ITT: it's September 10th, 2001

ITT: it's September 10th, 2001

Anyone have a GameShark?

Why? Are you in the mood to be a faggot that bad?

where is all the money that isn't accounted for??? Stupid CIA

Speaking of fags.... When is gay mairrage going to be legal?

Sheesh... Gotta go to work tomorrow. Can't complain when I have to best office in the world at the WTC

Oh boy, me and my entire class are going to visit the world trade center tomorrow, I'm so excited

If I knew sept 11th was going to happen I probably would of snuck up to the top of one of towers and based jumped after a plane slammed into it. Or If I knew I wasn't going to die I'd jump off as the tower started collapsing. That would be quite a sight to behold.

You seem like ok guys, don't go to the Pentagon tomorrow

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly is on TNT tomorrow.

Seriously. Was home from school watching it when I found out the towers were hit.

Harry Potter movie comes out in two months.



Something TERRIBLE is going to happen!

......a BLACK guy is going to be president!!!

I have come back from the future to tell you that the planes will crash into the Twin Towers tomorrow.

Hahaha, what are you talking about man...are you high?

Gentlemen I come do you wall with news! Tomorrow September 11, 2001 around 9 AM, in the World Trade Center will be in flames. And by the way game marriage will be legal until 2015. It just kind of became an overnight thing...i guess.

You watched spiderman yet? Green goblin dies in the end lmao

Damn, I LOVE carrying large pointed objects on planes.

Nice joke faggot.... Go take your pills

Sorry, ever since the accident I have random black outs followed by visions. Probably nothing to worry about though.

When Dumya finally steps down from power.


Take off your tin foil hat

Hey guys, George here with a friendly reminder that whatever anyone says, jet fuel DOES melt steel beams. Have a great day!


Not a faggot; wasnt gonna.

I stay away from Florida entirely.

Nintendo really outdid themselves with this Super Mario Sunshine!

Yo you got vice city on the ps2 yet? Shit insane. You can do anything in that game

Cant wait for tomorrow
Gonna fly for the first time!

What would it take for Americans to get excited about going to war?
Also, have you seen that show Fear Factor? It's got that guy Joe Rogan from News Radio.

I'm telling you guys, girls with feminine penises are the way of the future

Haha me too! Will it be American Airlines?


Hi... I'm here from the future to tell your poor ass to invest everything you have into stocks on the 13th.

*I call in to work and tell them I celebrate privately*

What flight are you gonna be on?!

I've got a big mission tomorrow/b/ros. The Saudis have trained me well

>makes sure turban and white cloth suit is wrinkle free

Anyone wanna trade some pokemons on the Gameboy?

My father is coming home from Saudi Arabia tomorrow!

Yes! Flight 11 from Logan airport. Going to see family in LA :)

Twitter didn't exist yet retard

American Airlines flight 11 heading towards LA. Going to start a new life in LA. Looking forward to my first plane ride ;D

Happy I get to meet my 72 virgins tomorrow.

Holy shit me too


im 5 and wat is this



Twitter was launched in 2006 you dumb fuck

Lol what a newfag falling for poor bait

Good luck with that mission! I wonder what it is?

>He's the proof that an idiot can be the main comedian of USA.
>Also a proof that he was a puppet and that he didn't know shit

Sure does feel like summer in here

You know I gave up all hope of getting that position at the WTC... but Omar is right I deserve it! I'm gonna head there tomorrow and show them i'm worth the position!

If he was an idiot, he wouldn't have won a second term easily


Nah man, all I got is a crash game for ps1 :(

>Hello, yes, I'd like to increase the insurance policy on my property at 1 World Trade Center plaza.
>Yes, I know I increased it to 3.5 billion a few weeks ago; but I need more.
>What, what do you mean it won't kick in till next week? I need it now, what possible good could it do me next week?

Anyone hear the spice girls or backstreet boy's new albums? Shit gnarly dudes

Hey guys, we don't know where $2.5 Trillion dollars is lololololol.

>game marriage will be legal until 2015
Damn, I was really looking forward to me and Sonic's 15th anniversary

lets develop a website where losers and degenerate can hang out.. we can call it Sup Forums

Lol I wish Donald Trump would run for president or something... As silly as that sounds. But I really think he'd make a food president.

My brother was just born today. I sure hope the twin towers don't get attacked.

That'll never catch on

Hey my name is Christopher Poole. Give me a couple of years... I'm on it. I'll call myself "moot" from now on.

>food president


It's a surprise you passed second grade, idiot.

Hey have you guys heard about this Osama Bin Laden guy? Dude was kicking ass against the Soviets, just like those cool Mujahadeen in Rambo III. I wonder what he's up to these days.

Watching Rocky 3 sure makes me wish we still had the Soviet Union around, living without an existential threat feels weird, like I've been wondering if maybe we don't need to spend so much on defense anymore or if maybe we should put more controls on our intelligence agencies?

What do you guys think?

Who is this Osama bin Laden? Lmao he looks like some dirty Indian

I sure hope we find those Weapons of Mass Destruction

Do you guys ever look into these insurance documents? Silverstein was forced to take a larger policy by his underwriters. Oh and if you think multi billion dollar insurance fraud is easy to get away with, think again. Watching youtube videos is not research

Hah, like you ever leave the basement.

I really need to figure out who's gonna be on my top 8

Who said anything about insurance fraud goy?

That delivery of bombs to the WTC was a bit odd. I wonder what they need it for.


What the fuck is a sonichu?

Guys I just invested everything I have into this company called I've got a good feeling

Hitler did everything wrong.

Next time they'll get it delivered by amazon drones. Should be ok.

Plane is flying awfully low, should I be wor-

stfu you dumb faggot

u got me

aye lmao

Huh that is odd. I work for AA, and some of our passenger planes are also transporting bombs tomorrow. I wonder why...

Wow! Kids look how close we are to the twin towers! I promise we'll go see them right after the plane lands.

FINALLY! It took me FOREVER to clean the windows on these towers. Time to go home and... OH SHI-

Can't wait for Spider-Man 2 next year!

I was just born

Get a load of this guy! I'd sooner believe that sand-niggers will bomb Manhattan!



Never knew that saudis were such big fans of star wars! They really like admiral ackbar... now if only I knew what 'allahu' meant...


Remember that shitty captain America movie from a couple years back? You know, the one where he pretends to be sick and steals his friends' cars?

Yes! My birthday today. Time to turn on Dragon Ball Z and watch the exciting conclusion of Cell's battle with Gohan! What a wonderful day this shall be.

Hey Bush
Israel is about to 911 you

>he knew all along

zionist cunt