Ghost in the Shell

Why are people too dumb to understand that a body doesn't mean a thing in Ghost in the Shell?

Kusanagi didn't even have a body of her own in the second film.

Not saying we need the GitS live-action, but the critique so far has been retarded. Kill yourself, internet.

Manga, Film, SAC, PS1 game
Everything else is shit

We need someone other than fucking scarjo. Literally can't believe she even gets parts.
I'm sure you cockgoblins want to watch another Lucy though, so fuck you.

also like 70% of all anime/manga characters (in popular series) are white anyway

What white women would you have preferred to see play the Major?


are you implying ScarJo is white?


Literally the only reason this movie is made is because scarjo+scifi= loads of money. Nobody gives one flying fuck about ghost in the shell, or creating something close to the source material. Without scarjo this movie would never in a million years be made. So stop making whiny threads about it, just don't watch it, or do, I don't give a shit.

why are people too dumb to understand that film is a visual medium and that it matters whether things look shitty and bad

Look, Scarlett is a shit actress and she's way past her prime. That's the real reason nobody wants her in the role.

>Why are people too dumb to understand that a body doesn't mean a thing in Ghost in the Shell?

The reality of Hollywood racism against Asians has nothing to do with the story of GitS. This is what people are complaining about. They don't really care about GitS.

Asians don't give a fucking shit though.

most Asians are subhuman

Most whites are brutes.

What are niggers then?

>the critique so far has been retarded

Welcome to the internet, have a nice day.

The people bitching don't care about GitS either, just their PoC social justice bullshit


not a majority of pedophiles, serial killers and have a long history of imperialism/colonialism.

they're as represented among pedophiles and serial who are you kidding

what's wrong with imperialism? most everybody came out of it better off, besides nogs who lack the capacity to make use of what's handed to them


>can't even reply correctly

kek, retard

There is no "role", because there's no movie that gets greenlight by a studio without a money draw playing the lead. It's literally a ScarJo GITS movie or no movie to begin with, so there's no point crying about who else should play the role because such a situation results in no movie to complain about.

found the buttmad nigger