>Razorfist says that nobody hated the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos
Do you agree with this sentiment?
>Razorfist says that nobody hated the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos
Do you agree with this sentiment?
Other urls found in this thread:
No because no one fucking knows about rlm
>no one fucking knows about rlm
Is...is this bait?
the hate wasn't widespread till then but everyone knew AotC was shit when it came out
lol what
kind of
If that's how he looks I can't bring myself to care about any thoughts he might have desu
Definitely not. Watch The People V. George Lucas and see how people even at the time didn't like TPM. However many plebs liked them and still do.
However, I don't think as many people were vocal about hating them.
i don't know who that is
>youtuber nobody has heard of is butthurt about the success of other youtuber that everyone's heard of.
What a fucking shock.
the more people hate something the more patrician it actually is
i only watch movies with an imdb rating of 6 or less
Of course not. They were widely hated long before then. Razorfist is an idiot.
>the hate wasn't widespread till then
RLM is pretty popular but there are a lot of people who hate the prequels who have never heard of RLM.
Razorfist is a contrarian turbofaggot.
Embarrassing. Not even Sup Forums takes him seriously.
>a lot of people who hate the prequels who have never heard of RLM
>posts Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt is literally in RLM's feature film because he likes their content so much
Saganfan thinks the same. He is insane.
Yeah and the video is from quite a while before the TPM review. Also I posted those videos as random prequel hate before the RLM reviews, not as something specifically related to that last comment of the post.
Even when I was a kid I thought the prequels sucked except for lightsaber fighting.
Episode III is one of the few movies I've ever fallen asleep during.
I didn't need RLM to do my thinking for me.
It's mostly true. In general, pre-Plinkett, the view of the prequels was that they "weren't as good as the originals," but they weren't really hated. Jar-Jar was hated, though.
Nigger, Spaced had a whole bunch of jokes about how shit the Phantom Menace was in the second season all the way back in 2001.
Underage detected.
More likely, nobody voiced their hatred until Red Letter Media fucking slayed them in a very epic way!
I was bored/disgusted with them but never made much of a fuss about it. Then Red Letter Media comes on the scene and I started telling people to go watch their epic rip on the prequels.
Somebody in the Star Wars Advertising department is weeping their preciousness out of their butthole over RLM, that's for sure.
Heres a review written by Eli Roth in 1999
kek. I'm old enough to remember. Everybody hated it and talked about it.
>Watch The People V. George Lucas
They started making this in 2010. First Plinkett Star Wars review was 2009.
>what is spaced
>calling yourself razorfist
I was a freshman in high school when Phantom Menace first came out.
Prequel hate has been around for a while. What RLM really did was provide arguments/points beyond just DUDE JARJAR LMAO
That are mostly false, like "DUDE TOO MUCH CGI LMAO" or "DUDE NO PROTAGONIST LMAO."
But you can minimize anything to "DUDE (insert) LMAO"
Thing about the Prequels was that so many didn't have hatred for them just severe disappointment. Plinkett only put in to words what everyone already knew about the movies in their hearts. Of course it also shined a light on the sad truths of the production (i.e. Lucas not having his shitty ideas reigned in nor any external counsel on it)
Biggest tragedy of the prequels was that Spielberg wasn't involved at all. Lucas is actually a genius but he's never understood movies and people in the way that a top blockbuster director like Steven does. When Lucas was more humble his movies were so much better because he wasn't just bowling people over with every single idea that popped into his head.
>mostly false
Nah they were mostly true
I don't think that's something you can just DUDE LMAO
Which were true?
> nobody remembered the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos
fixed. The only people I know that think highly of them are guys my age who watched them when it came out and never again. We were 10 going on 11
I listen to a lot of metal but I can't stand edgy fucks that dress like that.
Yes but there is footage from before that, some after the premieres and lots of criticism was laid at them before Plinkett. The plinkett videos just collected every one into a cogent thesis of why the prequels suck
Which were false?
Fuck off razorfist, you shill Sup Forums with the same damn image. You're a faggot and you have retarded opinions.
>The film has no clear main character
>Obi-wan is boring and does nothing while Qui-gon the old master for some reason has all the control on the plot
>The characters are boring and flat
>The movie has tonal switches so fast it gives you whiplash
And that's for The Phantom Menace. It is so boring and dull. It's shot like a soap opera with very boring staging and camera work. I have no idea how anyone could feel anything then dull annoyance watching TPM. The movie does not speak the language of film.
>The film has no clear main character
Qui-Gon Jinn is the protagonist.
>Obi-wan is boring and does nothing
He's not the main character.
>Qui-gon the old master for some reason has all the control on the plot
That's called "being the protagonist."
>The characters are boring and flat
>The movie has tonal switches so fast it gives you whiplash
It's really only guilty at that at very end, and only when it comes to Kenobi losing Jinn (and then switching back to more lighthearted fighting). Minor nitpick at best.
Rest of what you have to say is just subjective and not really a truth. You didn't like a thing and can't understand how someone could. Yeah, okay?
>this sloppy defense that doesn't even cover half of what that guy was talking about
lel, it's fine if you like the Prequels but they are objectively not well made
I don't like the prequels. At the same time, I recognize that the Plinkett reviews have things in them (like "no protagonist") that simply aren't true.
This guy while I enjoy some of his content is completely bongers. He`s views on politics are the opposite of SJW in a very bad american kind of way.
Also people hated the prequels back then like many have pointed out
>Patton Oswalt is literally in RLM's feature film because he likes their content so much
and then his wife died. Let that be a lesson to all of you
fuck off swedecuck
Okay, but having Qui-gon be the protag is retarded. Why in a trilogy would you have your main character in the first movie die, and not give any development to the guy who's supposed to replace him? In what fucking world would you take the bridge between your trilogies and NOT make them the main character? No instead lets give it to his morally dubious master instead, a character who was never even mentioned before. Qui-gon is stupid. People bitch about Rey but Qui-gon is the biggest mary sue in the fucking galaxy
He's one of those retarded libertarians? Not surprised.
>The characters are boring and flat
Don't forget that right after The Phantom Menace came out South Park did an episode that relentlessly mocked it. Countless people hated the prequels when they came out. This "everyone loved the prequels until RLM shit on them" bullshit is revisionist history.
Agreed to some degree. Qui-Gon isn't the best protagonist because we don't get to know that much about him and we don't really get a character arc with him where he grows as a character like Luke did. As an audience, even if we like Jinn (and I do, I think he's one of the better parts of TPM), we can't really relate to him or make a connection with him.
As far as being a Mary Sue, not really. He fails to detect the trouble on the ship at the beginning, fails at doing the mind trick on Watto, relies on others to solve problems (despite being the one who makes the choices), and ultimately loses to Maul twice (barely makes it out the first time, dies the second time). Him not being a Mary Sue doesn't make him a good protagonist (see previous paragraph), though.
Thing is, "Qui-Gon is a bad protagonist" is an opinion that can be supported with facts and observations. Meanwhile, "there's no protagonist" is just false, which is one of the reasons why I say the Plinkett reviews make a lot of false points.
>right after
The creators of South Park started making fun of it the moment they heard "wesa gonna die" (or however they said the line) in the trailer. They were one of the few who knew it would suck in advance if I remember right.
I always hated them. RLM helped me figure out WHY I hated them. It was a kind of therapy for me.
They made fun of and hated Jar-Jar, like most people did at the time.
>Lucas is actually a genius
Lucas has directed six films in his entire career, one was ok, two of them was pretty good for the time (even though they were basically ripoffs in many ways) and three of them were absolutely terrible in every way possible.
Lucas is actually a very bad director and writer, the only reason that he was successful is because he had actually talented people guiding him and fixing all of his mistakes. When the fixers were taken away and he was given creative control, you saw the real george lucas.
Razorfist is an autistic piece of shit. He loves to tear apart popular stuff but he gets extremely defensive if you critique him or something he likes. He's pretty much a metalhead version of Spoony who LOVES thesaurus.
>Plinkett reviews make a lot of false points.
That's not true, though.
They have like what 200k subscribers?
Yea they were a rage a few years back with plinkett reviews of Star Wars, but no one aside from star wars fans saw them,
It is, though, as has been demonstrated in this thread.
Hell no. People have been hating on the prequels since they were first released. People HATED the Phantom Menace. It was all over popular culture to hate them. Jar Jar is even bashed in Batman Beyond.
I remember sitting in the theater at midnight for Episode III and thinking, "the first two sucked, maybe this one will be better." It was. Slightly.
I distinctly remember John Stewart shitting on them on release. Sorry, RLM Shills.
>It is, though, as has been demonstrated in this thread.
Yeah, so 3 reviews that are over 3 hours long were all smashed to pieces because someone sad "lawls too much cgi" All he does is point out very obvious storytelling flaws and say really obvious shit. He never makes any "false points". Hell, the reason why it was popular was because it was funny, not because he was saying anything new.
>He never makes any "false points."
Thread has already resolved that he was wrong in saying TPM had no protagonist when Jinn was the protagonist.
>the reason why it was popular was because it was funny
Which doesn't mean what he said is true, just that it's funny.
And I'll agree on that. I like RLM's videos, including the Plinkett reviews, but pretending they're the Holy Bible or something and 100% true and right is just silly. Stop being such a silly fanboy. You can enjoy something more truly by admitting its faults.
I really hope people on here don't take this faggot seriously
>loves glam metal
>will autistically lash out at anyone who criticizes him in anyway
>made a video of him jerking, uploaded the video to a porn site and put his full name and phone number in the video description
>doesn't actually play the games he reviews
>loves to shit all over Yahtzee but his shtick is a blatant ripoff of Yahtzee
>I said it so it makes it true, just stop arguing
Yeah ok
>Thread has already resolved that he was wrong in saying TPM had no protagonist when Jinn was the protagonist.
He already says Gin wasn't the protagonist and explains why in the movie. Do you even understand what a protagonist is?
>Which doesn't mean what he said is true, just that it's funny.
>And I'll agree on that. I like RLM's videos, including the Plinkett reviews, but pretending they're the Holy Bible or something and 100% true and right is just silly.
They were reviews basically done as a joke, man. It's not hard to nitpick shitty movies and pointing out why they suck so hard.
>Stop being such a silly fanboy. You can enjoy something more truly by admitting its faults.
This makes no sense at all.
Except you aren't arguing. Beyond saying "nuh-uh," you've offered nothing to counter my claim that Jinn is the protagonist, as evidenced by him having control over the plot, solving most of the film's problems either on his own or by coordinating others, and being the character we spend the most time with. That's not an argument. It's hardly even trolling, because I'm just disappointed that you aren't even trying.
So you know what? There's other threads, other anons. Think whatever you want to think and have a great day, champ.
>Jar Jar was mocked/hated long before RLM.
I mean with a name like "RazorFist" I doubt they'd be too bright. Or a raging homosexual either way.
>over 16
>listening to metal
i thought the phantom menace was OK, i enjoyed pod racing and altho the light saber fights were over the top darth maul was a cool villain
in ep 2 and ep 3 they just went full retarded
I went to see the movie with my dad when it came out and he left the cinema saying it was trash.
No. What RLM did was making hating the prequels puclicly acceptable,
Was he molested as a kid? I'm not saying this to be rude or anything I'm just curious. He sure acts like it, with all the random sexual references.
more likely that he's just sexually frustrated and insecure
>trusting anything a mealhead youtube "ranter" says
Hey, there's some good metal. What Razorfist listens to is shit though. He has the taste of a twelve year old boy from 1989.
>Beyond saying "nuh-uh,"
>I think The Phantom Menace sucked more
>I think Attack of the Clones sucked more
You're telling me The Simpsons, by then already as dull and slow on the uptake, knew the prequels were shit in 2003? And the episode where they literally shit all over Lucas and his boring prequels was only made because they had gone several years into the future to watch the RLM reviews?
General rule: if someone says "everyone loved the movies back then", it's because they saw the movies between the ages of 6 and 12.
Also here is the video in question where he states that:
>over 11 minutes long
Fuck that, at what times does he talk about the prequels?
Can't tell if Spoony is looking better or worse
What a retard
well that's an incorrect way of looking at it
underage Sup Forums e celeb posters
I would say Spoony is worse looking.
around 0.53 he begins ranting
Yeah, well of course I agree with the coolest guy on the internet.
that`s not mike matei
No, generalizations like "nobody hated the prequels until RLM's Plinkett reviews" cannot and should not be stated absolutely. I had a pretty strong dislike for the prequels long before I even knew that the Plinkett reviews existed, the furthest I'd push it is that the Plinkett reviews encapsulate the vast majority of the most common complaints people have about the prequels. While I think a lot of my gripes about the prequels were included in RLM's summary, the reviews did not cause me to hate the prequels any more than I already did.
Also he has this
I genuinely have no idea who that is. He could be a rejected band mate from The sisters of Mercy for all I know.
i remember a huge hype for the first trailers, a big "meh" after release and slowly building hate towards Lucas in general.
The prequels were never liked or anything, the hate got bigger i guess but saying that nobody hated them is moronic.
personally i cant say i liked any of them.
I recently re-watched them on free tv and yeah they are bad movies, all of them are void of characters, good plotlines and the action-scenes aged worse than the matrix.
TFA isnt exactly primo kino either btw.
and thats bad?
Prequel love aside he does make a good point about TFA. The prequels weren't good but they at least tried to stand out from the originals. TFA tried so hard to be like the first movie that it ends up being forgettable.