anything about the film's interpretations. I said that he has said it's ergot on the corn, and that there are strains of ergot which grow on corn. Both are true.
I like both interpretations tbh fam, I just like watching the autists on Sup Forums have a meltdown about someone having another opinion
Excluding all the ESL's here, who actually had trouble understanding the dialogue? Are you telling me that Sup Forums, one of Sup Forums's most sophisticated and patrician boards, can't understand Elizabethan English?
the dad mumbles like 40% of his dialogue. Comprehending is mostly easy, but its hard to tell what they're saying sometimes without subs.
i know im late
Creepy, not at all scary. Nice acting and the way the whole thing plays out is pretty well done, but people are blowing how scary it was way out of proportion. Its like seeing an old woman with a face like someone whos on their death bed when youre walking down the street, it doesnt make you run behind cover and cry for help, you just think "that was kindof spooky" but after the moment has passed all the fear is completely gone, the movie had a creepy vibe to it but ultimately did nothing with it in my opinion. At least it wasnt jump scares.
I watched it on my tv, and I had difficulty. Watching a little bit on my computer, I think I understand it better.
>paying to watch a movie in a fascist movie theater that doesn't care about your autism, darkophobia, or showerphobia
No, of course he didn't. He was a fool.
>you know, I think that goat might be the devil
Just watched it based on this thread. Trash. 7/10.
Truly a litmus test of taste. The shit tier opinions slandering this film reflects the piss poor taste of neo-tv today.
>tfw watched this movie a couple days before taking acid
of course it would cross my mind whilst tripping and make me rather uncomfortable, especially with my religious upbringing
>tfw no witch gf who practices casting all kinds of vile hexes and curses on you to torment you for all eternity
>called a ram
>it rams things
holy fuck its like pokemon