Red phone boxes are iconic

Red phone boxes are iconic

Now they areuseless because of mobile phones

Turn them into wifi hotspots now

Same iconic look



There's no need to block noise so keeping the look is nonsensical.

they could be used as panic/sucide booths, since you mentioned "blocking noise". just get in and be peaceful

People like the look

I have never seen a functional phone booth in Sweden, only in Germany and the US.

We actually have some but I never used one.

I like them, they're yellow and rounded.

We turned some of ours into public bookshelves.

Then again, who reads books?

Could you just stuff people in them and tell them they'll explode if they open the door?

I still see them around, especially in suburbs that have a large aged pensioner population.

wtf if we do this in France people would just think it's toilet and pee over the books.

Public Toilets

Tbh when searching that image, there also was a vandalized book-boorh on the first page.


put a urinal in there, that's what people use them as anyway

Turn them into anonymous butter knife disposal units

Turn them into a vending machine

They are disappearing pretty fast these days.

My school use to have 8 of them for students to use, but by the time I graduated they got removed because almost everyone had a cell phone.

You may still see a couple around public transportation hubs or government buildings.

They're already being used as toilets lad

Me and my m9s use them as joint rolling booths when the weathers bad after nights out

One of these in good condition goes for a lot of money these days - like £5000+.

Makes sense.

We started chucking WiFi on phoney bz like a few years ago because all the data plans are so shit here

When your mobile runs out of battery power, public phones are useful. I want public phones to remain.

They could have charging slots and have a small power bank vending machine.