Drank too much wine and brandy. AMA

Drank too much wine and brandy. AMA

Why won't you fuckers say anything

You all are faggots

Dubs deserves a reply

your thread is bad and you should feel bad. KYS

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Do you ever try to massage your prostate

Why were you drinking so much op? Gril prob? Boi prob?

This is like the one fucking time I'm able to use this goddamn gif.

Girl probs user. Gave up literally the best gril anyone on this board could ask for.
Thanks for asking user

No wtf

Got dumped today

I would checkum but singles


Fake op only deals in dubs

Cute, never looked at chads. Only ever saw me. Took her virginity. Wanted to marry me. Wanted everything with me

>drank too much wine and brandy
ew man what the fuck?

Don't worry OP, deepthroating takes time to learn without hiccups.

Sounds clingy and mane maybe you too young. You'll get over her this is part of growing up.

Not like the idea of marriage?

Don't mix wine with other shit, I mix liquors all the time but wine doesn't play nice, wine is its own drug.

Also in general don't drink too much stupid.

Also next time you drink too much don't post pictures on Sup Forums. It's okay this time, you have my permission, but for future reference 420chan has a /hooch/ board that would love to see your puke selfies.

Thanks user