Del Taco's Mountains of Madness

>Del Taco's Mountains of Madness

After reading the script, it turns out to be a good thing that it never got made. Ends with fucking Cthulhu getting summoned and wrecking shit up like a kaiju

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I want to see something like that FANTASY video but live action.

the eldritch abomination at the end of the video was really cool.

Anyone who wants Del Taco to do anything at this point is a retard.

>involving Cthulhu


A big reason that Lovecraft's works will never be faithfully translated to a blockbuster film is the MPAA. Can't have any non-christian themes which is basically any of Lovecraft's stories. Implying that there is not only no Judeau-Christian God but also that there are things more powerful in the universe completely malevolent and uncaring is a big no-no for Christfags.

>muh fundamentals

Check out this film is not yet rated. MPAA a shit

Based Ridley cucked out Del Taco from ruining Lovecraft

Cthulhu is the main reason his work will never be faithfully translated to film.

Plebs don't care about any other Lovecraft shit. They just want Cthulhu, and studios will try and force him into any story to make plebs happy.

>Ends with fucking Cthulhu getting summoned and wrecking shit up like a kaiju
>Mountains of Madness
It's shit. Mountains of Madness was good due to it's lack of action, which made the final chase with the shoggoth even more intense.The intensity being even more when you realize this thing was just a slave and the masters are no where to be seen

That said I have no doubt the mountains of madness script was good, because I think del toro would be smart enough to understand how Lovecraft's horror worked, and he probably would have given it a sick ending with the shoggoth

I have a strong feeling we'll see this movie within the next ten years.

>Ends with fucking Cthulhu getting summoned and wrecking shit up like a kaiju




newboy Lovecraft fags always focus in fucking C'thulhu, even when it makes no fucking sense for him to be there. The point of expanding the mythos is to fucking EXPAND THE MYTHOS with your own ideas, not recycle Lovecraft's one one fucking Great Old One

In the script the Shoggots worship Cthulhu and use the corpses of a few Elder Things in a ritual to summon him.

>newboy Lovecraft fags
You mean 99 percent of Sup Forums since forever, including yourself. You got into Lovecraft through Le Epic spooky cthulu threads. Now you're acting high and mighty for reading a few short stories in 8th grade.

>it's shit
>no doubt...script was good.
Well make up your mind.

I read Del Tacos script a looong time ago (maybe 2010 or 2011, when it first leaked), and I assume it's still the same as it ever was (no new drafts).

It wasn't very good. It wasn't fucking terrible, either, and would have been "more fun" than Crimson Peak for sure, but over all it left a LOT to be desired. OP is right, we get a big Cthulhu cameo at the end. They also totally botch the tent scene (where they come across the tent that had had vivisections done inside of it). What was once arguably the most intense scene in the story is squandered.

In case you're wondering how Cthulhu shows up, it because at the end of the novel when they're in the plane escaping one of the characters looks out the window and it's implied he sees one of those "masters" and goes crazy. They basically switch out the master fr Cthulhu.

Which isn't really a bad thing. Sure, according to canon Big C is on a sunken island in the pacific, but as a money shot cameo at the end rising out of the ice... it doesn't really bother me.

>EXPAND THE MYTHOS with your own ideas
No, that shit has been done and done poorly, see August Derleth.

The point of the mythos is putting together seemingly unrelated pieces into a picture of something that the mind can barely comprehend.

True Detectives is the perfect fucking example of a modern day Lovecraftian (Chamberlian?) story. I would say fuck doing a big screen movie and get Hulu or Netflix to pick up a Lovecraft Mythos based show. You can do much more in 10 hours than you can do in 2.5.

those shoggoths remind me a lot of the tentacle monster from the force awakens.

but I couldnt take that thing seriously thanks to CGI.

>you read his most famous work first, so you are not a real fan

>muh oppression by Christians

his script is basically an action movie, glad it didnt happen

>he actually believes this
>he's this retarded

Del Taco was always a hack. Only movie of his I enjoyed was Devil's Backbone.

>Implying that there is not only no Judeau-Christian God but also that there are things more powerful in the universe completely malevolent and uncaring
what are you even on about? movies like that get made all the time. literally look one post beneath yours for an good example

Lovecraft's ideas and monsters will never work on film because it would all get the Hollywood treatment and it stops being scary, and no one can do spooky atmosphere right or translate unknown threats and insanity into film in a good way.

His stuff works far, far better in video games than in film. At least in a game, you're forced to interact with stuff, and it can be scary if done right.

> God exists in the Universe

Do you think Christians believe he lives on Mount Olympus?

They believe God to be the source of being itself.

If the Christian God were part of Lovecrafts universe, there would be another implication.

>True Detectives is the perfect fucking example of a modern day Lovecraftian
Absolutely. This is the way you do it, albeit with a different ending. (Never show the "so incomprehensibly whacked out you go nuts" monsters on screen though, at least not in full view. That's just missing the point and making the characters seem like little bitches since the audience isn't going to go insane.)

>yes goy its the Christians mercilessly censoring your entertainment and preventing fun things from happening

Old Gods aren't actually "gods" though, they're just stupidly powerful aliens. You can totally reconcile the existence of the christian god with the Cthulhu mythos.

dont know man, some Carpenter movies kind of got it right. Sure, it works better in written form but I dont buy the "impossible to adapt" meme

The Call of Cthluhu game for the original Xbox was fucking spooky and did this pretty well, especially at the start. After you fight Dagon, it tapers off a bit, but when you're just visiting Innsmouth and talking to the townspeople, the atmosphere is GOAT. Another good example is Amnesia and Penumbra. You can't make Lovecraft-styled stuff if the protagonist can just shoot his way out of situations.

Justgo watch Marble Hornets nigga

Don't really care for the Del Toro shit(even though he's probably the most suited guy in Hollywood to make a Lovecraft-adaption). But I read Call of Cthulhu last week, and I'm blown away by the fact that anybody past the age of 12 can find this shit scary. The whole story is basically built on describing things dragged out of Lovecraft's asshole as things so scary and fucked up that it would somehow drive people mad seeing them. Are people actually able to buy this? Seems like a big con to me desu. "hey just hear me out about this bullshit i came up with, it's like you wouldn't even be able to percieve it, it's so fucky". I get it if you're a half retarded kid living in the 50's or something, without sufficient knowledge to write it off, but come on. Lovecraft, as far as Call of Cthulhu goes(it's the only one i've read so far), is really past it's expiration date. That being said, I would rather go see something like that, than The Avengers 5.

>In case you're wondering how Cthulhu shows up, it because at the end of the novel when they're in the plane escaping one of the characters looks out the window and it's implied he sees one of those "masters" and goes crazy. They basically switch out the master fr Cthulhu

The masters were just the elder things. I always though he saw one of the "mountains" of the second mountain range start moving.

This; atmosphere is something that games tend to pull off better than films, it has a lot to do with the explorative ability to move about in area I think.

Bloodborne was pretty much all I could ever ask for in a non-literary work of Lovecraftian fiction. It unironically killed my desire for a Lovecraft movie, in a good way.

It's honestly not one of his better stories. At the Mountains of Madness, The Music of Erich Zann, The Color Out of Space, and The Shadow Out of Time are much better.

He does a much better job of conveying his brand of horror without relying on "indescribable" monsters and shit in his later works. Even then, most of it doesn't hold up as horror but it still works as sci-fi.

It's the single most overrated story out of a pretty mediocre writer. I don't know why that's his most popular work. I guess Derleth put it on the cover of some of HPL's posthumous collections, and it became a meme.

Well, you sure make it sound dumb, but I dont think, that cosmicism or the fear of the unknowable will ever expire. It is truly not for everyone and you have to bring a lot of your own imagination and interpretations to it, but it can work rather effectively

>wow u r so dumb

It's not that I even give a shit that's just how it is. I can't be arsed to find it but there's a chronicle of horror movies and the weird specific things you aren't allowed to put in a movie if you want it to be rated fairly by the MPAA. Zombies, ghosts, and most things in horror movies are all straight from the bible. I don't even blame Christianity. The MPAA is just a fucking mafia-like organization with a long history of dicking people around to suit their weirdly specific world view.

the trailer makes it look like a generic "scientific experiment gone wrong" monster movie

Lovecraft's horror is the abject terror at the realization of the insignificance and powerlessness of humanity. Many of his stories feature characters going insane and killing themselves because they cannot live with the knowledge of the horrible things lurking out in the cosmos or in the past. Another prominent theme of Lovecraft is one of devolution or the regression of humans to an animal stage. Blood curses and ancient lineages that compel people to act in certain ways.

>In case you're wondering how Cthulhu shows up, it because at the end of the novel when they're in the plane escaping one of the characters looks out the window and it's implied he sees one of those "masters" and goes crazy
i don't know about the whole thing going crazy. Supposedly (if i have understood it correctly) people go mad because the cant process the visual information given to them. Could it still hold up in the age of information overload?

it means chluhu is xboax hueg.

>The point of expanding the mythos is to fucking EXPAND THE MYTHOS with your own ideas

ITOU JUNJI was good in that aspect. Maybe steal his ideas and make a film?

>after you fight Dagon
And that's why video games are an inferior medium.

I just wanted to say Del Taco.

I just wanted to say DelTaco, I dont know much about HB Lovecraft.

that's not even the script's biggest flaw. the whole thing reads like a retarded cross between an indian jones flick and carpenter's the thing. there's tons of quips and one-liners.

that del toro insisted that this be rated R is ridiculous.

mfw I'm actually glad he's gonna spend the next couple years remaking fantastic vayage under the watchful eye of james cameron.

>22 Jump Street: Miskatonic University

I can dig it.

Plenty of The Thing in there but I can't remeber a single quip. The whole thing was very bleak and serious.

It's actually more implyed that he saw Yog-Sotoh

which fantasy video?

>Ends with fucking Cthulhu getting summoned and wrecking shit up like a kaiju

Nothing wrong with that desu.


I thought he caught a glimpse of the city in its heyday or something.

>all this ktulu fanboyism
>muh mountains of mads
>muh shogoths

shub-niggurath romantic comedy when

impossible geometry