What are your thoughts on mr. robot?

What are your thoughts on mr. robot?

Looks edgy

It's well made Fincher porn, but also hilarious because of the autistic lead and the neckbeard le anonymous angle.

Brownwashing white hacker culture by making the lead some Egyptian. It's offensive cultural appropriation.

It's breddy gud.

great until the American Psycho and Fight Club references/plagiarism become too insistent

pretty good if cringy at times

that vid makes me physically ill


Fuck this show; I got a cease and desist letter from torrenting it.

>land of the free

he literally arrested me on the first minutes of the first episode

what is with that font though???

Pretty good, even though it's blatent neckbeard-core.

Can't wait for season 2

It's pretty good. The political themes and undertones were obnoxious at times, but not unbearable. It went off the rails in the third act (last two or three episodes) by injecting a multiple-personalities plot twist that really didn't fit with the rest of the story. It would have been so much better if they dropped the psychological bullshit and focused on the espionage/thriller aspects of the show. But the first two thirds of Mr. Robot were excellent.

posting that webm makes you cringe worthy.


inb4 virgin butthurt because Elliot has sex

It's really good. Shame if never got picked up for 2nd season


Second season starts in July.

Best girl.

came here to say basically this. I really don't like the schitzo shit. I just want to see robot lad taking down corporations with his dad and crack team of professional complainers.

The whole dad being dead shit kinda turned me off of the show tbqh

Liberal propaganda.

Literally Fight Club American Psycho: Silicon valley edition.

Do the creators browse 4chins?

I like to watch it while receiving anal sex

>dev tools are open in the browser


woah u r a hackr

that's the only screen I found on google with the Sup Forums in the background.

dude wtf stop hacking before i call chink moot

a real user would have seen the red text, said 'ugh", find a torrent for the episode, download it, hate the quality, find a different torrent, download it, find the moment, screencap it, and come back to find the thread 404'd


cool you've a coffee shop with 6 gazillion mbit bandwith speed. That's why you indians always crap out rivers of poo, from coffee

Who's behind the door right at the end in the final episode, before it ends on a cliffhanger? Any speculation?

Love it, season 2 with full Bateman Wellick can't come any sooner

What did he mean by this?

Wait a minute.....So we establish that Elliot forgot his Dad and Sister.

But it's been said that his Dad died...so where the fuck has his dad been all this time? His first encounter with Elliot in Episode one was borderline stalking him throughout the city & subway. That doesn't sound like they were in contact all this time and Elliot just forgot.

So he disappeared, came back out of nowhere. Meaning he wasn't present in Elliot's life at a certain point in his teen-hood, yet there are all these modern pictures on that Disk of his father

>His first encounter with Elliot in Episode one was borderline stalking him throughout the city & subway. That doesn't sound like they were in contact all this time and Elliot just forgot.

Did you watch every episode? Elliot is probably suffering from ptsd/traumatic experience after his dad died and developed a psychotic disorder(dissociative/paranoid shizophrenia) which made him passivly forget about everything that happened to him in relation to his family

Great show that is too smart for the fans and the people that hate it

thatsa pasta

>edgy as fuck
>supposed to be a loner but he gets laid first episode

Wellick is dead is my guess.Why else would they make such a big deal about the gun in the popcorn scene?

Might appear as another figment of Elliot's imagination.

I really hope he's not dead desu, my favourite character.

well shit

All my memey pleb "friends" like it

so it must be shit

They probably like it for the wrong reasons though t-b-h

>mfw people think it's pro self-aggrandizing anti-establishment viral shit.

please more. you and the others like you on this board are funniest when you post this.

"it's not possible for anyone with social anxiety to ever have sex! I'm not just a loser I swear! What he is doing is literally impossible!"

it was so boring I can't even remember what happened in it. Elliot had multiple junkie girlfriends and an annoying sister maybe. Some boring drama with sister. Old hacker guy tried to blackmail Elliot, ok, so what? Some corporate dude had kinky sex with his mistress or wife or someone.

Random shit happens the show

took me a while to realize it but I now understand that there's a cut in that scene because that's when "Mr.Robot" takes over, pretty crafty actually.

why are girls such faggots

This hurts me


Just watched it actually.
I was mostly impressed by the technical jargon and other stuff of that nature but it had too much sex and drugs for my taste.

bitches don't know about my object inspector

can't wait for S2

>those camera angles when she finally met pepe to not show her towering over him

>The political themes and undertones were obnoxious at times

Boy howdy! It's comically heavy-handed and ham-handed. I made it through 4 episodes but couldn't take any more. I laughed a lot, but that wasn't the intent I'm sure.

I like the concept of a unreliable narrator, but by the last episodes the writers completely lost control of it.

I'm afraid they will go Life on Mars rout and give the "shocking twist" it was a dream all along.