What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

He watched too many batman cartoons

People being a bit deaf

hes a spic

If you had that haircut, you'd be pissed too. Only option at that point is another haircut or bolt-gun-city.

he was sexually frustrated.


It was everyone else who has the problem. He just did what he felt like.

he couldn't drive

Who would win in a fight: Chigurh or the Driver?

Are they in an elevator?

are they near a chicken truck?

Chirugh easily. Driver was a cuck

the Nightcrawler


no weapons. Wide open space. Desert climate but at night time and at high altitude.

he didn't have a waifu

Driver was buff and more agile. I'd say him

You literally can't kill Chigurgh

It does seem like the Driver is more adept at hand to hand.

But Chigurh doesn't have to compensate for a cool, but movement-limiting jacket.

"If it bleeds, we can kill it" - Bruce Willis

>scorpion jacket in the desert
Home advantage

"Try or try not. There is no do." - Dumbledore

I dunno. That denim jacket looks kind of constricting. It's probably why he prefers to use projectile weapons as opposed to knives or his fists.

Meanwhile, the Driver seems quite content with using melee weapons. So I'd say his jacket doesn't hinder him all that much.

Blinding reflective surface to dazzle his opponents with, too.

But remember, it's at night time. Driver would be easier to spot than Chigurh.

Is the moon out? Scorpions glow in moonlight. Double disadvantage!

"You're the Devil, Herbert." - The Revenant

>The Driver
>Nightcrawler guy

What other movies have cool protagonists that are the bad guys?

High Plains Drifter. That movie's actually more ghost story than Western.